Timothy J. Arkebauer
Professor Emeritus Retirees University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
KCR 106
Lincoln NE 68583-0817 - Phone
Area of Expertise: Plant Physiology, Weed, and Production Systems
Area of Focus: Crop and Environmental Physiology
- B.S., Botany, Michigan State University, 1979
- M.S., Horticulture, University of Florida, 1981
- Ph.D., Agronomy, University of Nebraska, 1986
Research Interests
- Plant photoprotective mechanisms
- Leaf and canopy gas exchange
- Plant water relations
- Soil-plant-atmosphere relationships
Major Project Activities
The main focus of my research is crop environmental physiology. Recent projects include photoprotective mechanisms (e.g., chloroplast avoidance movement, changes in leaf angle distributions) invoked in response to plant stress, scaling leaf responses to canopy levels, soil surface trace gas fluxes, and soil carbon sequestration.
Our research on modeling plant growth and development is from the unique perspective of sink metabolism. We feel this is an important, and neglected, perspective and expect that these approaches will become more widespread in the modeling community as well as being of significant practical value in the long term.
Courses Taught
- Plant Water Relations, AGRO 807
- Gitelson, A.A., Y. Peng, T.J. Arkebauer, and J. Schepers (2014) Relationships between gross primary production, green LAI, and canopy chlorophyll content in maize: Implications for remote sensing of primary production. Remote Sensing of Environment 144: 65-72.
- Sakamoto, T., A.A. Gitelson, and T.J. Arkebauer (2013) MODIS-based corn grain yield estimation model incorporating phenology information. Remote Sensing of Environment 131: 215-231.
- Guindin-Garcia, N., A.A. Gitelson, T.J. Arkebauer, J. Shanahan, and A.Weiss (2012) An evaluation of MODIS 8 and 16 day composite products for monitoring maize green leaf area index. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 161:15-25.
- Billesbach, D.P. and T.J. Arkebauer (2012) First long-term, direct measurements of evapotranspiration and surface water balance in the Nebraska SandHills, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 156: 104-110.
- Zygielbaum, A.I, T.J. Arkebauer, E.A. Walter-Shea, and D.L. Scoby (2012) Detection and measurement of vegetation photoprotection stress response using PAR reflectance. Israel Journal of Plant Science 60: 37-47.
- Healey, N.C., A. Irmak, T.J. Arkebauer, D.P. Billesbach, J.D. Lenters, K.G. Hubbard, R.G. Allen, J. Kjaersgaard, (2012) Remote sensing and in situ-based estimates of evapotranspiration for subirrigated meadow, dry valley, and upland dune ecosystems in the semi-arid Sand Hills of Nebraska, USA. Irrigation and Drainage Systems 25: 151-178.
- Zygielbaum, A. I., A. A. Gitelson, T. J. Arkebauer, and D. C. Rundquist (2009) Non-destructive detection of water stress and estimation of relative water content in maize, Geophysical Research Letters, 36, L12403, doi:10.1029/2009GL038906.
- Arkebauer, T.J., E.A. Walter-Shea, M.A. Mesarch, A.E. Suyker, and S.B. Verma (2009) Scaling up CO2 fluxes from leaf to canopy in maize-based agroecosystems. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 149: 2110-2119.
- Amos, B., H. Shen, T. J. Arkebauer, and D. T. Walters (2007) Effect of previous crop residue on soil surface CO2 flux in maize, Soil Science 172:589-597.
- Gitelson, A.A., A. Viña, V. Ciganda, D.C. Rundquist and T.J. Arkebauer (2005) Remote estimation of canopy chlorophyll content in crops. Geophysical Research Letters 32: L08403, doi: 10.1029/2005GL022688.
- Suyker, A.E., S.B. Verma, G.G. Burba and T.J. Arkebauer (2005) Gross primary production and ecosystem respiration of irrigated maize and irrigated soybean during a growing season. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 1331: 180-190.
- Verma, S.B., A. Dobermann, K.G. Cassman, D.T. Walters, J.M. Knops, T.J. Arkebauer, A.E. Suyker, G.G. Burba, B. Amos, H. Yang. D. Ginting, K.G. Hubbard, A.A. Gitelson and E.A. Walter-Shea (2005) Annual carbon dioxide exchange in irrigated and rainfed maize-based agroecosystems. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 131: 77-96.
- Amos, B., T.J. Arkebauer and J. Doran (2005) Soil surface fluxes of greenhouse gases in an irrigated maize-based agroecosystem. Soil Science Society of America Journal 69: 387-395.
