Cody F. Creech
Associate Professor, Fenster Professor of Dryland Agriculture Agronomy & Horticulture University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
4502 Ave I
Scottsbluff NE 69361-4939 - Phone
- Website
Area of Expertise: Plant Physiology, Weed, and Production Systems
Area of Focus: Western Nebraska Dryland Cropping Systems
B.S., Business Operations Management, Utah State University, 2008
M.S., Plant Science, Utah State University, 2012
Ph.D., Agronomy/Weed Science, University of Nebraska, 2015
Research Interests
- Weed control
- Herbicide application technology
- Crop selection and rotations
- Crop production with limited rainfall
- Summer-fallow management
- Crop residue management
- Crop and soil fertility
- Crop water use
- Variety testing
Major Project Activities
I am conducting studies on herbicide application technologies that can be used to improve herbicide applications. I have shown that application parameters, namely nozzles, carrier volume, and droplet size, can impact the efficacy of herbicide applications. In addition, studies demonstrated that effective use of adjuvants on specific plant species can increase herbicide efficacy. In addition to my specific area of focus, I assist other students with their research that include herbicide drift and resistance, plant diseases, and corn water use. I also assist with industry contract work that includes regulated trials, herbicide evaluation trials, hybrid and variety evaluation under dryland and irrigated conditions, plant nutrition, fungicide evaluations, seed treatments, and planting dates. I also help maintain a long-term dryland and irrigated crop rotation and cover crop studies.
Extension Interests
Provide current cultural recommendations, product evaluations and other ITM information, as appropriate via In-service Education, Master Gardener and Professional Turf Manager Training.
Refereed Journal Articles
- Creech, C.F., A.O. Rodrigues, R.S. Henry, W.E. Bagley, J.D. Luck, and G.R. Kruger. Increased dicamba, fluazifop-p, glyphosate, and lactofen efficacy using adjuvants. Weed Technology (In Review).
- Creech, C.F., J.G. Moraes, R.S. Henry, J.D. Luck, and G.R. Kruger. The impact of spray droplet size on the efficacy of 2,4-d, atrazine, chlorimuron-methyl, dicamba, glufosinate, and saflufenacil. Weed Technology (Accepted).
- Creech, C.F., R.S. Henry, R. Werle, L.D. Sandell, A.J. Hewitt, and G.R. Kruger. Performance of post-emergent herbicides applied at different carrier volume rates. Weed Technology 29:611-624.
- Creech, C.F., R.S. Henry, B.K. Fritz, and G.R. Kruger. 2015. Influence of herbicide active ingredient, nozzle type, orifice size, spray pressure, and carrier volume rate on spray droplet size characteristics. Weed Technology 29:298-310.
- Werle, R., J.J. Schmidt, J. Laborde, A. Tran, C.F. Creech, and J.L. Lindquist. 2014. Shattercane X ALS-tolerant sorghum F1 hybrid and shattercane interference in ALS-tolerant sorghum. J. Agric. Sci. 6:159-165.
- Creech, C.F., B.L. Waldron, C.V. Ransom, D.R. ZoBell, and J.E. Creech. 2013. Factors influencing the field germination of forage kochia. Crop Sci. 53:2202-2208.
- Creech, C.F. 2015. Herbicide application technology impacts on herbicide spray characteristics and performance. PhD Dissertation, University of Nebraska, Lincoln.
- Creech, C.F. 2012. Effects of planting date, harvest date, and environmental conditions on germination of forage kochia accessions. Master's Thesis, Utah State University, Logan.
- Creech, C.F., L.D. Sandell, A.J. Jhala, G.R. Kruger. 2014. Herbicide applications, water quality, and resistance management. Proc. Soybean Management Field Days. p. 19-20.
- Creech, C.F., W.E. Bagley, L.D. Sandell, and Greg R. Kruger. 2014. Herbicide efficacy and droplet size as influenced by adjuvants. Soybean Management Field Days Research Update. p. 20-25.
- Creech, C.F., L.D. Sandell, and W.E. Bagley. 2013. Adjuvants and water quality. Proc. Soybean Management Field Days. p. 15-16.
- Creech, C.F., L.D. Sandell, and G.R. Kruger. 2013. Impact of carrier rate on herbicide performance. Proc. Crop Prod. Clinics. p. 155-156.
