Robert N. Klein
Professor Emeritus, Extension Cropping Systems Specialist West Central Rsch & Ext Center University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
402 W State Farm Rd
North Platte NE 69101-7751 - Phone
Area of Focus: Cropping Systems
B. S., Agriculture Extension, University of Nebraska, 1960
M. S., Agriculture Economics, University of Nebraska, 1964
Major Project Activities
Pesticide Application Technology including drift reduction, Crop Expo's - Corn/Soybean. Herbicide resistant crops vs non herbicide resistant crops. Most profitable dryland and irrigated crop rotations, weed management in no-till and reduced-till crop production. Equipment for planting and drilling into heavy crop residues.
Extension Interests
Planning, development and implementation of crop variety testing in irrigated corn, Ecofallow corn and grain sorghum, irrigated soybeans, winter wheat, dry bean and sunflowers in WC District. Provide support to extension Program Units through inservice training, program planning, and consultation to enhance education delivery. Educational program in pesticide application. Continue development and implementation of no-till, reduced till and ecofarming crop production practices.
- 2002 International Advances in Pesticides Application. Nozzle tip selection and its effect on drift and efficacy, page 118, A.K. Johnson, R.N. Klein, A.R. Martin, and F.W. Roeth.
- 2002 North Central Weed Science Society. Using Safeners in Herbicides to Reduce Corn Injury from RPA 2-1772 Across Nebraska in 2001, G.W. Wicks, R.G. Wilson, S.Z. Knezevic, R.N. Klein, A.R. Martin, and F.R. Roeth.
- A Research Plot Herbicide Application System. Weed Technology 16:243-252. R.A. Masters, K.D. Grams, R.N. Klein, and K.L. Carlson.
- Registration of 'Wahoo' Wheat. Crop Science 42:1752-1753. 2002. (Contribution No. 13485). P.S. Baenzinger, B. Moreno-Sevilla, R. A. Graybosch, J.M. Krall, M.J. Shipman, R.W. Elmore, R.N. Klein, D. D. Baltensperger, L.A. Nelson, D.V. McVey, J.E. Watkins, and J.H. Hatchett.
- Registration of 'Cougar' Wheat. Crop Sci. 41:1360-1361. 2001. (Contribution No. 13070). P.S. Baenziger, B. Moreno-Sevilla, C.J. Peterson, D.R. Shelton, R.W. Elmore, P.T. Nordquist, R.N. Klein, D.D. Baltensperger, L.A. Nelson, D.V. McVey, J.E. Watkins, G. Hein, J.H. Hatchett., and R.A. Graybosch.
- Registration of 'Millennium' Wheat. Crop Sci. 41:1367-1369. 2001. (Contribution No. 13069). P.S. Baenziger, B. Moreno-Sevilla, C.J. Peterson, D.R. Shelton, R.W. Elmore, P.T. Nordquist, R.N. Klein, D.D. Baltensperger, L.A. Nelson, D.V. McVey, J.E. Watkins, G. Hein, and J.H. Hatchett.
- Glyphosate-resistant soybean cultivar response to glyphosate. Agron. J. 93-404-407. (J. Series 13032). Elmore, R.W., F.W. Roeth, R.N. Klein, S.Z. Knevevic, A. Martin, L.A. Nelson, and C.A. Shapiro.
- Registration of Culver Wheat. P.S. Baenziger, B. Moreno-Sevilla, C.J. Peterson, D.R. Shelton, R.W. Elmore, R.N. Klein, D.D. Balatensperger, L.A. Nelson, D.V. McVey, J.E. Watkins, and J.H. Hatchett. Published in Crop Sci. 40:862-863.
- Glyphosate resistant soybean cultivar yields compared to sister lines. Agron. J. 93:408-412. (J Series 13050). Elmore, R.W., F.W. Roeth, L.A. Nelson, C.A. Shapiro, R.N. Klein, S.Z. Knezevic, and A. Martin.
- Robert N. Klein and William P. Campbell. G89-955-A (Revised in 2002) Nozzles - Selection and Sizing
- Robert N. Klein, Drew J. Lyon, and Gail A. Wicks G78-422-A, Downy Brome Control (Revised October 2002)
- Drew J. Lyon, Robert N. Klein, and Gail A. Wicks G02-1483, Rye Control in Winter Wheat
- G95-1241-A (Revised January 1999) Annual Broadleaf Weed Control in Winter Wheat. G.A. Wicks, R.N. Klein, A.R. Martin, and D.J. Lyon.
- EC02-103-A, EC01-103-A, EC00-103-A, EC99-103-A, and EC98-103, Nebraska Fall- Sown Small Grain Variety Tests--by Lenis A. Nelson, David D. Baltensperger, Robert N. Klein, Roger W. Elmore, P. Stephen Baenziger, Todd Campbell, and James Krall.
- EC02-103-D, EC01-103-D, EC00-103-D, EC99-130, and EC98-130, Guide for Weed Management in Nebraska (revised annually)--by Alex R. Martin, Fred W. Roeth, Robert G. Wilson, Gail A. Wicks, Robert N. Klein, Drew J. Lyon, and Steve Knezvic.
- EC02B104-A, EC01-104-A, EC00-104-A, EC99-104-A, and EC98-104-A, Nebraska Soybean Variety Tests--by L.A. Nelson, R.W. Elmore, R.N. Klein, C.A. Shapiro, and Steve Knezevic.
