Serge J. Edmé
USDA-ARS Research Geneticist Agronomy & Horticulture University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
FYH 251
Lincoln NE 68583-0937 - Phone
- Website
Area of focus: Plant Breeding and Genetics of polyploid grasses
B.S. School of Agronomy (Haiti) - 1980
M.S. University of Florida (Gainesville, FL) - 1990
Ph.D. University of Florida (Gainesville, FL) - 1994
Research InterestsMake use of genetic parameters to optimize breeding schemes used in polyploid species of perennial grasses, being bred for livestock forages and bioenergy feedstocks. Maximize genetic gains from breeding and selection by means of the ‘animal model’, estimation of BLUP, and breeding values. Integrate physiological parameters to understand the genetic bases of disease resistance and winter survival. Optimize experimental designs and statistical analyses of genetic tests by accounting for spatial autocorrelation.
Major project activities
- Developing germplasm and varieties of perennial grasses that meet the bioenergy platforms (combustion and lignocellulose) and forage production systems in the US Great Plains.
- Exploiting the multivariate inheritance of traits related to production (growth rate, dry matter yield), quality (lignin, IVDMD, carbohydrates), and stress resistance to design better cultivars (the aggregate genotypes) by means of selection index theory.
- Understanding the physiological and genetic basis of adaption of the C4 metabolism to hard winters to better ‘retrofit’ grass cultivars to the US Great Plains.
- Modeling the genetic systems to properly design breeding and selection methods for perennial grasses.
Extension Interests
- Germplasm deployment for bioenergy and forage uses.
- Anderson W.F., Sarath G., Edmé S.J., Casler M.D., Mitchell R., Tobias C.M., Hale A.L., Sattler S.E., Knoll J.E. (2016). Dedicated herbaceous biomass feedstock genetics and development. BioEnergy Research. doi:10.1007/s12155-015-9709-8.
- Edmé, S.J., R. Davidson R.W., Zhao D., Comstock J.C., Sandhu H., Glaz B., Milligan S., Hu C.J, Sood S., McCorkle K., Gilbert R.A., Glynn N.C. (2015). Registration of ‘CPCL 05-1201’ Sugarcane. Journal of Plant Registrations 10(1):14-21.
- Zhao D., Comstock J. C., Sandhu H.S., Glaz B., Edmé S.J., Davidson R.W., Sood S., Gilbert R.A., McCorkle K., and Glynn N.C. (2015). Registration of ‘CP 06-2400’ Sugarcane. Journal of Plant Registrations 9:71-77.
- Edmé, S.J. and Glaz B.. (2013). Field response of sugarcane genotypes to freeze stress with genotype x environment effects on quality traits. Journal of Crop Improvement. 27:1-30.
- Zhao D., Comstock J.C., Barry Glaz, Edmé S.J., Glynn N.C., I. A. del Blanco, Gilbert R.A., R. Wayne Davidson, and Charles Y. Chen. (2012). Vigor rating and Brix for first clonal selection Stage of the Canal Point Sugarcane Cultivar Development Program. Journal of Crop Improvement 26:60-75.
- del Blanco I.A., Glaz, B.S., Edmé S.J. (2010). Improving efficiency of sugarcane genotype selection in Florida. Crop Sci. 50:1744-1753.
- Zhao D., Glaz B.S., Edmé S.J., del Blanco, I.A. (2010). Precision of Sugarcane Biomass Estimates in Pot Studies Using Fresh and Dry Weights. Journal of American Society of Sugar Cane Technologists. 30:37-49.
- Edmé S.J. (2010). Assessing the quantitative and molecular changes in the Florida sugarcane breeding program. Sugar Journal: June issue.
- Edmé S.J. and Davidson W. (2009). Quantitative Genetic Analysis of Progeny Tests to Improve Selection and Genetic Gains in Sugarcane Breeding Programs. Paper presented at the 9th ISSCT Breeding and Germplasm Workshop Australia 17-21 Aug. 2009.
- Suman A., Kimbeng C., Edmé S.J., Veremis J.C. (2008). Sequence-Related Amplified Polymorphism (SRAP) markers for assessing interrelationships and genetic diversity among members of the Saccharum complex. Plant Genetic Resources Journal. 6:1-10.
- Edmé S.J., Tai P.Y.P., and Miller J. D.. (2007). Relative Efficiency of spatial analyses for non-replicated early-stage sugarcane field experiments. Journal American Society of Sugar Cane Technologists 27:89-104.
- Gilbert R., Miller J.D., Comstock J.C., Glaz B., and Edmé S.J. (2007). Performance of exogenous sugarcane germplasm on mineral soils of Florida, USA. International Society Sugarcane Technologists 26:388-393.
- Edmé S.J., Gilbert R.A., Comstock J.C., Glaz B., Tai P.Y.P., Miller J.D., J.W. Dunckelman, and J.O. Davidson. (2006). Registration of ‘CP 98-1029’ Sugarcane. Crop Science 36:1821.
- Edmé S.J., Glynn N., and Comstock J.C.(2006). Genetic segregation of microsatellite markers in Saccharum officinarum and S. spontaneum. Heredity 97:366-375.
- Edmé S.J., Miller J.D., Comstock J.C., and Tai P.Y.P.. (2005). Determination of DNA content and genome size in field grown sugarcane interspecific hybrids and genotypes. Journal American Society Sugarcane Technologists 5:1-7.
- Edmé S.J., Miller J.D., Glaz B., Tai P.Y.P., and Comstock J.C.. (2005). Genetic contribution to yield gains in the Florida sugarcane industry across 33 years. Crop Science 45:92-97.
- Edmé S.J., Tai P.Y.P., Glaz B., Gilbert R.A., Miller J.D., Davidson, Dunckelman J.W., and Comstock J.C. (2005). Registration of ‘CP 96-1252’ sugarcane. Crop Science 45:423.
- Tai P.Y.P., Miller J.D., Morris D.R., Glynn N.C., and Edmé S.J. (2004). Electrolyte leakage test for evaluating sugarcane freezing tolerance. Sugar Cane International 22(6):1-7.
- Glaz, B., Edmé S.J., Miller J.D., Milligan S.B., and Holder D.G.. (2002). Sugarcane cultivar response to high summer water tables in the Everglades. Agronomy Journal 94:624-629.
Book Chapters
- Edmé S.J., Suman A., and Kimbeng C. (2014). Sugarcane. Chapter 14, pp. 397-432. In Stephen Smith, Brian Diers, James Specht and Brett Carver (eds). Yield Gains in Major U.S. Field Crops. American Society of Agronomy, Inc., Crop Science Society of America, Inc., and Soil Science Society of America, Inc. Madison, WI (USA).
- Zhou, M., Kimbeng C., Edmé S.J., Hale A., Viator R., and Eggleston G. (2010). Sustainability of Low Starch Concentrations in Sugarcane Through Short-term Optimized Amylase and Long-term Breeding Strategies. Chapter 14. pp. 229-250. In Gillian Eggleston (ed) Sustainability of the Sugar and Sugar−Ethanol Industries. American Chemical Society Symposium SeriesVol. 1058. Washington, DC (USA).