The Department of Agronomy and Horticulture has 25 extension faculty ranging from 0.10 to 1.0 FTE (full time employees) extension appointment. They contribute significantly to accomplish Nebraska Extension’s strategic direction.
Mission of Department of Agronomy and Horticulture’s Extension Programs:
- Deliver practical, research-based information that transform lives and livelihoods of Nebraskans and beyond.
Service Statement of Department of Agronomy and Horticulture’s Extension Programs:
- Help stakeholders improve their lives through an educational process that applies knowledge to critical issues, needs, and opportunities.
- Partner with industry and stakeholders to meet challenges through innovative research, learner-driven teaching, and support for multi-function resilient crop production, food production, and landscapes−enhancing the quality of life of the citizens.
- Provide improvement, leadership, and organizational development for the industry, government, community groups, agricultural literacy, and in-service training of extension educators.
Extension Co-Coordinators
Crop Improvement and Cropping Systems
CropWatch, a central resource for University of Nebraska–Lincoln Extension information on crop production and pest management, is written by Extension educators and specialists in the University of Nebraska Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources.
The UNL Crop Variety and Hybrid Testing Program provides hybrid test results, hybrid test plots entry forms, seed guides and related publications.
Distance Education
Our distance education program has a strong focus on many different impactful areas of agronomic and horticultural research, including crop physiology and production, plant breeding and genetics, and range and forage sciences. We offer our master’s degree in agronomy and graduate certificates 100% online.
Horticulture and Specialty Crops
Our research in horticulture specialty crops includes agricultural practices for vegetables and flowers, controlled environments with both low and high tunnels and greenhouses, growing winter medicinal and culinary herbs and strawberries. and hops production. UNL’s Viticulture program strives to advance the knowledge, theory and application of grape and wine production.
Landscape Systems
Hosted by Kim Todd, the Backyard Farmer show is dedicated to helping find solutions to lawn and garden questions. Every year from spring to fall, a panel of experts, featuring faculty members from the Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, deals with topics from insect pests and disease, turf, and fruits and vegetables, as well as landscape design and general horticulture topics.
The Nebraska Master Gardener program extends the outreach of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln by providing volunteers with research-based horticulture education, which prepares them to share their knowledge with the citizens of the state. Master Gardener volunteers are trained by Nebraska Extension faculty and staff. Terri James is the Nebraska Extension Master Gardener Coordinator.
Pesticide Safety and Education

The Pesticide Safety Education Program (PSEP) at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln in concert with Extension Specialists, Extension Educators and Extension Assistants provides educational and training programs that address health, the environment, economic well-being and pesticide safety.
Range, Pasture and Forages
Research, teaching, and Extension programs in range, pasture and forage sciences at the University of Nebraska are committed to addressing the conservation and utilization of rangeland and forage resources.
Soil Science
Soil Science team is committed to providing Extension and educational programs in wide-ranging topics related to soil conservation, soil fertility management, and agricultural sustainability.
Cropwatch – Soil Health Program
Turfgrass Science
The turfgrass program is made up of experts in the areas of turfgrass breeding, weed science, plant physiology, entomology, and soil and water management. The goal is to provide pertinent research based information to turfgrass managers throughout the year and address agronomic issues as they come up across Nebraska, the Great Plains region, and the country.
Weed Science
Research and Extension programs in weed science occur at West Central Research, Extension and Education Center, Eastern Nebraska Reserach and Extension Center and Panhandle Research and Extension Center.