Graduate Student Responsibilities

The graduate student is expected to read and follow the guidelines described in the Agronomy & Horticulture Graduate Student Handbook. Being a graduate student cannot be considered as only a job, rather it is a means of accomplishing professional goals. The student represents the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and the Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, and as such he/she must be professional at all times. Both the thesis and non-thesis student are responsible for:

  • making the commitment to the graduate program necessary to successfully complete his/her degree. This often requires more time than expected when beginning a graduate program.
  • familiarizing themselves with the information presented in the university Graduate Studies Bulletin, and to know and observe all regulations and procedures relating to the program he/she is pursuing. In no case will a regulation be waived or an exception granted because a student pleads ignorance of, or contends that he/she was not informed of the regulations or procedures. A student planning to graduate should be familiar with the dates relating to application for graduation and other pertinent deadlines.
  • satisfying the requirements outlined in the edition of the Graduate Studies Bulletin in force at the time the student is admitted to, and begins coursework in, a degree program. The student may graduate under a subsequent edition provided his/her advisor consents and he/she complies with all the requirements of the later edition.
  • following all policies and meeting all requirements and deadlines.
  • performing project-related work as defined by the advisor regardless of funding status, insuring security and energy conservation of the project equipment and facilities.
  • maintaining and caring for all project materials.
  • setting a demanding schedule to maintain his/her progress.
  • selecting a committee with the advice of his/her advisor.

Department of Agronomy and Horticulture Academic Integrity Policy