Abstracts and Proceedings
- Kruger, G.R., B.K Fritz, A.J. Hewitt, R.S. Henry, and C.F. Creech. 2014. Role of adjuvants and nozzles in managing drift: lessons from wind tunnel, greenhouse, and field studies. Proc. of the 2014 Wisconsin Crop Management Conference. 53:23-30.
- Antonio, F.S., R.S. Henry, A.O. Rodrigues, J.G. Moraes, R.Werle, C.F. Creech, and G.R. Kruger. 2013. The Effect of Adjuvants and Nozzles on Cloransulam, Glyphosate, and Dicamba Efficacy and Droplet Size. Proc. North Cent. Weed Sci. Soc. 68:27.
- Creech, C.F., W.E. Bagley, L.D. Sandell and G.R. Kruger. 2013. Glyphosate, Fluazifop, Lactofen, and Dicamba Efficacy and Droplet Size as Influenced by Adjuvants. Proc. North Cent. Weed Sci. Soc. 68:139.
- Creech, C.F., R. Werle, J.G. Moraes, A.O. Rodrigues, F.S. Antonio, R.S. Henry, L.D. Sandell and G.R. Kruger. 2013. Herbicide Efficacy as Influenced by Carrier Volume and Weed Size. Proc. North Cent. Weed Sci. Soc. 68:30.
- Kruger, G.R., R.S. Henry, C.F. Creech, B.K. Fritz, C. Hoffmann, W.E. Bagley and A.J. Hewitt. Glyphosate Drift Deposition and Tomato Injury from Ground Applications. Proc. North Cent. Weed Sci. Soc. 68:141.
- Moraes, J.G., R. Werle, F.S. Antonio, A.O. Rodrigues, C.F. Creech, R.S. Henry, and G.R. Kruger. 2013. The Impact of Droplet Size on the Efficacy of 2,4-D, Atrazine, Chlorimuron, Dicamba, Glufosinate, and Saflufenacil. Proc. North Cent. Weed Sci. Soc. 68:28.
- Rodrigues, A.O., F.S. Antonio, J.G. Moraes, R. Werle, C.F. Creech, R.S. Henry, and G.R. Kruger. 2013. Glyphosate, Fluazifop, Lactofen, and Dicamba Efficacy as Impacted by Adjuvants and Nozzles. Proc. North Cent. Weed Sci. Soc. 68:29.
- Werle, R., J.J. Schmidt, J. Laborde, A. Tran, C.F. Creech and J.L. Lindquist. 2013. Shattercane X ALS-Tolerant Sorghum F1 Hybrid and Shattercane Interference in ALS-Tolerant Sorghum. Proc. North Cent. Weed Sci. Soc. 68:2.
- Creech, C.F., A. Geyer, R.S. Henry, L.D. Sandell, G.R. Kruger. 2013. Droplet Size Analysis of a Glufosinate Solution as Influenced by Carrier Volume, Nozzle, and Pressure. Proc. Weed Sci. Soc. Am. 53:81.
- Creech, C.F., L.D. Sandell, G.R. Kruger. 2013. Soybean Herbicide Efficacy as Affected by Carrier Volume. Proc. Weed Sci. Soc. Am. 53:292.
- Creech, C.F., A. Geyer, R.S. Henry, L.D. Sandell, G.R. Kruger. 2012. Droplet Size Analysis of a Glyphosate Solution as Influenced by Carrier Volume, Nozzle, and Pressure. Proc. North Cent. Weed Sci. Soc. 67:42.
- Creech, C.F., L.D. Sandell, G.R. Kruger. 2012. Carrier Volume Influence on the Efficacy of Four Soybean Herbicides. Proc. North Cent. Weed Sci. Soc. 67:141.
- Creech, C.F., B.L. Waldron, C.V. Ransom, D.R. ZoBell. 2012. Factors Influencing the Germination of Forage Kochia Accessions. Proc. West. Soc. Weed Sci. 65:18.
- Creech, C.F., B.L. Waldron, C.V. Ransom, D.R. ZoBell. 2011. Effects of Planting Date and Climatic Conditions on Germination of Forage Kochia Accessions. Abstr. Soc. R. Manag. 65:60.