Virtual celebration honors 29 department employees’ service to Nebraska

October 28, 2020

Nearly 1,000 university employees were honored as part of the 2020 Service Awards. The annual Human Resources event honors employees for their years of service in five-year increments. | University Communication

Chancellor Ronnie Green hosted a university-wide Celebration of Service, honoring nearly 1,000 faculty and staff Oct. 19.

Following COVID-19 protocols for large campus events, it was a virtual celebration. The Celebration of Service website features several videos, including the annual look back in time by Rick Alloway, professor of broadcasting.

Award recipients — which are earned in increments of five years, spanning from 55 to 5 years for the Oct. 19 event — should have received an email from Human Resources explaining how each award will be delivered.

This year, 991 employees were honored for their service including 29 Department of Agronomy and Horticulture employees. Dean Krull was honored for 40 years of service. An overview of the Service Awards, including a list of honorees, is available through the Human Resources website.

Read full story at Nebraska Today.

Agronomy and Horticulture, Nebraska Today contributed to this report.