Amanda Easterly
Research Associate Professor Agronomy & Horticulture University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
3257 Road 109 PHREG-HPAL
Sidney NE 69162-3129 - Phone
Area of Expertise: Plant Physiology, Weed, and Production Systems
Areas of Focus:
- Dryland Cropping Systems
- State Variety Testing
B.S., Plant Biology with minors in Diversified Agricultural Studies and Mathematics, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, 2011
M.S., Agronomy, Plant Breeding and Genetics, Purdue University, 2014
Ph.D., Agronomy, Plant Breeding and Genetics, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, 2017
Major Project Activities
- Conduct interdisciplinary research on managing crops for dryland systems with the Dryland Cropping Systems Specialist
- Evaluate winter wheat varieties for the state of Nebraska
- Analyze field trials using linear mixed models across years and locations
- Coordinate with collaborators and cooperators to manage off-site fields
- Assist Dryland Cropping Systems Specialist with graduate and undergraduate student mentoring
Research, Extension and/or Teaching Interests
- Evaluate agronomic practices, rotations, and variety selection for dryland cropping systems in the High Plains to maximize profitability and long-term success of producers.
- Develop methods and pipelines to manage large, multi-factor agronomic datasets.
- Prepare data summaries and results for stakeholders and write scientific publications.
- Communicate and engage with local producers regarding their needs and develop projects to answer questions and test possible solutions.
- Kariywasam G, Hussain W, Easterly A, Guttieri M, Belamkar V, Poland J, Venegas J, Baenziger S, Marias F, Rasmussen JB, and Liu Z. 2018. Identification of quantitative trait loci conferring resistance to tan spot in a biparental population derived from two Nebraska hard red winter wheat cultivars. Molecular Biology. (In press).
- Liu C, Guttieri MJ, Eskridge KE, Waters BM, Easterly AC, Baenziger PS. 2018. Cadmium concentration in terminal tissues as tools to select low-cadmium wheat. Plant and Soil, 1-12.
- Hussain W, Baenziger PS, Belamkar V, Guttieri MJ, Venegas JP, Easterly A, Sallam A, Poland J. 2017. Genotyping-by-Sequencing derived high-density linkage map and its application to QTL mapping of flag leaf traits in bread wheat. Scientific reports, 7(1), p.16394.