John Guretzky
Associate Professor Agronomy & Horticulture University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
KEIM 310
Lincoln NE 68583-0915 - Phone
B.S., Natural Resources, Environmental Studies Major, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 1996
Ph.D., Crop Production and Physiology, Iowa State University, 2002
Research Interests
- Impact of grazing systems on structure and function of grassland ecosystems
Courses Taught
- Forage Crop and Pasture Management
- Forage Evaluation
- Forage Quality
- Range Management and Improvement
- Perennial Plant Function, Growth, and Development
Google Scholar publication list
- Guretzky, J.A., C. Dunn, and H. Hillhouse. 2016. Long-term Sandhills prairie responses to precipitation, temperature, and cattle stocking rate. Plant Ecology. 217:969-983. DOI: 10.1007/s11258-016-0622-9.
- Guretzky, J.A., W.H. Schacht, L. Snell, J. Soper, S. Moore, A. Watson, and T.J. Klopfenstein. 2013. Nitrogen input effects on herbage accumulation and presence of pasture plant species. Agronomy Journal 105:915-921. doi:10.2134/agronj2012.0458.
- Guretzky, J.A., K.J. Moore, C.L. Burras, and E.C. Brummer. 2007. Plant species richness in relation to pasture position, management, and scale. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 122:387-391.
- Guretzky, J.A., K.J. Moore, E.C. Brummer, and C.L. Burras. 2005. Species diversity and functional composition of pastures that vary in landscape position and grazing management. Crop Science. 45:282-289.
- Guretzky, J.A., K.J. Moore, A.D. Knapp, and E.C. Brummer. 2004. Emergence and survival of legumes seeded into pastures varying in landscape position. Crop Science. 44:227-233