Terry Riordan
Professor Emeritus Agronomy and Horticulture University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
305 BCH
Lincoln NE 68583-0736 - Phone
Area of Focus: Turfgrass
B.S., Turf Management, Purdue University
M.S., Plant Breeding, Purdue University
Ph.D., Plant Breeding, Purdue University
Research Interests
Breeding and development of turfgrasses that use less water, fertilizer, pesticides and energy than currently commercially available cultivars. For the last twenty years have focused on buffalograss, a native species that has low water and input requirements. Several seeded and vegetative cultivars have been developed and released. Information on these cultivars are available on the web at: http://www.toddvalleyfarms.com/ and http://www.stockseed.com/.
Courses Taught
Professional Golf Management
- PGMP 101 Introduction to Professional Golf Management
- PGMP 201 PGA GPTP Program
- PGPM 395 Professional Golf Management Seminar
- PGMP 498 Integration of PGM Internship Experiences
Major Project Activities
My current responsibilities in the Agronomy and Horticulture Department involve all activities related to the new Professional Golf Management major.
Extension Interests
Work with professional turf managers, primarily in the area of sod production of cool and warm season species. Also available to assist in all areas of turfgrass management with specific interest, species and cultivar selection.
Professional Memberships
ASA, CSSA, and Professional Golfers' Association of America
Referred Journal Publications:
- Budak, H, R.C. Shearman, I. Parmaksiz, R.E. Gaussion, T.P. Riordan, and I. Dweikat. (2003). Molecular characterization of Buffalograss germplasm using sequence-related amplified polymorphism (SRAP) markers. Theor. Applied Genet. 108(1)
- Heng-Moss, T.M., F.P. Baxendale, T.P. Riordan, L. Young, and K. Lee. 2003. Chinch bug resistant buffalograss: an investigation of tolerance, antixenosis, and antibiosis. J. Econ. Entomol. (In Press). Journal Series No.14106.
- Erusha, K. S., R. C. Shearman, T. P. Riordan and L. A. Wit. 2002. Kentucky Bluegrass Cultivar Root and Top Growth Responses When Grown in Hydroponics. Crop. Sci. 42:570-571. (J. Series No.12904).
- Fei, S., T. Riordan and P. Read. 2002. Stepwise decrease of 2,4-D and addition of BA in subculture medium stimulated shoot regeneration and somatic embryogenesis in buffalograss" Jour. of Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Cult. v 70:275-279.
- Johnson, P.G., and Riordan, T. P. 2001. Unbalanced chromosome number and inbreeding effects on fertility and plant vigor in buffalograss. ITS Jour. Vol. 9, Part 1, p. 176-179.
- Heng-Moss, T.M., F.P. Baxendale, and T.P. Riordan. 2001. Interactions between the parasitoid, Rhopus nigroclavatus (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) and its mealybug hosts. Biological Control. Vol 22(3), p. 201-206. (J. Series No. 12998).
- Frank, K. W., Gaussoin, R.E., Riordan, T. P., Stroup, W. W., and Bloom, M. H. 2001. Nitrogen allocation of turfgrasses: II. Recovery of 15 N-labeled ammonium nitrate applied to Kentucky bluegrass (poa pratensis L.) and tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb). ITS Jour. Vol. 9, Part 1, p. 277-286. (J. Series No. 13163).
- Frank, K. W., Gaussoin, R. E., Riordan, T. P., Stroup, W. W., and Bloom, M. H. 2001. Nitrogen allocation of turfgrasses: I. Recovery of 15N-labeled ammonium nitrate applied to buffalograss [Buchloe dactyloides (Nutt.) Engelm]. ITS Jour. Vol. 9, Part 1, p. 268-276. (J. Series No. 13162).
- Fei, S., Yu, T., Clemente, T., and Riordan, T. 2001. Nodal segment explant as a potential target for the genetic engineering of buffalograss. ITS Jour. Vol. 9, Part 1, p. 165-168.
- Fei, S., Bishnoi, U. S., Riordan, T., and Read, P. 2001. Embryogenic callus induction and plant regeneration of buffalograss through leaf base and seedling segment culture. ITS Jour. Vol. 9, Part 1, p. 162-4.
- Fei, S., Riordan, T. P. and Read, P. E. 2001. Stepwise Decrease of 2, 4-D and Addition of BA in Subculture Medium Stimulated Shoot Regeneration and Somatic Embryogenesis in Buffalograss. Journal of Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 60: 197-203. (J. Series No. 13411).
- Riordan, T.P., P.G. Johnson, J.M. Johnson-Cicalese, R.E. Gaussoin, F.P. Baxendale, R.C. Shearman and R. V. Klucas. 2000. Registration of '118' Buffalograss. Crop Sci. 40(2): 570-571. (J. Series 12363).
- Johnson, P.G., T.P. Riordan, J.M. Johnson-Cicalese, F.P. Baxendale, R.E. Gaussoin, R.C. Shearman, and R. V. Klucas. 2000. Registration of '61' Buffalograss. Crop Sci. 40(2): 569-570. (J. Series 12361).
- Johnson-Cicalese, J.M., P.G. Johnson, T.P. Riordan, F.P. Baxendale, R.E. Gaussoin, J.E. Watkins, and R. V. Klucas. 2000. Registration of '120' Buffalograss. Crop Sci. 40(2): 571-572. (J. Series 12362).
- Shuizhang Fei, P.E. Read, and T.P. Riordan. 2000. Improvement of embryogenic callus induction and shoot regeneration of buffalograss (Buchloe dactyloides nutt. engelm) by AGN03. J. of Plant, Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 60: 197-203 (J.Series No. 948378)
- Kyoung-Nam K., R.C. Shearman, and T.P. Riordan. 1999. Top growth and rooting responses of tall fescue cultivars grown in hydroponics. Crop Science 39:1431-1434. (J. Series No. 9476)
- Baxendale, F. P., T.M. Heng-Moss, and T. P. Riordan. 1999. Blissus occiduus Barber (Hemiptera: Lygaeidae): A chinch bug pest new to buffalograss turf. J. Econ. Entomol. 92(5) pp1172-1176. (J. Series No. 12491)
- Johnson, P.G. , and T.P. Riordan. 1999. A Review of Issues Pertaining to Transgenic Turfgrasses. J. of HortScience. Vol. 34(4). pp 594-598.
- Heng-Moss, T.M., F.P. Baxendale and T.P. Riordan. 1999. Influence of Rhopus nigroclavatus (Ashmead) (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) on the buffalograss mealybugs, Tridscus sporoboli (Cockerell) and Trionymus sp. Environ. Entomol. 28(l). pp 123-127. (J. Series No. 12216)
Plant Patents and PVP's:
- 'Bowie' Buffalograss, PVP 200100201. 2002
- '118' Buffalograss, PP 11,373, 1999. Riordan , T. P., F. P. Baxendale, R. E. Gaussoin, P. G. Johnson and J. M. Johnson-Cicalese and E. J. Kinbacher.
- '120' Buffalograss, PP 11,191, 1999. Riordan, T. P., F. P. Baxendale, R. E. Gaussoin, P. G. Johnson, J. M. Johnson-Cicalese and E. J. Kinbacher.
- 'Legacy' (61) Buffalograss. PP 11,194, 1999. Riordan, T. P., F. P. Baxendale, R. C. Hansen, R. E. Gaussoin, P. G. Johnson and J. M. Johnson-Cicalese.
- 'Cody' Buffalograss , PVP 9600125. 1995
- 'Tatanka' Buffalograss, PVP 9600266. 1995