Instructor(s): Sam Wortman
Number of Credit Hours: 4
Cross-listings: PLAS 454/AGRO 854/HORT 854
Prerequisites: Junior standing; PLAS 100; PLAS 131; PLAS 153
Description: Learn state-of-the-art, scale-appropriate methods for growing and marketing specialty crops like fruits, vegetables, and cut flowers in field and high-tunnel production systems. Test innovative products and systems of your own design to gain a competitive advantage in local markets.
Learning Outcomes/Course Objectives
As a result of this course, students will be able to:
- Find, revise, design, and execute production plans for fruits, vegetables, and cut flowers in field and high-tunnel production systems.
- Identify abiotic and biotic stress in specialty crops and recommend management solutions.
- Discuss strategies for farm design to balance production, environmental, and agritourism goals.
- Critically evaluate products, technologies, and methods for growing specialty crops.
- Design, test, and pitch solutions for management challenges in specialty crop systems. Identify deficiency and toxicity symptomology of essential plant nutrients.