Charles A. Francis
Professor Emeritus Retirees University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
KCR 101
Lincoln NE 68583-0817 - Phone
- Website
Area of Expertise: Plant Physiology, Weed, and Production Systems
Area of Focus: Agroecology, Farming and Food Systems, Global Development, Co-Learning in Agricultural Education
B.S., Agronomy, University of California at Davis, 1961
M.S., Plant Breeding, Cornell University, 1967
Ph.D., Plant Breeding, Cornell University, 1970
Research Interests
Design of resource efficient cropping systems, long-term rotations and cover crops, spatially diverse field designs, integrated crop/animal systems, whole farm planning and watershed design for environmentally sound production systems; on-farm and participatory research and educational activities, collaborative research design; future farming systems, role of diversity and integrated resource management, value added enterprises and products, and relationships of small and moderate-scale family farms to viable rural communities.
Extension Interests
Crop rotations, design of resource efficient crop, animal, and agroforestry systems, sustainable practices and farming systems in watershed design, value-added enterprises and products, organic farming and gardening, integration of farming with community viability, participatory on-farm research and education programs, regional professional development program in North Central Region.
Major Project Activities
Education and research in long-term crop rotations, analysis of flexible rotation systems, crop/animal integration, whole-farm and landscape analysis and design, on-farm research design and interpretation, urbanization of rural landscapes, farming at the rural/urban interface, small and large-scale land control changes (land grabs), innovative and participatory learning environments, and research in experiential learning.
Courses Taught
- Plant Breeding, AGRO415/815
- Agroecology, PLAS/NRES 435 and AGRO/HORT/NRES 835
- Food Security: A Global Perspective, PLAS/ANTH 429a and AGRO/ANTh 829a
- Agroecosystem Analysis, PLAS 436 and AGRO 836
- Urbanization of Rural Landscapes, PLAS/CRPL 489 and AGRO/HORT/CRPL 889
- Science-Based Organic Farming & Gardening, PLAS 439 and AGRO/HORT 839
- Impacts of Land Ownership Changes, AGRO 896 and PAE 304, NMBU, Norway
- Agroecology: Sustainable Farming and Food Systems, PAE 302, NMBU, Norway
- Land Grabs in the Global South, PLAS 496 and AGRO 896
- Koehler-Cole, K., R.W. Elmore, H. Blanco-Canqui, C.A. Francis, C.A. Shapiro, C.A. Proctor, S.J. Ruis, S. Urmak, and D.M. Heeren. 2023. Cover crop species and planting practices determine performance in corn systems. Agron J. 115(2):526-543.
- Gliessman, S.R., and C.A. Francis. 2023. Gaia contributions to agroecology by James Lovelock [1919-2022]. Agroecol. Sustain. Food Sys. J. 47(1):1-2.
- Blanco, H., S. Ruis, K. Koehler-Cole, R. Elmore, C.A. Francis, C.A. Shapiro, C.A. Proctor, and R. Ferguson. 2023. Cover crop impacts on soil health indicators in rainfed and irrigated corn systems: what did we learn after eight years? Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. J. [accepted 27 June 2023]
- Francis, C.A., and S.R. Gliessman. 2023. Teaching Agroecology: Preparing Students for Navigating Uncharted Territory. Agroecol. Sustain. Food Sys. J. 47(9):1431-1439.
- Blanco, H., S. Ruiz, and C. Francis. 2023. Do organic farming practices improve soil physical properties? Soil Use and Management J. Accepted 24 November 2023. http://doi.org/10.1111/sum.12999.
- Namanji, S., C. Francis, C. Ssekyewa, G.H. Lieblein. 2022. Monitoring environmental policy process: indicators to evaluate performance. J. Sustainable Development in Africa. 24(3):61-90.
- Loker, A., and C. Francis. 2022. Regenerating Agroecosystems by Overcoming Human Exceptionalism in Designing for Increased Equity of Benefits from Ecoservices. Agroecol. Sustain. Food Sys. J. 46(10):1445-1455.
- Debray, V., Wezel, A., Lambert-Derkimba, A., Roesch, K., Lieblein, G., Francis, C.A. 2019. Agroecological practices for climate change adaptation in semi-arid and sub-humid Africa. Agroecol. Sustain. Food Sys. 43(4): 429-456.
