Charles A. Shapiro
Emeritus Professor Agronomy and Horticulture University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
HAL 57905 866 Rd
Concord NE 68728-2828 - Phone
Area of Focus: Soil Science/Crop Nutrition
B.S., General Agriculture, Cornell University, 1974
M.S., Agronomy, University of Nebraska, 1978
Ph.D., Agronomy, University of Nebraska, 1982
Research Interests
Design cropping systems that make effective use of materials used to improve crop nutrition and prevent environmental contamination. Lead an integrated organic cropping systems conversion project at the Haskell Agricultural Laboratory. My emphasis is on maintaining soil fertility within an organic cropping system.
Extension Interests
- Promote the effective use of fertilizers, organic amendments and other cultural practices to optimize production and profit without causing contamination to the environment.
- Collaborate with Natural Resources Districts to provide targeted nutrient management programs designed to reduce nitrate contamination of groundwater.
- Revisiting phosphorus recommendations for corn (Youtube video) with Charles Shapiro, Haskell Ag Lab, UNL
Major Project Activities
Utilizing manure in an efficient and environmentally sound manner is a focus of both research and extension activities. As co-leader of the Comprehensive Nutrient Management Planning workgroup, we published the Manure Application Workbook that is a step-by-step guide to preparing a farm plan that utilizes manure nitrogen at agronomic rates. Our website features many educational publications and tools to manage manure. It is updated as new information and tools are available. We recently completed a study of the phytotoxic effects of swine manure sprayed on crops during the season and are developing application guidelines that maximize nutrient utilization without causing crop damage.
In addition to the above, we also have collaborative water quality programs with several Natural Resources Districts, USGS, and NRCS. My interest is in nitrogen management. We collaborate with irrigation engineers since water management affects nitrogen losses.
Initiated in 2004 is a project to determine the nitrogen credit for corn following soybeans grown on irrigated sands in north central Nebraska.
More details on this project and others is available at the http://cropwatch.unl.edu/soils website.
If you would like to view a list of Dr. Shapiro's on-line publications, please see his Research Gate site.
- Assefa, Yared, Larry C. Purcell, Montse Salmeron, Seth Naeve, Shaun N. Casteel, Péter Kovács, Sotirios Archontouli7, Mark Licht, Fred Below, Herman Kandel, Laura E. Lindsey, John Gaska, Shawn Conley, Charles Shapiro, John M. Orlowski, Bobby R. Golden, Gurpreet Kaur, Maninderpal Singh, Kurt Thelen, Randall Laurenz, Dan Davidson, and Ignacio A. Ciampitti. 2018. Assessing variation in US soybean seed composition (protein and oil). Frontiers Plant Science. ID 443757 Accepted.
- Steward, Zachary, Ellen T. Paparozzi, M. Djanaguiraman, and Charles A. Shapiro. 2018. Lipid-based Fe- and Zn- nanoformulation is more effective in alleviating Fe- and Zn- deficiency in maize. Journal of Plant Nutrition. Accepted.
- Christina M. Bavougian, Elizabeth Sarno, Stevan Knezevic & Charles A. Shapiro. 2019. Cover crop species and termination method effects on organic maize and soybean, Biological Agriculture & Horticulture, 35:1, 1-20, DOI: 10.1080/01448765.2018.1455607
- Shekhar, Ankit, and Charles A. Shapiro. 2019. What do meteorological indices tell us about a long-term tillage study? In review.
- Bavougian, Christina, Charles Shapiro, Zachary P. Stewart, and Kent Eskridge. 2019. Biological and conventional chemical soil tests were similar in long-term field study. Journal of the Soil Science Society of America. Accepted.
- Barker, J. Burdette, Derek M. Heeren, Katja Koehler-Cole, Charles A. Shapiro, Humberto Blanco-Canqui, Roger W. Elmore, Christopher A. Proctor, Suat Irmak, Charles A. Francis, and Ali T. Mohammed. 2018. Soil Water Storage of Cover Crops in Maize and Soybean in Nebraska. Agron. J. 110:1–13 (2018).
