Bruce Anderson
Professor Emeritus, Extension Forage Specialist Agronomy & Horticulture University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
KEIM 314
Lincoln NE 68583-0915 - Phone
Area of Expertise: Range and Forage Sciences
Area of Focus: Grazing Systems
- B.S. Agronomy, University of Nebraska, 1974
- M.S. Agronomy, University of Missouri, 1977
- Ph.D. Agronomy, University of Missouri, 1980
Research Interests
- Annual forages in grazing systems
- Utilization of warm-season grasses
- Forage quality in hay and pasture systems
- Using legumes to improve pastures
Extension Area of Emphasis
- Pasture utilization
- Grazing management
- Warm-season grasses in forage/livestock systems
- Alfalfa producation and marketing
- Grazing maize and other annual forages
Major Project Activities
- Evaluating annual forages in irrigated and dryland grazing systems
- Impact of grazing management strategies (2, 6, or 36 paddock rotations) on survival of birdsfoot trefoil, alfalfa, or kura clover within smooth brome/legume pastures
- Identification of legumes compatible with grazed warm-season grasses and their affect on cattle production
- Evaluation and development of nested paddock experimental design
- Use of alfalfa in irrigated crop production systems
- Alfalfa variety testing
- Training in Management Intensive Grazing
- Alfalfa Management Schools
- Chinese forage production systems and research needs
- Anderson, B., M.A. Trammell, and T.J. Klopfenstein. 2002. Hybrid and protein supplement affect gains of cattle grazing mature corn. p. 217-221. In Kim Cassida (ed.). Proc. 2002 Amer. Forage and Grassl. Conf. Bloomington, MN.
- Anderson, B. 2000. Use of warm-season grasses by grazing livestock. p. 147-157. In K.J. Moore and B.E. Anderson (ed.). Native warm-season grasses: research trends and issues. CSSA Spec. Publ. 30. CSSA and ASA, Madison, WI.
- Cuomo, G.J., B.E. Anderson, and L.J. Young. 1998. Harvest frequency and burning effects on vigor of native grasses. J. Range Manage. 51:32-36.
- Anderson, B., R. Stritzke, S. Melvin, T. Gompert, and K. Rockwell. 1998. Changing grazier practices with extension programs. p. 160-164. In Proc. Amer. Forage and Grassl. Council. Indianapolis, IN.
- Anderson, B. 1998. Profitable alfalfa management. 188 pp. Agri-Growth, Inc., Hollandale, MN.
- Mundy, V., B.E. Anderson, T.L. Gompert, T.L. Mader, and C.A. Shapiro. 1997. Zea mays grazing in cattle production systems. p. 29-3 - 29-4. In Proc. XVIII Int. Grassl. Congr. Winnipeg, Manitoba and Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.
- Anderson, B.E., W.W. Stroup, and W.H. Schacht. 1995. Nested paddocks to increase efficiency when studying multiple-paddock grazing methods. p. 56-60. Proc. Amer. Forage & Grassl. Coun. Conf., Lexington, KY.
- Hafley, J.L., B.E. Anderson, and T.J. Klopfenstein. 1993. Supplementation of growing cattle grazing warm-season grass with proteins of various ruminal degradabilities. J. Anim. Sci. 71:522-529.
- Anderson, Bruce, Duane Rice, Don Kubik, and Rick Rasby. 1991. Forage analyses for dietary diagnosis and management. Agri-Practice 12 (3):29-32.
- Anderson, B., A.G. Matches, and C.J. Nelson. 1989. Carbohydrate reserves and tillering of switchgrass following clipping. Agron. J. 81:13-16.
- Anderson, B., J.K. Ward, K.P. Vogel, M.G. Ward, H.J. Gorz, and F.A. Haskins. 1988. Forage quality and performance of yearlings grazing switchgrass strains selected for differing digestibility. J. Anim. Sci. 66:2239-2244.
- Anderson, Bruce. 1988. Sequential grazing of cool-warm-cool season perennial grasses -- the concept and practice. Innovative Grazing Systems Symposium. p. 274-281. In Proc. Forage Grassl. Conf., Baton Rouge, LA.
- Waller, S.S., L.E. Moser, and B.E. Anderson. 1986. A guide for planning and analyzing a year-round forage program. EC86-113.