Christian Elowsky
Assistant Professor of Practice, Plant Biology Undergraduate Advisor Agronomy & Horticulture University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
KEIM 168
Lincoln NE 68583-0915 - Phone
Area of Expertise: Plant Physiology, Weed, and Production Systems
Area of Focus: Plant Anatomy, Confocal Microscopy, Taphonomy and Forensic Biology
Research Interests
Confocal and Scanning Electron Microscopy collaborations primarily within the University of Nebraska system.
- Plant Biology
- Plant Anatomy
- Curriculum Development
B. Sci., Horticulture, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 1997
M. Sci., Biology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2000
Ph. D., Natural Resources-Applied Ecology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2016
- Tatineni, S., Elowsky, C., Graybosch, R. 2017. Wheat streak mosaic virus Coat Protein Deletion Mutants Elicit More Severe Symptoms than Wild-Type Virus in Multiple Cereal Hosts. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions. In Press.
- Zhou, X., Lesiak, L., Lai, R., Beck, J., Zhao, J., Elowsky, C., Li, H., Stains, C. Chemoselective Alteration of Fluorophore Scaffolds as a Strategy for the Development of Ratiometric Chemodosimeters. 2017. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 56(15), 4197-4200. DOI: 10.1002/anie.201612628
- Marroquin-Guzman, M., Hartline, D., Wright, J., Elowsky, C., Bourret, T., Wilson, R. 2017. The Magnaporthe oryzae nitrooxidative stress response suppresses rice innate immunity during blast disease. Nature Microbiology 2, 17054. DOI: 10.1038/nmicrobiol.2017.54
- Elowsky, C., Wamboldt, Y., Mackenzie, S. 2017. Laser Scanning Confocal Microscopy for Arabidopsis Epidermal, Mesophyll and Vascular Parenchyma Cells. Bio-protocol. 7(5): e2150. DOI: 10.21769/BioProtoc.2150
- Gao, Y., Song, J., Li, S., Elowsky, C., Zhou, Y., Ducharme, S., Chen, Y., Zhou, Q., Tan, L. 2016. Hydrogel microphones for stealthy underwater listening. Nature Communications. 7, 12316. DOI: 10.1038/ncomms12316
- Virdi, K., Wamboldt, Y., Kundariya, H., Laurie, J., Keren, I., Kumar, K.R.S, Block, A., Bassett, G., Luebker, S., Elowsky, C., Day, P., Roose, J., Bricker, T., Elthon, T., Mackenzie, S. 2016. MSH1 is a plant organellar DNA binding and thylakoid protein under precise spatial regulation to alter development. Molecular Plant 9(2) 245-260.
- Guo, M., Kim, P., Li, G., Elowsky, C., Alfano, J. 2016. A bacterial effector co-opts calmodulin to target the plant microtubule network. Cell Host & Microbe 19, 67-78.
- McAtee, C., Berkebile, A., Elowsky, C., Fangman, T., Barycki, J., Wahl, J., Khalimonchuk, O., Naslavsky, N., Caplan, S., Simpson, M. 2015. Hyaluronidase Hya1 increases tumor cell proliferation and motility through accelerated vesicle trafficking. Journal of Biological Chemistry. DOI:10.1074/jbc.M115.647446
- Massilamany C., Gangaplara A., Jia, T., Elowsky C., Li Q., Zhou Y., Reddy J. 2014. In Situ Detection of Autoreactive CD4 T Cells in Brain and Heart Using Major Histocompatibility Complex Class II Dextramers. JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments), e51679–e51679.
- Block, A., Widhalm, J., Fatihi, A., Cahoon, R., Wamboldt, Y., Elowsky, C., Mackenzie, S., Cahoon, E., Chapple, C., Dudareva, N., Basset, G. 2014. The Origin and Biosynthesis of the Benzenoid Moiety of Ubiquinone (Coenzyme Q) in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell 26(5) 1938–1948.
- Block, A., Toruno, T., Elowsky, C., Zhang, C., Steinbrenner, J., Beynon, J., Alfano, J. 2013. The Pseudomonas syringae type III effector HopD1 suppresses effector‐triggered immunity, localizes to the endoplasmic reticulum, and targets the Arabidopsis transcription factor NTL9. New Phytologist 201 (4) 1358–1370.
- Massilamany, C., Gangaplara, A., Jia, T., Elowsky, C., Kang, G., Riethoven, J., Li, T., Zhou, Y., Reddy, J. 2014. Direct Staining with Major Histocompatibility Complex Class II Dextramers Permits Detection of Antigen-Specific, Autoreactive CD4 T Cells In Situ. PLoS ONE 9(1): e87519.
- Li, G., Froehlich, J., Elowsky, C., Msanne, J., Ostosh, A., Zhang, C., Awada, T., Alfano, J. 2014. Distinct Pseudomonas type-III effectors use a cleavable transit peptide to target chloroplasts. The Plant Journal 77 (2) 310–321.
- Block, A., Fristedt, R., Rogers, S., Kumar, J., Barnes, B., Barnes, J., Elowsky, C., Wamboldt, Y., Mackenzie, S., Redding, K., Merchant, S., Basset, G. 2013. Functional modeling identifies paralogous solanesyl-disphosphate synthases that assemble the side chain of plastoquinone-9 in plastids. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 288 27594-27606.
