NRES 879 – Hydroclimatology


Instructor(s): Francisco Munoz-Arriola

Number of Credit Hours: 3

Cross-listings: NRES 479, METR 479, WATS 479, BSEN 479, METR 879, BSEN 879

Prerequisites: NRES 208 or METR 100 or METR/NRES 370. Offered spring semester of even-numbered calendar years.

Description: Interaction between earth's climate and the hydrologic cycle. Energy and water fluxes at the land-atmosphere interface. Atmospheric moisture transport, precipitation, evaporation, snowmelt, and runoff. Impacts of climate variability and change on the hydrologic cycle.

  1. Understand the processes that drive the water and climate systems, as well as their spatiotemporal scales.
  2. Identify and characterize the availability and reliability of in situ and remote sensing data, modeling, and merged data used to track physical, biological/biogeochemical, and socioeconomic components of the global water system in a changing climate.
  3. Study the main principles of “water-cycle” modeling.
  4. Implement the use land surface hydrologic models to explore spatiotemporal scales of model integration and process decoupling, as well as variability in groundwater-land surface atmosphere interactions.
  5. Create frameworks to integrate climate and water data and information, identifying the changing needs of decision and policy makers (from individuals to federal agencies).
  6. Use techniques to diagnose, forecast and predict extreme hydro-meteorological and climate events.