Ismail Dweikat
Professor Agronomy & Horticulture University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
KEIM 365
Lincoln NE 68583-0915 - Phone
- Website
Area of Expertise: Plant Breeding and Genetics
Area of Focus: Pearl Millet Genetics and Sorghum
B.S., Plant Science, University of Florida, 1981
M.S., Vegetable Crop Physiology, University of Florida, 1983
Ph.D., Plant Breeding and Genetics, University of Florida, 1988
Research Interests
I work in sorghum and pearl millet genetics. My program focuses on the genetics of sorghum and pearl millet with emphasis on the identification of DNA-based markers and mapping systems useful in practical selection schemes.
Extension Interests
Providing the sorghum and millet growers with timely information regarding opportunities and advances in germplasm development.
Major Project Activities
Identify loci and specific alleles that control the concentration of sweet sorghum stem sugar and cell wall constituents and flowering habit that are associated with biomass production. Application of comparative genomics to quantitative trait (QTL) analysis with emphasis on seed size, cold adaptation, and nitrogen use efficiency in sorghum. Study the molecular basis for cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) in pearl millet. Establishment of strategies for efficient sorghum inbred development using DNA-based fingerprinting methods.
Courses Taught
- Seminar Presentation and Evaluation – AGRO 991
- General Seminar – AGRO 992
- Cannabis Growth, Production and Breeding Basics – AGRO/HORT 862
- Celal YÜCEL, Derya YÜCEL, Rüştü HATİPOĞLU, Ismail DWEIKAT. 2022. Research on the potential of some sweet sorghum genotypes as bioethanol source under Mediterranean conditions. Turk J Agric For 46:141-151. 10.55730/1300-011X.2966.
- Ketumile D, Yang X, Sanchez R, Kundariya H, Rajewski J, Dweikat IM and Mackenzie SA (2022) Implementation of Epigenetic Variation in Sorghum Selection and Implications for Crop Resilience Breeding. Front. Plant Sci. 12:798243. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2021.798243
- Lucas Busta a,b,1, Ismail Dweikat b, Shirley J. Sato b, Haolin Qu c,d, Yong Xue c,d, Bangjun Zhou c,d, Lu Gan c,d, Bin Yu c,d, Thomas E. Clemente b, Edgar B. Cahoon a,c, Chi Zhang. 2022. Chemical and genetic variation in feral Cannabis sativa populations across the Nebraska climate gradient. Phytochemistry Volume 200, 113206
- Babst, B.A., Karve, A., Sementilli, A., Dweikat, I. Braun D. 2021. Physiology and whole-plant carbon partitioning during stem sugar accumulation in sweet dwarf sorghum. Planta 254, 80. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00425-021-03718-w
- Lopes, L.D.; Chai, Y.N..; Marsh, E.L.; Rajewski, J.F.; Dweikat, I.; Schachtman, D.P. Sweet Sorghum Genotypes Tolerant and Sensitive to Nitrogen Stress Select Distinct Root Endosphere and Rhizosphere Bacterial Communities. Microorganisms 2021, 9, 1329. https://doi.org/10.3390/microorganisms9061329
- Mothi BharathViswanathana, Ming-Hsun Chenga,Tom Elmo Clemente bc, Ismail Dweikat c, Vijay Singh. 2021. Economic perspective of ethanol and biodiesel coproduction from industrial hemp. Journal of Cleaner Production. 299 Volume 299, 126875; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.126875. May 25
- Mothi Bharath, Viswanathana Kiyoul, Park Ming-Hsun Chenga, Edgar B.Cahoon, Ismail Dweikat, Tom Clemente, Vijay Singh. 2020. Variability in structural carbohydrates, lipid composition, and cellulosic sugar production from industrial hemp varieties. Industrial Crops and Products. Volume 157, 1 December 2020, 112906. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indcrop.2020.112906
- Celal Yucel,* Ismail Dweikat, Derya Yucel, Resit Gultekin. 2020. BIOETHANOL POTENTIAL OF DIFFERENT SWEETSORGHUM GENOTYPES GROWN UNDER MEDITERRANEAN CONDITIONS. Fres. Environ. Bull. 29:10356-10365.