- Wortmann, Charles, Charles Shapiro, Timothy Shaver, and Mike Mainz. 2018. High soil test phosphorus effect on corn yield. Soil Science Society of America. https://doi:10.2136/sssaj2018.02.0068
- Miller, Joshua, James Schepers, Charles Shapiro, Nicholas Arneson, Kent Eskridge, Maxwel Oliveira, and Loren Giesler. 2017. Characterizing soybean vigor and productivity using multiple crop canopy sensor readings. Field Crops Research. 216 (February):22-31. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fcr.2017.11.006
- Mourtzinis, Spyridon, Gurpreet Kaur, John M. Orlowski, Charles A. Shapiro, Chad D. Lee, Charles Wortmann, David Holshouser, Emerson D. Nafziger, Hans Kandel, Jason Niekamp, Jeremy Ross, Josh Lofton, Joshua Vonk, Kraig L. Roozeboom, Kurt D. Thelen, Laura E. Lindsey, Michael Staton, Seth L. Naeve, Shaun N. Casteel, William J. Wiebold, and Shawn P. Conley. 2017. Soybean response to nitrogen application across the United States: A synthesis-analysis. Field Crops Research. 215(January):74-82. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fcr.2017.09.035
- Segal, Lauren M., Daniel. N. Miller, Ryan P. McGhee, Terrence D. Loecke, Kimberly L. Cook, Charles A. Shapiro, and Rhae A. Drijber. 2017. Bacterial and archaeal ammonia oxidizers respond to long-term tillage and fertilizer management at a continuous maize site. Soils and Tillage Research. 168(May):110-117. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167198716302719 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.still.2016.12.014
- Shapiro, Charles and Christina Bavougian. 2017. Crop sequence and in-season nitrogen (N) application effects on organic winter wheat yield and quality. Biological Agriculture & Horticulture. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01448765.2017.1311804
- Koehler-Cole, Katja, James Brandle, Charles A. Francis, Charles A. Shapiro, Erin E. Blankenship, and P. Stephen Baenziger. 2017. Clover green manure productivity and weed suppression in an organic grain rotation. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems. 10 pages. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S1742170516000430
- Biswas, Sagor, William L. Kranz, Charles A. Shapiro, Daniel D. Snow, Shannon L. Bartelt-Hunt, Mitiku Mamo, David D. Tarkalson, Tian C. Zhang, David P. Shelton, Simon J. van Donk, Terry L. Mader. 2016. Effect of rainfall timing and tillage on the transport of steroid hormones in runoff from manure amended row crop fields. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 324:436-447. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2016.11.009
- Shapiro, Charles, Ahmed Attia, Santiago Ulloa, and Mike Mainz. 2016. Use of Five Nitrogen Source and Placement Systems for Improved Nitrogen Management of Irrigated Corn. SSSJA. Under revision.
- Shapiro, Charles and Christina Bavougian. 2016. Effects of Crop Sequence and In-Season Nitrogen Applications on Organic Winter Wheat Yield and Quality. TBD.
- Wortmann, C. A., C. A. Shapiro, M. Schmer. 2015. Residue harvest effects on irrigated, no-till corn yield and nitrogen response. Agron. J. Accepted, 10-26-2015.
- Blanco-Canqui, Humberto, Tim M. Shaver, John L. Lindquist, Charles A. Shapiro, Roger W. Elmore, Charles A. Francis, and Gary W. Hergert. 2015. Cover crops and ecosystem services: insights from studies in temperate soils. Agron. J. 1071:1-26.
- Attia, Ahmed, Charles Shapiro, William Kranz, Mitiku Mamo, and Michael Mainz. 2015. Improved yield and nitrogen use efficiency of corn following soybean in irrigated sandy loams. SSSAJ. 79(6):1693-1703. Doi:10.2136/ssaj2015.05.0200
- Mundorf, Tim, Charles Wortmann, Charles Shapiro, and Ellen Paparozzi. 2015. Time of day effect on foliar nutrient concentrations in corn and soybeans. J. of Plant Nutrition. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01904167.2014.939760
- Stepanovic S.V., A. Datta A., B. Neilson, C. Bruening, C. Shapiro, G. Gogos, S. Z. Knezevic. 2015. The effectiveness of flame weeding and cultivation on weed control, yield, and yield components of organic soybean as influenced by manure application. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems. Doi:10.1017/S1742170515000216
- Stepanovic, S.V., Datta A., Neilson B., Bruening C., Shapiro, C. A., Gogos G., Knezevic S.Z. 2015. Effectiveness of flame weeding and cultivation for weed control in organic maize. Biological Agriculture and Horticulture: An International Journal for Sustainable Production Systems. doi: 10.1080/01448765.2015.1028443
- Rui Ma, Tian C. Zhang, Shannon L. Bartelt-Hunt, Yong Qi, William L. Kranz, Daniel D. Snow, Terry L. Mader, Charles A. Shapiro, David P. Shelton, Simon J. van Donk, David D. Tarkalson, Steve Ensley, 2015. Influence of soil properties and test conditions on sorption and desorption of testosterone. Journal of Environmental Engineering. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)EE.1943-7870.0000937
- Blanco, H., Ferguson, R., Shapiro, C., Drijber, R. 2014. Does inorganic nitrogen fertilization improve soil aggregation? Insights from two long-term tillage experiments. J. of Environ. Qual. 43:995-1003.