- EC02-105-A, EC01-105-A, EC00-105-A, EC99-105-A, and EC98-105-A, Nebraska Corn Hybrid Tests--by Lenis A. Nelson, Robert N. Klein, Roger W. Elmore, David D. Baltensperger, Stevan Knezevic, Charles A. Shapiro, and James Krall.
- EC02-106-A, EC01-106-A, EC00-106-A, EC99-106-A, and EC98-106-A, Nebraska Grain Sorghum Hybrids Tests--by L.A. Nelson, R.W. Elmore, R.N. Klein, and D.D. Baltensperger.
- EC02-107-A, EC01-107-A, EC00-107-A, EC99-107-A, and EC98-107-A, Nebraska Proso, Sunflower, Bean, Pea, Oat, and Spring Wheat Variety Tests, David Baltensperger, Glen Frickel, Robert Klein, James Krull, Randy Anderson, James Hain, Clair Stymiest, Jerry Nachtman, Lenis Nelson, Steve Baenziger, and Kyung-Moon Kim.
- EC03-872-S, EC01-872-S and EC99-872-S, Nebraska Crop Budgets (revised annually- biannually starting in 1994 and revised for 2001)--by Roger A. Shelley, Tina Barrett, Richard T. Clark, Robert N. Klein, and Steve Melvin.
- 2002 Weed Science Society of America. Drift and efficacy with drift reducing nozzle tips and additives, page 44, A.K. Johnson, R.N. Klein, A.R. Martin, and F.W. Roeth,
- 2002 Western Society of Weed Science Teaching Pesticide Application Technology, page 31, Robert N. Klein. Post Harvest Weed control in Winter Wheat Stubble with Glyphosate and Glyphosate Tankmixes, page 68, Robert N. Klein, Jeffrey A. Golus, Dennis E. Stamm, and Brett R. Miller.
- 2002 American Society of Agronomy Meetings Teaching Weed Science at the Soybean Management Field Days, R.N. Klein No-Till Continuous Cropping in the High Plains, J.A. Golus and R.N. Klein. Planting Time for Pearl Millet in Nebraska, S. Pale, S.C. Mason, T.D. Galusha, D.J. Lyon, R.N. Klein, and R.K. Higgins.
- 2003 Custom Applicator Intensive Training Seminars at Hastings Spray Drift, Nozzle Tips, and Drift Retardants on Drift and Efficacy, 10 pages, Robert N. Klein and Adam K. Johnson
- Pesticide Application Technology, 14 pages, Robert N. Klein
- Evaluation of Application Equipment on High Capacity Sprayers (Floaters), 5 pages, Robert N. Klein and Donald J. Thrailkill.
- Herbicide Mode of Action and Injury Symptoms, 9 pages, Robert N. Klein
- Calibration of Sprayers (Also Seeders), 9 pages, Robert N. Klein
2002 Crop Protection Clinics
- Application Technology, pages 110-117, Robert N. Klein, Adam K. Johnson, and Alex R. Martin
- Comparison of Glyphosate Brands, pages 152-158, Brady F. Kappler, Robert N. Klein, Stevan Z. Knezevic, Drew J. Lyon, Alex R. Martin, Fred W. Roeth, and Gail A. Wicks.
- Control of Canada Thistle with Redeem R&P, page 239, Robert N. Klein, Jeff Golus, and Bob Masters.
- Control of Canada Thistle in Spring with Redeem R&P, page 240, Robert N. Klein, Jeff Golus, and Bob Masters.
- Spring Applications of Various Products to Control Volunteer Winter Wheat, page 241, Robert N. Klein, Jeff Golus, and Jeff Tichota.
- Evaluations of Maverick 75WG Applied in Various Carriers, page 242, Robert N. Klein, Jeffrey A. Golus, and Jeff Tichota.
- Olympus 70WG and Maverick 75WG for Downy Brome Control in Winter Wheat, page 243, Robert N. Klein, Jeff Golus, and Lance Nearman.
- Control of Broadleaf Weeds in Winter Wheat with Maverick 75WG, page 244, Robert N. Klein, Jeff Golus, and Jeff Tichota.
- Preemergence and Postemergence Herbicides for Weed Control in Irrigated Corn, page 245, Robert N. Klein, Jeffrey A. Golus, and Denny Stamm.
- Starane for Postemergence Broadleaf Weed Control in Corn, page 246, Robert N. Klein, Jeffrey A. Golus, and Jim Daniel.
- USA 2001 on Coarse Textured Soils, page 247, Robert N. Klein, Jeffrey A. Golus, and Lance Nearman.
- Weed Control in Glyphosate Resistant Ecofallow Corn, pages 248-249. Robert N. Klein and Jeffrey A. Golus.
- Engame Timing Trial in Fallow, page 250, Robert N. Klein and Jim Daniel.
- Postharvest Weed Control in Wheat Fallow, page 251, Robert N. Klein, Jeff Golus, and Denny Stamm.
- Post Harvest Adjuvant Study, page 252, Robert N. Klein, Jeff Golus, and Bob Stover.
2002 Corn/Soybean Production & Marketing Workshops
- Variety and Hybrid Selection - GMO's, Len Nelson, Bob Klein, and Roger Elmore
- Economics of Doing Your Own Pesticide Application, Robert N. Klein
Other Creative Works:
- WeedSOFT, 2002 Edition, A.R. Martin, D.A. Mortensen, F.W. Roeth, L. Bills, R.N. Klein, R.G.Wilson, S.Z. Knezevic, P.J. Shea, G.A. Wicks, and B. Kappler.
- Wheat Production Systems, 2001 Edition, Drew Lyon and Bob Klein (on computer)