- Francis, C. 2020. Training for specialists vs. education for agroecologists [commentary]. Agroecol. Sustain. Food Sys. 44(1):3-6.
- Francis, C., R. Young, S. Wortman, M. Kaiser, and A. Basche. 2019. International topics increase global awareness in Midwest crops and soils courses. NACTA J. 63(1a):131-138.
- Francis, C., T.A. Breland, A.M. Nicolaysen, and G. Lieblein. 2019. Global perspectives enrich learning in a graduate agroecology course. NACTA J. 63(1a):139-145.
- Stone, T.F., C.A. Francis, and L.O. Eik. 2020. A survey of dairy goat keeping in Zanzibar. African J. of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development.[AJFAND] 20(4):16220-16235. https://doi.org/10.18697/ajfand.92.18665.
- Jabbour, R., C. Francis, M. Barbercheck, and K.S. Ullman. 2020. Organic agriculture teaching and learning in 2025: transforming the future learning landscape. NACTA J. 64:183-187.
- Francis, C.A., A. M. Nicolaysen, G. Lieblein, and T.A. Breland. 2020. Transformative education in agroecology: student, teacher, and client involvement in co-learning. Internat. J. Agric. Sci. & Natural Res. 47(3):280-294. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7764/ijanr.v47i3.2262
- Loker, A., and C. Francis. 2020. Urban food sovereignty: urgent need for agroecology and systems thinking in a post-COVID-19 future. Agroecol. Sustain. Food Sys. J. 44(9): 1118-1123.
- Ditzler, L., C.L.M. Decock, D. Singh, F. Eyhorn, J. Groot, T.A. Breland, and C.A. Francis. 2018. Identifying viable nutrient management interventions at the farm level: the case of smallholder organic Basmati rice production in Uttarakhand, India. Agr. Systems. AGSY_2017_84_R1 [accepted 31 Dec. 2017]
- Blanco-Canqui, H., C.A. Francis, and T.D. Galusha. 2017. Does organic farming accumulate carbon in deeper soil profiles in the long term? Geoderma 288:213–221.
- Wezel, A., and C. Francis. 2017. Agroecological practices: potentials and policies. Ch. 16 in: Agroecological Practices for Sustainable Agriculture: Principles, Applications, and Making the Transition, Alexander Wezel, editor. World Scientific, London, U.K. p. 463-480.
- Williams, D.M., H. Blanco-Canqui, C.A. Francis, and T.D. Galusha. 2017. Organic farming and soil physical properties: An assessment after 40 years. Agron. J. 109:600-609.
- Francis, C.A., T.A. Breland, G. Lieblein, L. Salomonsson, S. Morse, and A.M. Nicolaysen. 2017. Learning agroecological practices as components of complex farming systems. Ch. 15 in: Agroecological Practices for Sustainable Agriculture: Principles, Applications, and Making the Transition, Alexander Wezel, editor. World Scientific, London, U.K. p. 445-462
- Ssekandi, J., J. Mburu, O. Wasonga, L. Macopiyo, and C. Francis. 2017. Resilience enhancing characteristics of land eviction-displaced communities in Uganda’s oil exploration areas. Open Journal of Applied Sciences 7:443-457. doi: 10.4236/ojapps.2017.79033
- Francis, C., M. Wiedenhoeft, R. Dehaan, and P. Porter. 2017. Education in agroecological learning: holistic context for learning farming and food systems. Ch. 13 in: Agroecological Practices for Sustainable Agriculture: Principles, Applications, and Making the Transition, Alexander Wezel, editor. World Scientific, London, U.K. p. 395-418.
- Ssekandi, J., J. Mburu, O. Wasonga, L. Macopiyo, and C. Francis. 2017. Effects of Post Eviction Resettlement on Land-Use and Cover Change in Uganda’s Oil Exploration Areas. Journal of Environmental Protection 8:1144-1157.
- Rotolo, G., C. Francis, and S. Ulgiati. 2017. Environmentally sound resource valuation for a more sustainable international trade. Case of Argentine maize. J. Resources, Conservation & Recycling [accepted 6 October, available online 21 November, MS #RECYCL-D-7-00555R3]
- Boincean, B., and C. Francis. 2017. Agro-ecological rotation designs reduce dependence on industrial inputs.. Agroecology & Sustainable Food Sys. J. 41(9-10):1068-1080.
