Soybean Response to Micro-Rates of Dicamba and 2,4-D
Professor of Integrated Weed Management, Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, University of Nebraska–Lincoln
Off-target movement of dicamba and 2,4-D, a concern with the introduction of dicamba-tolerant (DT) and 2,4-D-tolerant (Enlist) soybeans in North America and elsewhere. Therefore, field studies were being conducted in Nebraska to evaluate glyphosate-tolerant (GT) soybean response to micro-rates (0, 1/1000th, 1/500th, 1/100th, 1/50th, 1/10th) of the label rates of dicamba and 2,4-D applied at V2, V7/R1 and R2 soybean growth stages. Both herbicides negatively influenced multiple growth parameters of GT soybeans including visual injury, plant height, physiological maturity as well as yield and yield components. In all cases injuries and yield reductions from dicamba were significantly higher than those from 2,4-D for the same rate.
Applications of Remote Sensing in Monitoring Ecosystem Function and Biodiversity
Research Assistant Professor and Image Processing Specialist, School of Natural Resources, University of Nebraska–Lincoln
Remote sensing offers novel approaches to investigating terrestrial ecosystem responses to the changing environment. Wang will discuss how we can use the cutting-edge technologies on campus, including imaging spectrometry and fluorometry, to monitor plant photosynthesis, biodiversity and ecosystem function.
Industrial Hemp Research at West Central Research, Extension and Education Center
Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, University of Nebraska–Lincoln
Understanding the potential pros and cons of industrial hemp production can reduce the risk for local growers interested in starting or expanding their production efforts. This seminar will provide insights into industrial hemp research about (1) the sensitivity to the physical drift of herbicides registered for use in corn and/or soybean and (2) the evaluation of crop tolerance and the possibilities for diversification of Group 1 herbicides.
National and International Agricultural Genome-to-Phenome
Professor of Statistics and Food Science and Technology; Director, Quantitative Life Sciences Initiative, University of Nebraska–Lincoln
Clarke will cover several national and international projects to advance genome-to-phenome research in agricultural contexts. These projects include the plant, animal and data sciences. The presentation will focus on USDA Agricultural Genome-to-Phenome Initiative (AG2PI), the National and International Plant Phenotyping Networks, and the USDA National Agricultural Producers Data Cooperative (NAPDC).
Interseeding Cover Crops into Corn and Soybeans: What We’ve Learned
Nebraska Extension Educator, University of Nebraska–Lincoln
More farmers are seeking alternative ways to reduce inputs such as nitrogen and herbicides. Sixteen site-years of data will be shared where cover crops were interseeded into V3-5 corn and VC-V2 soybean. Future directions will also be shared.
Soybean Tolerance to Off-Target Dicamba
Assistant Professor of Soybean Breeding, Department of Crop, Soil and Environmental Sciences, University of Arkansas
The development of dicamba-tolerant soybean and cotton was followed by massive reports of off-target damage across the United States. This research aimed to estimate yield losses associated with off-target damage in over 550 soybean breeding lines, as well as identify genomic regions regulating tolerance in genetically diverse accessions.
Experimentation on Nebraska Farms for Sustaining Soil Health Management
Graduate Research Assistant and Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, University of Nebraska–Lincoln
Cover crops have been promoted in Midwestern U.S. agroecosystems as a way to meet several soil health goals. Using a range of scientific methods, from lab-based experiments to on-farm research to interviews, Fernanda will discuss her doctoral studies exploring soil, crop and human dimension considerations to design farming systems in Nebraska for improved soil health.
Novel Technologies for Monitoring Field and Farm-scale Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Associate Professor of Micrometeorology, Department of Agronomy, Kansas State University
The most critical agricultural challenge is to feed a growing population while minimizing the environmental footprint of crop and livestock production. The creation of a new generation of agricultural sensors will provide accurate gas emission data at relevant times and space to identify practices to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Keeping Extension Relevant: What Might the Future of Extension Look Like?
Weed Science Extension Educator, Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, University of Nebraska–Lincoln
As extension audiences change how can we continue to help provide relevant solutions to stakeholder challenge? This seminar will explore things we are doing well in extension and how we may need to adapt to meet stakeholder needs both now and in the future.