2001 – 2013
- Blanco, H., Ferguson, R., Shapiro, C., Drijber, R. 2014. Does inorganic nitrogen fertilization improve soil aggregation? Insights from two long-term tillage experiments. J. of Environ. Qual. 43:995-1003.
- Biswas, S., W. L. Kranz, D. P. Shelton, M. Mamo, C. A. Shapiro, D. D. Tarkalson, T. L. Mader, D.D. Snow, S. L. Bartell-Hunt, S. J. van Donk, and T. C. Zhang. TBA. 2013. Effect of tillage practices on steroid hormone transport in overland runoff from manure amended agricultural fields. Trans. of the ASABE (Rejected, In revision).
- Blanco Canqui, H., C. Shapiro, C. Wortmann, R. Drijber, M. Mamo, T. Shaver, R. Ferguson. 2013. Soil organic carbon: The value to soil properties. J. of Soil and Water Cons, 68(5), 129A-134A.
- Biswas, S., W. L. Kranz, C. A. Shapiro, M. Mamo, S. L. Bartell-Hunt, D.D. Snow, D. P. Shelton, D. D. Tarkalson, T. L. Mader, S. J. van Donk, T. C. Zhang. 2013. Use of a surrogate to evaluate the impact of tillage on the transport of steroid hormones from manure-amended agricultural fields. Trans. of the ASABE. 56(4): 1379-1385.
- Bartelt-Hunt, Shannon L., S. DeVivo, L. Johnson, D. D. Snow, W. L. Kranz, T. L. Mader, Charles A. Shapiro, Simon J. van Donk, David P. Shelton, David D. Tarkalson and Tian C. Zhang. 2013. Effect of Composting on the Fate of Steroids in Beef Cattle Manure. JEQ 42:1176-1184.
- S. J. van Donk, S. Biswas, W. L. Kranz, D. D. Snow, S. L. Bartelt-Hunt, T. L. Mader, C. A. Shapiro, D. P. Shelton, D. D. Tarkalson, T. C. Zhang, and S. Ensley. 2013. Transport of steroid hormones in the vadose zone after land application of manure. Trans. of the ASABE 54(4):1327-1338.
- Biswas, S., C. A. Shapiro, W. L. Kranz, T. L. Mader, D. P. Shelton, D.D. Snow, S. L. Bartell-Hunt, D. D. Tarkalson, S. J. van Donk, T. C. Zhang, S. Enslay. TBA. 2013. Current knowledge on the environmental fate, potential impact and management of growth promoting steroids used in the US beef cattle industry. J. of Soil and Water Cons. 68:(4):325-336. doi: 10.2489/jswc.68.4.325.
- Al-wadaey, Ahmed, C. S. Wortmann, T. G. Franti, C. A. Shapiro, and D. E. Eisenhauer. 2012. Effectiveness of grass filters in reducing phosphorus and sediment runoff. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution DOI: 10.1007/s11270-012-1322-2.
- Bartelt-Hunt, S.L., D.D. Snow, W.L. Kranz, T.L. Mader, C.A. Shapiro, S.J. van Donk, D.P. Shelton, D.D. Tarkalson, and T.C. Zhang. 2012. Effect of growth promotants on the occurrence of steroid hormones on feedlot soils and in runoff from beef cattle feeding operations. Environ. Sci. Technol. 46(3):1352-1360.
- Irmak, S., M.J. Burgert, H.S. Yang, K.G. Cassman, D.T. Walters, W.R. Rathje, J.O. Payero, P. Grassini, M.S. Kuzila, K.J. Brunkhorst, W.L.Kranz, D.E. Eisenhauer, C.A. Shapiro, B. VanDeWalle, J.M. Rees, G.L. Zoubek, and G.J. Teichmeier. 2012. Large scale on-farm implementation of soil moisture based irrigation strategies for increasing maize water productivity. Trans. of the ASABE. 55(3):881-894.