- Namanji, S., C. Francis, and C. Ssekyewa. 2017. Environmental policy implementation in Uganda: extent to which decentralized natural resource management incorporates systems thinking. Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa. 19(3):218-244.
- Simons, J.K., J. Van Wart, C. Francis, and K. Harms. 2016. Student-conducted farmer video interviews. NACTA J. 60(1):96-97.
- Francis, C., A.M. Nicolaysen, S. Morse, G. Lieblien, and T.A. Breland. 2015. Educational innovations in agroecology: Learning-centred open-ended cases. Acta fytotechn. zootechn. [Slovak J. Plant & Animal Sci.], 18:86-89.
- Rembiałkowska, E., J. Moudrý, P. von Fragstein und Niemsdorff, C. Francis, D. Kapitulčinová, and J. Dlouhá. 2015. ENOAT: Professional development workshops of the European Network of Organic Agriculture University Teachers. Ch. 2 in Leading Practice Publication – Large Case Study. EU Publication, Brussels, Belgium. P. 49-55.
- Francis, C.A., J.M. Smith, C. Bradburn, K. Sanchez Gonzalez, H.L. Scharff, J.K. Simons, and D. Leingang. 2015. Student-Designed Course in Land Ownership Changes. NACTA J. 59(1):84-87.
- Lieblein, G., and C. Francis. 2015. Transforming Conference Presentations into Involved Conversations: An Agroecology Model. Teaching Tips, NACTA J. 59(2):168-170.
- Wiedenhoeft, M., C. Francis, R. Dehaan, and P. Porter. 2015. Personal Biographies Used to Build a Learning Community. Teaching Tips, NACTA J. 59(2):171-173.
- Blanco-Canqui, H., T. Shaver, J. Lindquist, R. Elmore, C. Shapiro, and C. Francis. 2015. Cover crops and soil ecosystem services. Agronomy Journal 107(6):2449-2474.
- DeHaan, R., P. Porter, M. Wiedenhoeft, and C. Francis. 2015. Designing quality student reports in an agroecosystems analysis course. Teaching Tips, NACTA J. 59(3):261-263.
- Rotolo, G.C., C. Francis, R.M. Cravioto, and S Ulgiati. 2015. Environmental assessment of maize production alternatives: traditional, intensive, and GMO-based cropping patterns. Ecological Indicators 57:48-60.
- Francis, C., E. Østergaard, A.M. Nicolaysen, T.A. Breland, G. Lieblein, and S. Morse. 2015. Learning through Involvement and Reflection in Agroecology. Ch. 5 , In: Agroecology: A Transdisciplinary, Participatory and Action-oriented Approach, V.E. Mendez, C.M. Bacon, R. Cohen, and S.R. Gliessman, editors. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida. P. 73-78.
- Rótolo, G.C., S. Montico, C.A. Francis, and S. Ulgiati. 2015. How Land Allocation and Technology Innovation Affect the Sustainability of Agriculture in Argentina Pampas: An Expanded Life Cycle Analysis. Agricultural Systems 141(December):79-93.
- Francis, C.A., J.M. Smith, C. Bradburn, K. Sanchez Gonzalez, H.L. Scharff, J.K. Simons, and D. Leingang. 2015. Student-Designed Course in Land Ownership Changes. NACTA J. 59(1):84-87.
- Blanco-Canqui, H., T. Shaver, J. Lindquist, R. Elmore, C. Shapiro, and C. Francis. 2015. Cover crops and soil ecosystem services. Agronomy Journal 107(6):2449-2474.
- Wezel, A., and C. Francis. 2014. Multi-language challenges in international agroecology courses. Teaching Tips, NACTA J. 58(2):177-179.
- Lv, Y., C. Francis, P. Wu, X. Chen, and X. Zhao. 2014. Maize–soybean intercropping interactions above and below ground. Crop Sci. 54(3):914-922. doi:10.2135/cropsci2013.06.0403
- Rótolo, G.C., C. Francis, R.M. Craviotto, S. Viglia, A. Pereyra, and S. Ulgiati. 2014. Time to re-think the GMO revolution in agriculture. Ecological Informatics 26:35-49.