The ‘omics of Organic Matter – Using Molecular Tools to Decipher SOC Persistence in a Changing World
Assistant Professor of Soil Carbon Dynamics, Department of Soil and Crop Sciences, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Texas A&M University
Uncertainties in predicting the soil’s response to global change arise from the often complex and dynamic interactions between biological, geochemical and physical processes occurring below ground. This talk will explore how microbial and molecular tools can reveal fundamental mechanisms that regulate the persistence of organic matter in soils.
Robotic Tools for Climate-Smart Agriculture
Associate Professor of Advanced Machinery Systems, Biological Systems Engineering, University of Nebraska–Lincoln
Transitioning to climate-smart agriculture requires a paradigm shift in how we manage crop inputs and natural resources. Robotics, automation and AI-enabled autonomous systems offer promise for improving productivity of field operations. This talk focuses on the development of multi-robot ground and aerial robotic systems and their potential use cases for deploying climate-smart agricultural practices.
Debugging Misconceptions about Arthropods
Associate Professor, Department of Entomology, University of Nebraska–Lincoln
The United States public has profound misconceptions about insects and terrestrial arthropods. These misconceptions are often learned at an early age and may be linked to poor practices like the overuse of pesticides and unnecessary fear and disgust of insects. Golick will share some of his lab’s research on arthropod misconceptions and share teaching and interventions that have been developed to improve knowledge and conservation practices about insects. He will also share how you can scale up learners’ understanding of larger complex issues through “tiny” misunderstandings about arthropods.
Experiences and Lessons in Growing an Impactful, Local On-Farm Research Program in South Central Nebraska
Cropping Systems Extension Educator, Nebraska Extension, University of Nebraska–Lincoln
This presentation will highlight the steps Sivits has taken and the lessons learned in her role as a Nebraska Extension Educator growing a locally dynamic on-farm research presence over six to seven years in south central Nebraska as part of the Nebraska On-Farm Research Network.
From Data Mining to Pleiotropic Effects, Environmental Interactions, and Phenomic Predictions of Natural Genetic Variants in Sorghum and Maize
Assistant Professor of Quantitative Genetics and Genomics, South Dakota State University
Crop yield hinges on genotype variation, environmental responses, and genotype x environment interactions. Understanding links between plant traits and yield across diverse environments is crucial for predicting performance. Mural will discuss how while leveraging plant quantitative genetics, he and researchers compiled data from a maize super-panel, 1,118 accessions, with 100+ traits and 17M genetic markers using community association populations. This presentation will offer insights into genetic correlations, pleiotropy, and the genetic control of genotype-environment interplay.
Scaling On-Farm Research in Image-Based Fertigation with Customer-Driven Development
Founder and CEO, Sentinel Fertigation, Lincoln, Nebraska
Translating research to a commercial product is challenging. Doing so without involving customer-driven development, even during the research phase, is nearly impossible. This presentation will focus on the impact of customer-driven development of Sentinel Fertigation’s N-Time software for image-based fertigation and implications for research in agriculture and natural resources.
Tracking Invisible Threats: A Comprehensive Study of Brucellosis and Leptospirosis Infectious Diseases at Human-Livestock Wildlife Interface in Tanzania, East Africa
Doctoral Student, Graduate Research Assistant, School of Natural Resources, University of Nebraska–Lincoln
The major objective of Muller’s research was to determine the prevalence and transmission of brucellosis and leptospirosis, two neglected infectious diseases that can be transmitted from animals to people in rural agricultural communities. This presentation will show how using cross sectional epidemiological studies, Muller detected anti-Brucella antibodies in humans, livestock, and wildlife within the Katavi-Rukwa ecosystem, with cattle showing the highest seroprevalence of exposure. Additionally, pathogenic Leptospira species were found in people who farm and keep large herds of livestock emphasizing the need for active disease surveillance. These findings underscore the importance of addressing infectious diseases to safeguard a community’s well-being and inform public and animal health policies in Tanzania, Africa, and beyond.
RNA Interference for Insect Pest Management
Professor, Department of Entomology, University of Nebraska–Lincoln
RNA interference (RNAi) is a gene-silencing mechanism conserved across eukaryotic organisms. RNAi has been widely used as a research tool to study gene function. Over the past decade, RNAi has been investigated for agricultural applications, including managing plant insect pests. During this presentation, Velez will provide an overview of the current state of using RNAi for insect pest management.