- Attia, A., C. Shapiro, M. Gomaa, R. Aly, A. Omar. 2011. Response of different corn populations to fertigated nitrogen and certain micronutrients in sandy soil. Agricultural Sciences. 2(2):94-103. DOI: 10.4236/as.2011.22014.
- Wortmann, C.S., C.A. Shapiro, R. Ferguson, and M.Mainz. 2011. Irrigated soybean has a small response to nitrogen applied during early reproductive growth. J. Crop Manage. Online. Crop Management doi:10.1094/CM-2012-0126-01-RS.
- Alwadaey, A.M., C.S. Wortmann, T.G. Franti, C.A. Shapiro, and D.E. Eisenhauer. 2010. Manure application setback effect on phosphorus and sediment in runoff. J. Soil Sci. Environ. Manage. 1:95-98.
- Dobermann, A., C.S. Wortmann, R.B. Ferguson, G.W. Hergert, C.A. Shapiro, D.D. Tarkalson, D. Walters. 2010. Nitrogen Response and Economics for Irrigated Corn in Nebraska. Agron. J. 103:67-75.
- Tarkalson, D., C.A. Shapiro, and J. Peterson. 2010. Use of fly ash as a liming material of corn and soybean production on an acidic sandy soil. Online. Crop Management. Doi:10.1094/CM-2010-0426-01-RS.
- Wortmann, C.S., D.D. Tarkalson, C.A. Shapiro, A.R. Dobermann, R.B. Ferguson, G.W. Hergert, and D. Walters. 2010. Cropping system effect on nitrogen use efficiency of irrigated corn in Nebraska. Agron. J. 103:76-84.
- Lindquist, J.L., S.P. Evans, C.A. Shapiro, and S.Z. Knezevic. 2009. Effect of nitrogen addition and weed interference on soil nitrogen and corn nitrogen nutrition. Weed Technology 24:50-58.
- Lyon, D.J., A.D. Pavlista, G.W. Hergert, R.N. Klein, C.A. Shapiro, S. Knezevic, S.C. Mason. L.A. Nelson, D.D. Baltensperger, R.W. Elmore, M.F. Vigil. A.J. Schlegel, B.L. Olson, and R.M. Aiken. 2009. Skip-row planting patterns stabilize corn grain yields in the central Great Plains. Online. Crop Management doi:10.1094/CM-2009-0224-02-RS.
- Wortmann, C.S., A.R. Dobermann, R.B. Ferguson, G.W. Hergert, C.A. Shapiro, D.D. Tarkalson, and D. Walters. 2009. High yield corn response to applied phosphorus, potassium, and sulfur in Nebraska. Agron. J. 2009 101: 546-555.
- Wortmann, C.S. and C.A. Shapiro. 2007. The effects of manure application on soil aggregation. Nutr. Cycle Agroecosystems. 80:173-180. Online. DOI 10.1007/s10705-007-9130-6.
- Tarkalson, D.D., J.O. Payero, S.M. Ensley, and C.A. Shapiro. 2006. Nitrate accumulation and movement under deficit irrigation in soil receiving cattle manure and commercial fertilizer. Ag. Water Management. 85:201-210.
- Shapiro, C.A., and C.S. Wortmann. 2006. Corn response to nitrogen rate, row spacing and plant density in the upper Midwest. Agron. J. 98:529-535.
- Echarvarria-Chairez, F.G., C. A. Shapiro. G.W. Hergert and W. Kranz. 2006. Representacion del moviemiento de bromuro con la tecnia de visualizacion volumetrica (Representation of Bromide Movement by the Volume Visualization Technique). Terra Latinoamerica. 24:27-35.
- Wortmann, C.S., S. Xerinda, M. Mamo,C. A. Shapiro. 2005. No-till row crop response to starter fertilizer in eastern Nebraska: i. Irrigated and rainfed corn. Agron. J. 98:156-162.
- Martha Mamo, Daniel Ginting, William Zanner, Dennis McCallister, Roger Renken, Charles Shapiro, Bahman Eghball. 2005. Stratification of Soil Phosphorus and Increased Potential for Runoff Loss After Long-term Manure Application. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 60(5):243-250
- Wortmann, C.S., R.K. Koelsch, C.A. Shapiro, R.L. DeLoughery, D. Tarkalson. 2005. Manure use planning: an evaluation of a producer training program. Journal of Extension. 43(4).
