Luqi Li
Lecturer Agronomy & Horticulture University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
Lincoln NE 68583-0915 - Phone
Area of Expertise: Turf and Landscape Systems
Area of Focus: Turfgrass Management and Weed Science
B.S. Turfgrass and Landscape Management, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, 2013
M.S. Agronomy, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, 2015
PH.D. Agronomy, Weed Science University of Nebraska–Lincoln, 2019
Research Interests
Reducing turfgrass reliance on natural resources and minimizing the environmental impact of the turfgrass industry.
Google Scholar publication list
Li, L., M.D. Sousek, R.E. Gaussoin, and Z.J. Reicher. 2021. Strategies for increased yellow nutsedge (Cyperus esculentus) control in turfgrass with halosulfuron, sulfentrazone and physical removal. Weed Technology. doi: 10.1017/wet.2021.43
Li, L., M.D. Sousek, R.E. Gaussoin, and Z.J. Reicher. 2019. Herbicide Timing and Mode of Action Affect Yellow Nutsedge Control in Turfgrass. Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management. doi: 10.2134/cftm2019.08.0065
Li, L., M.D. Sousek, K. Amundsen, and Z.J. Reicher. 2018. Buffalograss exhibits adequate turf tolerance to postemergence herbicides applied during or shortly after greenup. Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management. doi: 10.2134/cftm2017.09.0064
Li, L., M.D. Sousek, K.L. Amundsen, and Z.J. Reicher. 2016. Seeding date and seed treatment affects success of dormant-seeded buffalograss. Agronomy Journal. doi: 10.2134/agronj2016.03.0164
Li, L., M.D. Sousek, K. Amundsen, and Z.J. Reicher. 2016. Cultivar, seeding date or seeding rate have little effect on success of dormant seeded buffalograss. HortSci, 51(6):750-753.