Garald L. Horst
Professor Emeritus Retirees University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
Lincoln NE 68583-0724 - Phone
Area of Focus: Turfgrass Physiology Turf/Range/Forage Science
B. S., Agronomy, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE, 1967
M. S., Weed Science, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE, 1969
Ph.D., Crop Physiology, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO, 1973
Research Interests
Long-term research has been directed toward:
- The fate of turfgrass management pesticides and fertilizers in the environment relative to landscapes, recreational areas, golf courses, and ground water quality.
- Plant physiological and morphological response to abiotic and biotic influence.
Courses Taught
- HORT 130, Introduction to Horticulture (one week per semester - Turfgrass Science)
- HORT 327, Introduction to the Science of Turfgrass Management
- HORT 454/852, Irrigation Systems Management, Horticulture/Mechanized Systems Management
- HORT 398, Career Experience
- HORT 399, Independent Study
- Heckman, N.L., G.L. Horst, R.E. Gaussoin, and L.J. Young. 2001. Heat tolerance of Kentucky bluegrass as affected by trinexapac-ethyl. HortScience. 36:365-367.
- Al-Faraj , G.E. Meyer, and G.L. Horst. 2001. A crop water stress index for tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) Irrigation decision-making - A traditional method. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 31:107-124.
- Neigebauer, A.L., G.L. Horst, D.H. Steinegger, and G.L. Davis. 2000. Shoot and root characterization of Rudbeckia hirta L. mowed at different heights. HortScience. 35:1247-1248.
- Krishnan, G., G.L. Horst, S. Darnell, and W.L. Powers. 2000. Growth and development of smooth bromegrass and tall fescue in TNT contaminated soil. Environ. Polln. 107:109-116.
- Peterson, M.M., G.L. Horst, P.J. Shea, and S.D. Comfort. 1998. Germination and seedling development of switchgrass and smooth bromegrass exposed to 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene. Environ. Polln. 99:53-59.
- Horst, G.L., D.H. Steinegger, and R.E. Gaussoin. 1997. Comparative evapotranspiration rates of landscape and turfgrass groundcovers. Internat'l Turfgrass Soc. Res. J. 8:1274-1279.
- Horst, G.L., P.J. Shea, N. Christians, D.R. Miller, C. Stuefer-Powell, and S.K. Starrett. 1996. Pesticide dissipation under golf course fairway conditions. Crop Sci. 36:362-370.
- Horst, G.L., J.C. O'Toole, and K.L. Faver. 1989. Seasonal and species variation in baseline functions for determining empirical crop water stress indices in turfgrasses. Crop Sci. 29:1227-1232.
- Horst, G.L., A.A. Baltensperger, and M.D. Finkner. 1985. Effect of N and growing season on root-rhizome characteristics of turf-type bermudagrasses. Agron. J. 77:237-242.
- Horst, G.L., M.C. Engelke, and W. Meyers. 1983. Assessment of visual evaluation techniques. Agron. J. 76:619-622.