- Shapiro, C.A. , W.L. Kranz, C.S. Wortmann. 2005. Salt thresholds for liquid manure applied to corn and soybeans. Trans. of ASAE. 48(3):1005-1013. http://www.asabe.org
- Kranz, W.L., C.A. Shapiro, B.E. Anderson, M.C. Brumm, M. Mamo. 2005. Effect of swine lagoon water application rate and alfalfa harvest frequency on dry matter production and N harvest. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 22(2):211-216.
- Evans S. P., S. Z. Knezevic, J. L. Lindquist, C. A. Shapiro, and E.E. Blankenship. 2003. Nitrogen application influences the critical period for weed control in corn. Weed Science 51:408-417.
- Evans P. S., S. Z. Knezevic, J. L. Lindquist, and C. A. Shapiro. 2003. Influence of nitrogen and duration of weed interference on corn growth and development. Weed Science 51:546-556.
- Shapiro, C. A., G.W. Echtenkamp, J.F. Witkowski, and T.E. Hunt. 2002. Effects of manure, hybrid root strength, and reduced rates of insecticide on corn rootworm (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) injury to corn. J. Sust. Agric. 21:95-107.
- Shapiro, C. A., D.L. Holshouser, W.L. Kranz, D.P. Shelton, J.F. Witkowski, K.J. Jarvi, G. W. Echtenkamp, L.A. Lunz, R.D. Frerichs, R.L. Brentlinger, M.A. Lubberstedt, M.McVey McCluskey, and W.W. Stroup. 2001. Tillage and management alternatives for returning Conservation Reserve Program land to crops. Agron. J.:93:850-862.
- Johnson, Ron J., J.E. Quinn, J.R. Brandle, C.A. Shapiro, E.A. Sarno, T.M. Hansen. 2016. The Healthy Farm Index—Including bird observations in a multifactor assessment. EC307 University of Nebraska – Lincoln Extension.
- Johnson, Leslie J., Charles A. Shapiro, Charles S. Wortmann, Larry Howard, and Tamille D. Nennich. 2014. Nutrient Management Record Keeping Calendar. (January 2016-January December 2016. EC136 (major revision).
- Shapiro, Charles A. 2009. N rate Calculator for Corn. EC 168. University of Nebraska Extension Division. Revised 2014 or 2015?
- Wortmann, C., M. Mamo, and C.A. Shapiro. 2015. Management strategies to reduce the rate of soil acidification. NebGuide G03-1504A. (Revised).
- Mamo, M., C. Wortmann, and C.A. Shapiro. 2015. Lime use for soil acidity management. NebGuide G03-1503A.(Revised)
- Kranz, W.L., C. Burr, B.S. Farmaha, P. Grassini, G.W. Hergert, S. Irmak, D. Martin, A. Nygren, C.A. Shapiro, T. Shaver, and G. Zoubek. 2015. Irrigation and Nitrogen Management: User Education/Certification Program. EC2008. University of Nebraska–Lincoln Extension Division.
- Wortmann, C., Jansen, J., Van Liew, M., Ferguson, R., Hergert, G. W., Shaver, T., Shapiro, C. Nitrogen Loss Assessment Tool (N-LAT) for Nebraska: Background and Users Guide. G2249.
- Shaver, T., Brand, J. I., Hergert, G. W., Krienke, B., Shapiro, C., Wortmann, C. Nutrient Management for Agronomic Crops in NE (EC155). Tim Shaver (Ed.), Lincoln, NE: EC155. Nebraska Extension
- Johnson, Leslie J., Charles A. Shapiro, Charles S. Wortmann, Larry Howard, and Tamille D. Nennich. 2014. Nutrient Management Record Keeping Calendar. (July 2014-January 2016. EC136 (major revision).
- Wortmann, C., Jansen, J., Van Liew, M., Ferguson, R., Hergert, G. W., Shapiro, C., Shaver, T. 2014. Nitrogen Loss Assessment Tool (N-LAT) for Nebraska: Background and Users Guide. NebGuide 2249 (New).
- Wortmann, C., C.A. Shapiro, and Amy Schmidt. 2014. Manure testing for nutrient content. NebGuide G1450. Revised.
- Johnson, Leslie J., Charles A. Shapiro, Charles S. Wortmann, Larry Howard, and Tamille D. Nennich. 2013. Nutrient Management Record Keeping Calendar. (January 2014-July 2015. EC136 (major revision).
- Shapiro, C.A., and D.D. Francis. 2013. Using a chlorophyll meter to improve N management. NebGuide G1632 (Minor revised from 2006 revision).