- Rotolo, G.C., C.A. Francis, R.M. Craviotto, and S. Ulgiati. 2014. Environmental Assessment of Corn Production Alternatives. Traditional, Intensive and Genetically Modified Cropping Patterns. Ecological Indicators [in review]
- Francis, C., B. Johnson, and J. Van Wart. 2014. How to Regenerate Rural Community and Ecoservices: Reversing the Tragedy of the Commons. Agron. J. 106(1):1-5.
- Francis, C. 2014. Crop production and future food systems. Ch. 8 in Food Systems and Public Health, Roni Neff, editor. Jossey-Bass Publishers, Thousand Oaks, California.
- Francis, C., G. Lieblein, T.A. Breland, S. Morse, and L. Salomonsson. 2014. Experiential learning using the open-ended case: future agroecology education. Ch. 17 in Agroecology, Agroecosystems and Sustainability: Concepts and Applications, N. Benkeblia, editor. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida.
- Eksvard, K., L. Salomonsson, C. Francis, Z. Kahsay, S.T. Kiggundu, and N.M. Musoke. 2014. Narrowing the gap between academia and practice. NACTA J 58(2):148-154.
- Lieblein, G., and C. Francis. 2013. Faculty prerequisites for dialogue-based education. -Teaching Tips', NACTA Journal 57(3):72-74.
- Lund, T., C. Francis, and G. Lieblein. 2013. Translating knowledge into action at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (UMB). J. Agr. Educ. and Ext. 20(5):537-554. [Wageningen] http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1389224X.2013.824384.
- Francis, C., S. Moncure, N. Jordan, T.A. Breland, G. Lieblein, L. Salomonsson, M. Wiedenhoeft, S. Morse, P. Porter, J. King, C. Perillo, and M. Moulton. 2012. Future visions for experiential education in the agroecology learning landscape. In Integrating Agriculture, Conservation, and Ecotourism: Societal Influences, Vol. 2. W. B. Campbell and S. Lopez Ortiz, editors. Springer Publishers, New York. p 1-105.
- Francis, C., T. Hanson, A. Fox, P. Hesje, H. Nelson, A. Lawseth, and A. English. 2012. Farmland conversion to non-agricultural uses in U.S. and Canada: current impacts and concerns for the future. Intl. J. Agric. Sustainability 10(1):8-24.
- Lieblein, G., T.A. Breland, C. Francis, and E. Østergaard. 2012. Agroecology Education: Action-oriented Learning and Research J. Agric. Education & Extension. 18(1):27-40.
- Moncure, S., and C. Francis. 2012. Foundations of Experiential Education for Agroecology. NACTA J. 55(3):75-91.
- Francis, C.A., and P. Porter. 2011. Ecology in sustainable agriculture practices and systems. . CRC Critical Reviews in Plant Science 30(1&2):64-73.
- Francis, C.A., N. Jordan, P. Porter, T.A. Breland, G. Lieblein, L. Salomonsson, N. Sriskandarajah, M. Wiedenhoeft, R. DeHaan, I. Braden, and V. Langer. 2011. Innovative education in agroecology: experiential learning for a sustainable agriculture. CRC Critical Reviews in Plant Science 30(1&2):226-237.
- Østergaard, E., G. Lieblein, T.A. Breland, and C. Francis. 2010. Students learning agroecology: phenomenon-based education for responsible action. Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension (Wageningen). 16(1):23-37.
- Wortman, S.E., J.L. Lindquist, M.J. Haar, and C.A. Francis. 2010. Increased weed diversity, density and above-groun biomass in long-term organic crop rotations. Renewable Agri. & Food Systems J. 25(4):281-295.
- Rótolo, G., C. Francis, and S. Ulgiati. 2009. Rainfed agroecosystems in South America: Evaluation of performance and environmental sustainability. Ch. 21 in: Rainfed Agricultural Systems, P. Tow and I. Cooper, editors. CABI, U.K. p. 561-601.
- Rótolo, G., C. Francis, and S. Ulgiati. 2009. Emergy: a New Look into Environmental Accounting. Supplement to Chapter 1, in Rainfed Agricultural Systems, P. Tow and I. Cooper, editors. CABI, U.K. p. 35-41.
- Wezel, A., S. Bellon, T. Dore, C. Francis, D. Vallod, and C. David.. 2009. Agroecology as a science, a movement or a practice. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 29(4):503-516.