Delivering Soil Health Knowledge to the Farmer
Chief Science Officer, Soil Health Institute, Morrisville, North Carolina, Adjunct Professor, Texas A&M University
The Soil Health Institute aims to incite management change using relevant examples of how improved soil condition and functioning can lead regenerative agricultural production. In this seminar, Morgan will show how the Institute and its partners are combing geographically relevant observations of soil condition with web apps, phone apps, and storytelling to translate relevant soil health knowledge to farmers and their advisors.
Where and How can Instructors Assess Science Practices in Undergraduate Biology Courses?
Susan J. Rosowski Associate Professor, School of Biological Sciences, University of Nebraska–Lincoln
National reports have called for undergraduate biology courses to integrate concepts and practices as a means to help students develop integrated science proficiency. Couch will present and share nationwide data on the extent to which this call has been realized within introductory biology course assessments as well as propose a novel question format that instructors can use to assess integrated biology proficiency.
Note: This presentation video will not be posted to the website.
The Land-Grant Water & Cropping System Educator – Insights, Opportunities, and Challenges
Extension Water and Cropping Systems Educator, Nebraska Extension, University of Nebraska–Lincoln
Nebraska Extension has 23 Water & Cropping Systems Educator positions. Gain insights into the roles of an accountability region educator. Learn about opportunities to work with an educator to integrate your research, teaching, and outreach. Mueller will share successes and challenges in working alongside stakeholder groups and university faculty to deliver on the land-grant mission.
Open Data for Improved Cropland Nutrient Budgets and Nutrient Use Efficiency Estimations
Researcher, Wageningen University and Research, Netherlands
Ludemann will highlight new field experiment databases and prediction models his team are developing to improve estimates of crop harvest index and nutrient concentrations of crop products and residues with an aim to improve nutrient budgets and nutrient use efficiency measures at a local and global scale.
Linking the Modification of Biochar Surface by Iron Oxides Under Field Conditions With Enhanced Nitrate Retention
Agronomy Doctoral Student in Environmental Studies, University of Nebraska–Lincoln
Efforts to develop soil management strategies that increase the retention of carbon, nutrients, and water have resulted in promising but inconsistent results. Fossom will present on how this study aims at clarifying the effects of biochar application and winter cover crops on soil carbon stocks, crop productivity, and potential mechanisms for nitrogen retention as analyzed under field conditions.
Exploring Maize Resilience Through Genetics, Phenomics, and Canopy Architecture
Assistant professor, Department of Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences, Michigan State University.
Cohost with CROPS, a graduate student and postdoc group funded and supported through the Center for Plant Science Innovation. Social following the seminar.
Tough Pests Call for Team Solutions: Building a Coalition for Wheat Stem Sawfly
Katherine Frels, Assistant Professor, Small Grain Breeding and Genetics, Department of Agronomy and Horticulture; Jeff Bradshaw, Director, Doctor of Plant Health Program; Amanda Easterly, Research Assistant Professor, Crop Performance Testing Program, Department of Agronomy and Horticulture; and Cody Creech, Associate Professor, Dryland Cropping Systems, Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, University of Nebraska–Lincoln
Wheat stem sawfly is an emerging crisis in the Northern High Plains. With the potential to affect wheat production, but also to disrupt standard crop rotation and management practices, wheat stem sawfly is a challenge that cannot be solved by one research discipline. This pest is an opportunity to engage in unique, interdisciplinary, multi-state research while simultaneously working towards solutions with our stakeholders.
One Health: Linking Human, Animal, Plant, and Ecosystem Health in Nebraska and Beyond
Director, Nebraska One Health, Associate Professor, School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, School of Natural Resources, University of Nebraska–Lincoln
One Health brings together people with diverse backgrounds, skills, and perspectives to improve the health of humans, wild and domestic animals, plants and our shared environments. From zoonotic diseases and pesticide contamination to connections between biodiversity and health, VanWormer will share updates on interdisciplinary One Health research, teaching and community engagement.
Experiential Learning and Community Engagement in SCIL 101
Associate Director for Undergraduate Education, Associate Professor in Science Literacy, School of Natural Resources, University of Nebraska–Lincoln