- Johnson, Leslie J., Charles A. Shapiro, Charles S. Wortmann, Chris G. Henry, Larry Howard, and Tamille D. Nennich. 2012. Nutient Management Record Keeping Calendar. (January 2013-January 2014). EC136, revised 2012.
- Johnson, Leslie J., Charles A. Shapiro, Charles S. Wortmann, Chris G. Henry, Larry Howard, and Tamille D. Nennich. 2011. Nutient Management Record Keeping Calendar. (July 2011-December 2012). EC136.
- Klein, Robert N. and Charles A. Shapiro. 2011. Evaluating Hail Damage to Soybeans. University of Nebraska Extension Circular EC128.
- Klein, Robert N. and Charles A. Shapiro. 2011. Evaluating Hail Damage to Corn. University of Nebraska Extension Circular EC126.
- Klein, Robert N. and Charles A. Shapiro. 2011. Evaluating Hail Damage to Grain Sorghum. University of Nebraska Extension Circular EC129.
- Regassa, T., P.S. Baenziger, Anderson B., G. Kruger, D. Santra, C. Shapiro, J. Krall. 2011. The spring seed guide. EC 101. University of Nebraska-Lincoln. (revised)
- Regassa, T., P.S. Baenziger, G. Kruger, D. Santra, C. Shapiro, J. Krall. 2011. The fall seed guide. EC 103. University of Nebraska-Lincoln. (revised)
- Shapiro, C.A., J.S. Schepers, D.D. Francis, and J. F. Shanahan. 2006. Using a chlorophyll meter to improve N management. NebGuide G1632 (Revised, October 2006).
- Wortmann, C.S., C.A. Shapiro, and D. Tarkalson. 2006. Composting manure and other organic residuals. NebGuide G1315 (Revised, April 2006).
- Koelsch, Rick, and C.A. Shapiro. 2006. Determining crop available nutrients from manure. NebGuide 1335 (Revised, March 2006)
- Tarkalson, D.D. and C.A. Shapiro. 2006. Fertilizer management for alfalfa. NebGuide G73-2-A (Revised, November 2005).
- Tarkalson, D.D., D.T. Lindgren, C.A. Shapiro, and L. Hodges. 2004. Fertilizers for vegetables in home gardens. NebGuide G90-945 (Revised, April 2005)
- Tarkalson, D.D., D.T. Lindgren, C.A. Shapiro, and L. Hodges. 2004. Fertilizer suggestions for vegetables in home gardens. NebGuide G90-945 (Revised).
- Dobermann, A. and C. A. Shapiro. 2004. Setting a realistic corn yield goal. NebGuide G79-481-A (Revised).
- DeWald, S., S. Rasmussen, C. Shapiro, and S. Josiah. 2004. Determining the need to fertilize landscape trees and shrubs. Cooperative Extension NebGuide G02-1466A. (Revised).
- Ferguson, R., C. A. Shapiro, A. R. Dobermann, and C. S. Wortmann. 2003. Fertilizer recommendations for soybean. NebGuide G87-859-A (Revised).
- Shapiro, C., R. DeLoughery, and C. Wortmann. 2003. Manure Nitrogen Application Calculator. Nebraska Cooperative Extension. EC03-182.
- Mamo, M., C. Wortmann, and C. Shapiro. 2003. Lime use for soil acidity management. NebGuide G03-1503A.
- Wortmann, C., M. Mamo, and C. Shapiro. 2003. Management strategies to reduce the rate of soil acidification. NebGuide G03-1504A.
- Koelsch, R., C.A. Shapiro, and R. DeLoughery. 2003. Nebraska's CNMP Manure Application Workbook. EC 02-720.
- Shapiro, C.A. 2002. Comprehensive Nutrient Management Planning in Nebraska (Chapter 2). In M. Reynolds (ed.) Managing livestock manure to protect environmental quality. EC 02-179.
- Lackey, S. O., C. Shapiro, and W. Kranz. 2002. Agricultural management practices and the groundwater system of northern Holt County, Nebraska: with a focus on the Holt County Groundwater Education Project. Joint publication with Conservation and Survey Division EC 15 and Cooperative Extension Division EC02-799-X
- Brumm, M.C., C.A. Shapiro, and W. L. Kranz. 2002. Managing swine dietary phosphorus to meet manure management goals. In Nebraska Swine Report. University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension EC02-219-A. p. 18-21.
- Wortmann, C., C. Shapiro, and R. DeLoughery. 2002. Sampling manures for nutrient analysis. Nebraska Cooperative Extension. G02-1450.