- Fernando, K.M.C., G. Lieblein, C. Francis, and L. Weerakoon. 2009. Development of sustainable ecological vegetable production systems in Matara district, Sri Lanka: an intervention approach. Tropical Agric. Res. 20:279-289.
- Rotolo, G.C., and C.A. Francis. 2008. Los servicios ecosistemicos en el “corazon” Agricola de Argentina. Publ. Misc. No. 44, Estacion Experimental Agropecuaria Oliveros, Centro Regional Santa Fe, INTA, Santa Fe, Argentina.
- Lieblein, G., T.A Breland, L. Salomonsson, N. Sriskandarajah, C. Francis. 2008. Educating Tomorrow's Agents of Change for Sustainable Food Systems: Nordic Agroecology MSc Program. Journal of Hunger and Environmental Nutrition, Special issue on Sustainable Food Systems. 3(2):309-327.
- Waldenström, C., L. Salomonsson, C. Francis, M. Moulton, and G. Lieblein. 2008. Individualized student-centred education: prototype for an agroecology BSc programme. Internat. J. Agric. Sustainability 6(4):236-247.
- Salomonsson, L., A. Nilsson, S. Palmer, A. Roigart, and C. Francis. 2008. Farming systems education: case study of Swedish test pilots. Renewable Agric Food Systems. 24(1)48-59.
- Ahnström, J., J. Höckert, H.L. Bergeå, C.A. Francis, P. Skelton, and L. Hallgren. 2008. Farmers and nature conservation: what is known about attitudes, context factors and actions affecting conservation? Renewable Agric Food Systems. 24(1):38-47.
- Bakewell-Stone, P., G. Lieblein, and C. Francis. 2008. Potentials for organic agriculture to sustain livelihoods in Tanzania. Intl. J. Agricultural Sustainability. 6(1):22-36.
- Francis, C.A., G. Lieblein, T.A. Breland, L. Salomonsson, U. Geber, N. Sriskandarajah, and V. Langer. 2008. Transdisciplinary research for a sustainable agriculture and food sector. Agron. J. 100(3):771-776.
- Lieblein, G., T.A. Breland, E. Ostergaard, L. Salomonsson, and C. Francis. 2007. Educational perspectives in agroecology: steps on a dual learning ladder toward responsible action. NACTA J. 51(1):37-44.
- Rotolo, G.C., T. Rydberg, G. Lieblein, and C. Francis. 2007. Emergy evaluation of grazing cattle in Argentina's Pampas. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 119:383-395.
- Lieblein, G., and C. Francis. 2007. Towards responsible action through agroecological education. Italian J. Agronomy/Riv. Agron. 2:79-86.
- Francis, C., R. Elmore, J. Ikerd, and M. Duffy. 2007. Greening of agriculture: is it all a greenwash of the globalized economy? J. Crop Improvement 19(1&2):193-220.
- Åsebø, K., A.M. Jervell, G. Lieblein, M. Svennerud, and C. Francis. 2007. Farmer and consumer attitudes at farmers markets in Norway. J. Sustainable Agric. 30(4):67-93.
- Sriskandarajah, N., C. Francis, L. Salomonsson, H. Kahiluoto, G. Lieblein, T.A. Breland, U. Geber, and J. Helenius. 2006. Education and training in ecological agriculture: Nordic Region and U.S.A. Chapter 16 in: The Science in Organic Agriculture, P. Kristiansen, A. Taji, and J. Reganold, editors. CSIRO, Australia. p. 385-406.
- Seppanen, L. and Francis, C. 2006. Design of farmer education and training in organic agriculture. Chapter 17 in: P. Kristiansen, A.Taji, and J. Reganold, editors. Organic Agriculture: a Global Perspective. CSIRO, Australia. p. 407- 419.
- Francis, C., R. Poincelot, and G. Bird, editors. 2006. Developing and Extending a Sustainable Agriculture: A New Social Contract. Haworth Press, Binghampton, NY.
- DeWitt, J., and C. Francis. 2006. Transformation in the heartland: emergence of sustainable agriculture in Iowa. Ch. 7 in: A New Social Contract: Developing and Extending Sustainable Agriculture, C. Francis, R. Poincelot, and R. Bird, editors. Haworth Press, Binghampton, NY. pp. 141-156.