- Lindquist, J.L., T.J. Arkebauer, D.T. Walters, K.G. Cassman and A. Dobermann (2005) Maize radiation-use efficiency under optimal growth conditions. Agronomy Journal 97: 72-78.
- Gitelson, A.A., S.B. Verma, A. Viña, D.C. Rundquist, G. Keydan, B. Leavitt, T.J. Arkebauer, G.G. Burba and A.E. Suyker (2003) Novel technique for remote estimation of CO2 flux in maize. Geophysical Research Letters 30: 39-1-39-4.
- Moreno-Sotomayor, A., A. Weiss, E.T. Paparozzi and T.J. Arkebauer (2002) Stability of leaf anatomy and light response curves of field grown maize as a function of age and nitrogen status. Journal of Plant Physiology 159: 819-826.
- Xue, Q., M. Soundararajan, A. Weiss, T.J. Arkebauer and P.S. Baenziger (2002) Genotypic variation in gas exchange parameters and carbon isotope discrimination in winter wheat. Journal of Plant Physiology 159: 891-898. (Journal Series No. 13499)
- Chanton, J.P., T.J. Arkebauer, S. Harden and S.B. Verma (2002) Diel variation in lacunal CH4 and CO2 concentrations and d13C in Phragmites australis. Biogeochemistry 59: 287-301.
- Chanton, J.P., T.J. Arkebauer, S. Harden and S.B. Verma (2002) Diel variation in lacunal CH4 and CO2 concentrations and d13C in Phragmites australis. Biogeochemistry 59: 287-301. Arkebauer, T.J., J.P. Chanton, S.B. Verma and J. Kim (2001) Field measurements of internal pressurization in Phragmites australis and implications for regulation of methane emissions in a midlatitude prairie wetland. American Journal of Botany 88: 653-658.
- Boedhram, N., T.J. Arkebauer and R. Bachelor (2001) Seasonal variation in leaf area index profiles in maize. Agronomy Journal 93: 1235-1242.
- Arkebauer, T.J., J.P. Chanton, S.B. Verma and J. Kim (2001) Field measurements of internal pressurization in Phragmites australis and implications for regulation of methane emissions in a midlatitude prairie wetland. American Journal of Botany 88: 653-658.
- Weiss, A., T.J. Arkebauer and E.A. Walter-Shea (2000) Predicting albedo in two heliotropic crops. Agricultural Systems 68: 137-150.
- Yang, L., T.J. Arkebauer and E.A. Walter-Shea (2000) Diurnal variations in gas exchange of aspen, hazelnut, jack pine and black spruce. Acta Phytoecologica Sinica 24: 408-419.
- Yang, L., T.J. Arkebauer and E.A. Walter-Shea (1999) The effects of environmental variables on gas exchange of several tree species under boreal field conditions. Guangxi Sciences 6: 1-11.
- Suyker, A.E., S.B. Verma and T.J. Arkebauer. (1997). Season-long measurement of carbon dioxide exchange in a boreal fen. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos. 102:29,021-29,028.
- Hou, X., L.J. Meinke and T.J. Arkebauer. (1997). Soil moisture and larval western corn rootworm injury: Influence on gas exchange parameters in corn. Agron. J. 89:709-717.
- Weiss, A., T.J. Arkebauer, D.G. Watts and D.L. Martin. (1997). Dealing with graduate students who have difficulties. J. Nat. Res. Life Sci. Edu. 26:125-128.
- Todd, R.W., N.L. Klocke and T.J. Arkebauer. (1996). Latent heat fluxes from developing canopy partitioned by energy balance-combination models, pp. 606-612, In: C.R. Camp, E.J. Sadler and R.E. Yoder (eds) Evapotranspiration and Irrigation Scheduling, American Society of Agricultural Engineers, St. Joseph, MI.
- Shurpali, N.J., S.B. Verma, J. Kim and T.J. Arkebauer. (1995). Carbon dioxide flux in a peatland ecosystem. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos. 100:14,319-14326.
- Arkebauer, T.J. and J.M. Norman. (1995). From cell growth to leaf growth: I. Coupling cell division and cell expansion. Agron. J. 87-99-105.
- Arkebauer, T.J. and J.M. Norman. (1995). From cell growth to leaf growth: II. Simulation of division and expansion along a file of cells. Agron. J. 87:106-12.
- Arkebauer, T.J. and J.M. Norman. (1995). from cell growth to leaf growth: III. Kinetics of leaf expansion. Agron. J. 87:112-121.
- Lyon, D.J., F. Boa and T.J. Arkebauer. (1995). Water-yield relations of several spring-planted dryland crops following winter wheat. J. Prod. Agric. 8:281-286.