Martin A. Massengale

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Martin A. Massengale

Emeritus Foundation Distinguished Professor, President Emeritus and Director, Center for Grassland Studies Agronomy and Horticulture University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Lincoln NE 68583-0953
402-472-4101 On-campus 2-4101

Area of Focus: Grasslands and Associated Plants


B.S., Agriculture, Western Kentucky University, 1952

M.S., Agronomy, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1954

Ph.D., Agronomy, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1956


Research Interests

Administer and coordinate interdisciplinary research , extension, and instructional activities associated with the Center for Grassland Studies.

Major Project Activities

Main project interests are bringing people together from different disciplinary backgrounds to develop interdisciplinary and more holistic approaches and solutions to projects. Also, administrating two undergraduate majors: Grazing Livestock Systems and Professional Golf Management through the Center for Grassland Studies.

Extension Interests

Forage and Grassland Management, Turf and Landscape Materials, Wetlands and Natural Habitats

Awards and Honors

Fellow: American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America

Honorary Doctoral Degrees: Nebraska Wesleyan University; Senshu University, Tokyo, Japan

Lifetime Achievement Awards: Crop Science Distinguished Career Award, Crop Science Society of America; Outstanding Service Award, American Society of Agronomy; Midlands Man of the Year, Omaha World- Herald; Outstanding College/University President's Award

Charter Member: Hall of Fame of USDA's Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service. Dr. Massengale was inducted into this in 2004, Western Kentucky University Hall of Distinguished Alumni, Wayne County High School Hall of Fame

Other Awards:University of Nebraska–Lincoln College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources (CASNR) Alumni Association Service Award, 2009; Gamma Sigma Delta Distinguished Achievement in Agriculture Award, 2008; Professor of Year, College of Agriculture, University of Arizona; One of Outstanding Educators of America; One of ABI's Most Admired Men of the Decade; Award of Merit, Gamma Sigma Delta; Triumph of Agriculture Award; Chair, Secretary of Agriculture's National Advisory Board for Research, Extension, Education and Economics (REEE); Alpha Gamma Rho's Brothers of the Century Award; Nebraskalander Award; Distinguished Agricultural Alumnus of Western Kentucky University; Distinguished Service Award from Associated Students, University of Nebraska

Other Information

Served as a consultant to governments, agencies and universities in 14 different countries

Courses Taught

  • GRAS 495, Grasslands Seminar. Cross-listed with: PLAS 495, ENTO 495, NRES 495, PATH 495, RNGE 495, SOIL 495


  • D.J. Undersander, J.H. Bouton, and M.A. Massengale. 2009. The Road Ahead: Policy, Programs, and Progress. Chapter of book titled, "Grassland: Quietness and Strength for a New American Agriculture." 14: 235-247. Published by ASA-CSSA-SSSA; edited by Walter F. Wedin and Steven Fales.
  • Massengale, M.A. 1990. The Future of Land Grant Universities and Colleges of Agriculture Within Those Universities. J. Prod. Agr. 3:261-264.
  • Schonhorst, M.H., A.K.. Dobrenz, R.K. Thompson, and M.A. Massengale. 1980. Registration of Az-Ron Alfalfa Germplasm. Crop Sci. 20:831.
  • Cole, D.F., A.K. Dobrenz, and M.A. Massengale. 1972. Effect of growth regulator and antitranspirant chemicals on water requirement and growth components of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). Crop Sci. 11:582-584.
  • Bula, R.J., and M.A. Massengale. 1972. Environmental Physiology. Chapter VII in Alfalfa Monograph. Published by American Society of Agronomy, Madison, Wisconsin. pp. 167-184.
  • Massengale, M.A., A.K. Dobrenz, H.A. Brubaker, and A.E. Bard, Jr. 1971. Response of alfalfa (Medicago spp L.) to light interruption of the dark period. Crop Sci. 11:9-12.
  • Dobrenz, A.K., D.F. Cole, and M.A. Massengale. 1971. Yield components and leaf characteristics associated with water requirement of alfalfa. Crop Sci. 11-124-125.