- Schoeneberger, M., G. Bentrup, C. Francis, and R. Straight. 2006. Creating viable living linkages between farms and communities. Ch. 11 in: A New Social Contract: Developing and Extending Sustainable Agriculture, C. Francis, R. Poincelot, and R. Bird, editors. Haworth Press, Binghampton, NY. pp. 225-246.
- Trout, S.K., C. Francis, and J.E. Barbuto Jr. 2006. Motivation theory and motivation research in sustainable agriculture. Ch. 14 in: A New Social Contract: Developing and Extending Sustainable Agriculture, C. Francis, R. Poincelot, and R. Bird, editors. Haworth Press, Binghampton, NY. pp. 289-306.
- Francis, C. 2006. Future multifunctional rural landscapes and communities. Ch. 16 in: A New Social Contract: Developing and Extending Sustainable Agriculture, C. Francis, R. Poincelot, and R. Bird, editors. Haworth Press, Binghampton, NY. pp.325-342.
- Schneider, M., A. Colglazier, C. Pollard, R. Beutler, and C. Francis. 2005. Discovering the whole: multiple paths to systems learning. NACTA J. 49(2):15-22.
- Francis, C., G. Lieblein, H. Steinsholt, T.A. Breland, J. Helenius, N. Sriskandarajah, and L. Salomonsson. 2005. Food systems and environment: building positive rural-urban linkages. Human Ecology Review 12(1):58-69.
- Wiedenhoeft, M., S. Simmons, R. Salvador, G. McAndrews, C. Francis, J. King, and D. Hole. 2003. Agroecosystems analysis from the grass roots: a multidimensional experiential learning course. J. Natural Res. Life Sci. Educ. 32:73-79.
- Francis, C., G. Lieblein, S. Gliessman, T.A. Breland, N. Creamer, R. Harwood, L. Salomonsson, J. Helenius, D. Rickerl, R. Salvador, M. Wiedenhoeft, S. Simmons, P. Allen, M. Altieri, C. Flora, and R. Poincelot. 2003. Agroecology: the ecology of food systems. J. Sustainable Agric. 22(3):99-118.
- Francis, C.A. 2003. Advances in the design of resource-efficient cropping systems. J. Crop Production Vol. 8, No.1/2, (#15/16):15-32 [also Ch. 2 in Cropping Systems: Trends and Advances, A. Shrestha, editor. Food Products Press, 2003, pp. 15-32]
- Francis, C., G. Lieblein, T.A. Breland, L. Salomonsson, N. Sriskandarajah, and J. Helenius. 2003. Education in Agroecology: Reports and Publications from the NOVA University Program. Ext. and Educ. Mater. for Sustain. Agric., Vol. 14. North Central Region and Coop. Ext. Div., Ctr. for Applied Rural Innovation, Univ. Nebraska. 229 p.
- Limon-Ortega, A., K.D. Sayre, R.A. Drijber, and C.A. Francis. 2002. Soil attributes in a furrow-irrigated bed planting system in northwest Mexico. Soil & Tillage Res. 63:123-132.
- Lieblein, G., C.A. Francis, and H. Torjusen. 2001. Future interconnections among ecological farmers, processors, marketers, and consumers in Hedmark County, Norway: creating shared vision. Human Ecology Review 8(1):61-72.
- Schoeneberger, M.M., G. Bentrup, and C.A. Francis. 2001. Ecobelts: reconnecting agriculture and communities. Ch. 16 in: In: Interactions between Agroecosystems & Rural Communities, C.B. Flora, editor. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida. p. 239-260.
- Rietveld, W.J., and C.A. Francis. 2000. Future of Agroforestry in the USA. Ch. 11 in: North American Agroforestry: An Integrated Science and Practice, H.E. Garrett, W.J. Rietveld, and R.F. Fisher, editors. Amer. Soc. Agron., Madison, Wisconsin. p. 387-402.
- Lieblein, G., C. Francis, and J. King. 2000. Conceptual framework for structuring future agricultural colleges and universities. J. Agric. Educ. Extension (Wageningen) 6:213-222.
- Olson, R.K., C.A. Francis, and S. Kaffka, editors. 1995. Exploring the Role of Diversity in Sustainable Agriculture. Misc. Publ., Amer. Soc. Agron., Madison, Wisconsin. 249 pp.