Paul E. Read
Professor Agronomy & Horticulture University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
Lincoln NE 68583-0724 - Phone
- Website
Area of Expertise: Horticulture, Plant Physiology, Weed, and Production Systems
Area of Focus: Viticulture
B.S., Extension Education,Cornell University, 1959
M.S. Vegetable Crops, Cornell University, 1964
Ph.D., Biological Sciences, University of Delaware, 1967
Research Interests
Current research interests are in tissue culture for horticulture crop improvement (Hatch Project emphasizing woody ornamentals and fruit crops) and on vineyard management issues in support of Nebraska’s developing grape and wine industry.
Extension Interests
Serving as a resource for Nebraska's developing grape and wine industry; publication of the Nebraska VineLines (4 to 6 issues/year); coordination of educational programs on viticulture and enology, including Annual Nebraska Winery and GrapeGrowers Forum and Trade Show, winemaking schools, Field Days, and workshops on specific topics, such as weed management, pruning, and disease management; assisting the horticultural industry in adopting practices that facilitate rapid introduction of new and improved genotypes of horticultural crops.
Major Project Activities
Evaluation of cultivars ("varieties") and breeders' selections of grapes (over 70 on trial in several locations in Nebraska); studies of cultural practices, physiology and phenology for grapes and other fruits with regard to their suitability for adoption by the developing grape and wine industry; refining forcing solution and other tissue culture techniques for enhanced efficiency of multiplication of horticultural crops selected/bred for potential introduction, especially vegetatively propagated species; assisting potential growers and entrepreneurs in assessing and implementing potential opportunities in Nebraska's developing grape and wine industry.
Honors and Service
- Fellow, American Society for Horticulture Science (ASHS); ASHS Past President and Chair of Board
- ASHS Outstanding Graduate Educator Award
- Darrell Nelson Outstanding Graduate Student Advisor Award
- Elected to the Board of Directors of the American Society of Enology and Viticulture - Eastern Section (3-year term) 2016
- Past President of the Plant Growth Regulator Society of America
- Past President of the American Chestnut Foundation
Courses Taught
- Physiology of Horticultural Crops, PLAS 352
- Vegetable Crop Production Lab, PLAS 353
- Fruit Production Lab, PLAS 354
- Vines, Wines and You, PLAS/NUTR/HRTM 471 and HORT 871
- Read, P. and B. Loseke. 2017. Creativity in micropropagation: An overview of the AEMP/PEMP story and thoughts on what will the future bring? Acta Horticulturae (in press).
- Read, P. E. 2017. Growing Commercial Wine Grapes in Nebraska. University of Nebraska. NebGuide.
- Read, P. E. 2016. Proceedings of the IV International Symposium on Tropical Wines and International Symposium on Grape and Wine Production in Diverse Regions, P. E. Read, Ed. Acta Horticulturae 1115, March 2016. (39 articles , 271 pages)
- Read, P. E. 2016. Grape and wine production In diverse regions. Acta Horticulturae 1115:1-2.
- Read, P. E. and S. J. Gamet. 2016. Sixteen years of cold-climate cultivar evaluation. Acta Horticulturae 1115:23-28.
- Read, P. E. 2016. Challenges from off-target herbicide incidents. Acta Horticulturae 1115:167-169.
- Read, P. E. 2016. Fruit Tree Cultivars. University of Nebraska. NebGuide G1005.
- Read, P. E. 2016. Grape Growing For The Home Garden. University of Nebraska. NebGuide G2279.
- Loseke, Benjamin A. and P. E. Read. 2015. Preventing spring freeze injury on grapevines using multiple applications of Amigo oil and naphthaleneacetic acid. Scientia Horticulurae 193:294-300.
- Zempleni, Janos, E. L. Cordonier, R. Adjam, D. C. Teixera, S. Onur, R. Zbasnik, P. E. Read, F. Doring and V. L. Schlegel. 2015. Resveratrol compounds inhibit human holocarboxylase synthase and cause a lean phenotype in Drosophila melanogaster. J. Nutritional Biochemistry 26:1379-1384.
- Read, Paul E. 2015. Propagation by Root Cuttings. In: Plant Propagation Concepts and Laboratory Exercises, C. A. Beyl and R. N. Trigiano, eds, Chapter 23, pp. 283-186.
- Read, P. E. and J. E. Preece. 2014. Cloning: Plants – Micropropagation/Tissue Culture. In: Neal Van Alfen, editor-in-chief. Encyclopedia of Agriculture and Food Systems, Vol. 2, San Diego: Elsevier; 2014 pp.317-336. (Special Invited Chapter)
- Read, Paul E. and Christina M. Bavougian. 2014. Woody Ornamentals. In: G. R. Dixon, D. E. Aldous, eds, Horticulture: Plants for People and Places, Volume 2, pp. 619-644. (Invited Chapter)
- Loseke, B. A., P.E. Read and I. M. Qrunfleh. 2014. Delay of bud break on ‘Edelweiss’ grapevine with multiple applications of Amigo oil and NAA. Acta Horticulturae 1042:51-56.
- Qrunfleh, Issam M. and Paul E. Read. 2013. Delaying bud break in ‘Edelweiss’ grapevines to avoid spring frost injury by NAA and vegetable oil applications. Adv. Hort. Sci. 27:18-24.