- Elowsky, C., Jordan-Thaden, I., Kaul, R. 2013 A morphological analysis of a hybrid warm of native Ulmus rubra and introduced U. pumila (Ulmaceae) in Southeastern Nebraska. Phytoneuron 44 1–23.
- Ducluzeau, A., Wamboldt, Y., Elowsky, C., Mackenzie, S., Schuurink, R., Basset, G. 2012. Gene network reconstruction identifies the authentic trans-prenyl diphosphate synthase that makes the solanesyl moiety of ubiquinone-9 in Arabidopsis. The Plant Journal 69 (2) 366–375.
- Widhalm, j., Decluzeau, A., Buller, N., Elowsky, C., Olsen, L., Basset, G. 2012 Phylloquinone (vitamin k1) biosynthesis in plants: two two peroxisomal thioesterases of lactobacillales origin hydrolyze 1,4-dihydroxy-2-naphthoyl-coa. The Plant Journal 71 (2) 205–215.
- Xu, Y., Arrieta-Montiel M., Wamboldt Y., Virdi K., dePaula, W., Widhalm J., Basset, G., Davila, J., Elthon, T., Elowsky, C., Sato, S., Clemente, T., Mackenzie S. 2011. MutS HOMOLOG1 is a Nucleoid Protein that alters mitochondrial and plastic properties and plant response to high light. The Plant Cell 23:9, 3428–3441.
- Santo, C., Ee, W., Elowsky, C., Quaranta, D., Domaille, D., Christopher C., Grass, G. 2010. Bacterial Killing by dry metallic copper surfaces. Applied & Environmental Microbiology (77) 3, 794–802.
- Quarana, D., Krans, T., Santo, C., Elowsky, C., Domaille, D., Christopher C., Grass, G. 2010. Mechanisms of contact-mediated killing of yeast cells on dry metallic copper surfaces. Applied & Environmental Microbiology (77)2, 416–426.
- Russo, S., Cannon, W., Elowsky, C., Tan, S., Davies, S. 2010. Variation in leaf stomatal traits of 28 tree species in relation to water-use efficiency along an edaphic gradient in Bornean rain forest. American Journal of Botany (97)7, 1109–1120.
- Baibakov, B., Murtazina, R., Elowsky, C., Giardiello, F., Kovbasnjuk, O. 2010. Shiga toxin is transported into the nucleoli of intestinal epithelial cells via a carrier-dependent process. Toxins 2(6), 1318–1335.
- Block, A., Guo, M., Li,G., Elowsky, C., Clemente, TE., Alfano, JR. 2010. The Pseudomonas syringae type III effector HopG1 targets mitochondria, alters plant development and suppresses plant innate immunity. Cell Microbiology 12(3), 318–330.
- Bharadwaj, A., Kovar, J., Loghman, E., Elowsky, C., Oakley, G., Simpson, M. 2009. Spontaneous metastasis of prostate cancer if promoted by excess hyluronan synthesis and processing. American Journal of Pathology 174(3), 1027–1036.
- Wamboldt, Y., Mohammed, S., Elowsky, C., Wittgren, C., de Paula, W., Mackenzie, S. 2009. Participation of leaky ribosomes scanning in protein dual targeting by alternative translation initiation in higher plants. Plant Cell 21(1), 157–167.
- Dumitru, R., Navarathna, D., Semighini, C., Elowsky, C., Dumitru, R., Dignard, D., Whiteway, M., Atkin, A., Nickerson, K. 2007. In vivo and in vitro anaerobic mating in Candida albicans. Eukaryotic Cell 6(2), 465–472.
- Kovbasnjuk, O., Mourtazina R., Baibakov, B., Wang T., Elowsky, C., Choti M., Kane, A., Donowitz M. 2005. The glycosphingolipid globotriasylceramide in the metastatic transformation of colon cancer. Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences USA 102(52), 19087–19092.
- Christensen, C., Lyznik A., Mohammed, S., Elowsky, C., Elo A., Yule R., Mackenzie S. 2005. Dual-domain, dual-targeting organellar protein presequences in Arabidopsis can use non-AUG start codons. Plant Cell 17(10), 2805–2816.
- Heckman, N., Roch, G., Horst, G., Elowsky, C. 2005. Growth regulator effects on cellular characteristics of two turfgrass species. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal 10, 857–861.
- Ross, E., Stone, J., Elowsky, C., Arredondo-Peter, R., Klucas, R., Sarath, G. 2004. Activation of the Oryza sativa non-symbiotic haemoglobin-2 promoter by the cytokinin-regulated transcription factor, AAR1. Journal of Experimental Botany 55, 1721–1731.
- Li X, Zhang H, Cheong A, Leu S, Chen Y, Elowsky, C., Donowitz M. 2004. Carbachol regulation of rabbit ileal brush border Na+-H+ exchanger 3 (NHE3) occurs through changes in NHE3 trafficking and complex formation and is Src dependent. Journal of Physiology 556, 791–804.