- Yuye Wu1,, Tingting Guo, Qi Mu , Jinyu Wang, Xin Li, Yun Wu, Bin Tian , Ming Li Wang, Guihua Bai, Ramasamy Peruma, Harold N. Trick, Scott R. Bean , Ismail M. Dweikat, Mitchell R. Tuinstra, Geoffrey Morris, Tesfaye T. Tesso1, Jianming Yu and Xianran L. 2019. Allelochemicals targeted to balance competing selections in African agroecosystem. Nature Plants | VOL 1234 5 | December 2019 | 1229–1236 | www.nature.com/natureplants
- Elbasyoni IS, El-Orabey WM, Morsy S, Baenziger PS, Al Ajlouni Z, Dweikat, I. 2019. Evaluation of a global spring wheat panel for stripe rust: Resistance loci validation and novel resources identification. PLoS ONE 14(11): e0222755. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31721783/
- Pattama Srinamngoen, Sontichai Chanprame, Nongluk Teinseree, Ismail M Dweikat. 2019. Colinearity of Putative Flowering Genes in Both Sugarcane and Sorghum. Euphytica, 21:65-76
- Richard Perrin, Lilyan Fulginiti, Subir Bairagi, and Ismail Dweikat. 2018. Sweet Sorghum as Feedstock in Great Plains Corn Ethanol Plants: The Role of Biofuel Policy. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 43(1):34–45.
- Dharmendra Kumar Singh, Hee-Kyung Lee, Ismail Dweikat and Kirankumar S. Mysore. 2018. An efficient and improved method for virus-induced gene silencing in sorghum. BMC Plant Biology (2018) 18:123.
- Gelli M, Konda AR, Liu K, Zhang C, Clemente TE, Holding DR, Dweikat IM. 2017. Validation of QTL mapping and transcriptome profiling for identification of candidate genes associated with nitrogen stress tolerance in sorghum. BMC Plant Biol 17:123.
- Pamela A. Peña, Truyen Quach, Shirley Sato, Zhengxiang Ge, Natalya Nersesian, Ismail M. Dweikat, Madhavan Soundararajan, Tom Clemente. 2017. Molecular and phenotypic characterization of transgenic wheat and sorghum events expressing the barley alanine aminotransferase. Planta , 246: 1097–1107 https://doi.org/10.1007/s00425-017-2753-1
- Werle, R., K. Begcy, M. K. Yerka, I. Dweikat, A. J. Jhala, J. P. Mower, and J. L. Lindquist. 2017. Independent evolution of acetolactate synthase-inhibiting herbicide resistance in weedy Sorghum populations across common geographic regions. Weed Science. 65:164-176.
- Peña PA, Quach T, Sato S, Ge Z, Nersesian N, Changa T, Dweikat I, Soundararajan M, Clemente TE. 2017. Expression of the Maize Dof1 Transcription Factor in Wheat and Sorghum. Front Plant Sci. Mar 30;8:434. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.00434
- Zhanbei Lianga, Donald J. Lee, Ismail M. Dweikat, David A. Wedin, Gary Y. Yuen and Rhae A. Drijber. 2017. Molecular Diversity of Arbuscular Mycorrhizae in Roots of Juniperus virginiana Invasive to Grasslands. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 81:526-536
- Dhafir H. Al-Kaab1*, Majid Sh. Hamdalla, Ismail Dweikat and Noora J. Al-Saedi. 2016. Estimation of the Degree of Diversity for Some Iraqi Wheat Varieties through ISSR, SRAP and RAPD Markers. American Journal of Experimental Agriculture 11(3): 1-11, 2016.
- Malleswari Gelli, Sharon E. Mitchell, Kan Liu, Thomas E. Clemente, Donald P. Weeks, Chi Zhang, David R. Holding and Ismail M. Dweikat. 2016. Mapping QTLs and association of differentially expressed gene transcripts for multiple agronomic traits under different nitrogen levels in sorghum. BMC Plant Biology 16:16
- Saadia Bihmidine, Benjamin T Julius, Ismail Dweikat and David M Braun. 2016. Tonoplast Sugar Transporters (SbTSTs) putatively control sucrose accumulation in sweet sorghum stems. Plant Signaling & Behavior. 11, NO. 1, e1117721