- Bavougian, C.M., P.E. Read, V.L. Schlegel and K.J. Hanford. 2013. Canopy light effects in multiple training systems on yield, soluble solids, acidity, phenol and flavonoid concentration of ‘Frontenac’ grapes. HortTechnology 23:1-7.
- Read, P.E., J.A. Schild and S.J. Gamet. 2012. Ten years of western Nebraska grape cultivar trials. HortScience 47(9) (supplement) for 2012 ASHS Annual Conference, Miami Fla.
- Paparozzi, E.T., G.M. Meyer, S.A. Adams, M.E. Conley, B. Loseke and P.E. Read. 2012. Greenhouse production of strawberries during the winter. HortScience 47(9) (supplement) for 2012 ASHS Annual Conference, Miami, Fla.
- Read, P.E. and C.M. Bavougian. 2012. In Vitro Rejuvenation of Woody Species. In: Protocols for Micropropagation of Selected Economically-Important Horticulture Plants, M. Lambardi, A. E. Ozudogru, M. Jain (Eds.) pp. 383-396. Springer-Humana Press. (Book Chapter)
- Bavougian, C.M., P.E. Read and E. Walter-Shea. 2012. Training system effects on sunlight penetration, canopy structure, yield and fruit characteristics of Frontenac grapevine (Vitis spp.) Intl. J. Fruit Sci. 12:402-409.
- Read, P.E. and I.M. Qrunfleh. 2011. Use of NAA and vegetable oil to delay bud break in Vitis spp. HortScience 46(9) (supplement) for 2011 ASHS Annual Conference, Waikoloa, HI.
- Paparozzi, E.T.,G. M. Meyer, M.E. Conley, S.A. Adams, E.E. Blankenship, P.E. Read and V.L. Schlegel. HortScience 46(9) (supplement) for 2011 ASHS Annual Conference
- Reusse, R.M., J.E. Stratton, D.A. Smith, P.E. Read, S.L, Cuppett, and A.M. Parkhurst. 2010. Malolactic Fermentation as a Technique for the Deacidification of Hard Apple Cider. J. Food Sci. 75(1):C74-C78. doi: 10.1111/j.1750-3841.2009.01427.x.
- Ikten, H., and P.E. Read. 2010. The effects of growth regulators on micropropagation of grapevine (Vitis spp.) ‘Marechal Foch’ and ‘Lacrosse.’ Int. J. Fruit Sci. 10(4):1-12.
- Reusse, R., J. Stratton, D. Smith, P.E. Read, S. Cuppett and A. Parkhurst. 2009. Comparing conventional and modified methods for initiating malolactic fermentations in apple cider. Amer. J. Enology and Viticulture 69 (3):406A.
- Sidiqi, J. S.N. Wegulu, P.E. Read and P.S. Baenziger. 2009. Frequency of resistance to stem rust race TPMK in Afghan wheat cultivars. Can. J. Plant Pathol. 31:1-4.
- Yang, G., Z. Lu, T.J. Asante, and P.E. Read. 2008. In vitro callus induction and shoot initiation of American chestnut (Castanea dentata). J. Jilin Agricultural University 30:466-471.
- Read, P. E., Editor in Chief. 2008. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Plant Biotechnology: From Bench to Commercialization Symposium 10 of the 27th International Horticultural Congress). Acta Horticulturae 764:331 pages.
- Read, P. E. and K.-Y. Paek. 2008. Plant tissue culture: Past, present, and prospects for the future. In: Proc. International Symposium on Plant Biotechnology: From bench to commercialization. Acta Hort. 764:41-48.
- Read, P. E. 2008. Tissue culture propagation: where we are, where we’re going. Combined Proc. International Plant Propagators Soc. 57:371-379.
- Read, P.E., M.N. Nas, and V.I. Miller. 2007. Acclimatization and establishment of micropropagated plants of hazelnut (Corylus spp.) hybrids. Acta Hort. 748:199-202.
- Bigger, B. B. and P.E. Read. 2007. Multiplication and Acclimatization of ‘Norton’ grapevine (Vitis aestivalis). Acta Hort. 748:202-202.
- Read, P., S. J. Gu, S. J. Gamet and J. A. Schild. 2006. Testing of varieties and selections under challenging climatic conditions. Acta Horticulturae 655:65-72.
- Nas, M. N., K. M. Eskridge and P. E. Read. 2005. Experimental designs suitable for testing many factors with a limited number of explants in tissue culture. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 81:213-220.
- Preece, J.E. and P.E. Read. 2005. The Biology of Horticulture, An Introductory Textbook, 2nd Edition. 514 pp. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York.
- Invited Keynote Lecture, 7th International Symposium: Production and Establishment of Micropropagated Plants, Lavras, Brazil, April 24-28, 2017. “Creativity in Micropropagation”.
- Invited Oral presentation at the International Cool Climate Wine Symposium, Brighton, England, May 24-28, 2016. “Delaying Bud Burst for Avoiding Frost Injury to Grapevines”; also presented two posters: “Cover Crop Use for New and Established Vineyards” and “Twenty Years of Evaluation of Cool Climate Cultivars for Continental Climates”
- Read, Paul E. Invited Convener of the International Horticultural Congress Symposium 10, Brisbane Australia, August, 2014. Grape and Wine Production from Diverse Regions and Sub-Tropical/Tropical Grape and Wine Production.