David P. Lambe
Professor of Practice Agronomy & Horticulture University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
PLSH 391
Lincoln NE 68583-0724 - Phone
Area of Expertise: Horticulture
Area of Focus
- Entrepreneurship – emphasis in agriculture
- Finance
- Marketing
- Business plan development
B.S., Agriculture, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
MBA, specialization in strategic management, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2004
Research Interests
- Entrepreneurship education
Major Project Activities
- Instruction of undergraduate and graduate students in entrepreneurship with emphasis in agriculture
- Lead Instructor - Engler Agribusiness Entrepreneurship Program
- Distance Education
Courses Taught
- Entrepreneurial Finance, PLAS/AECN/ENTR/EAEP 275
- Agribusiness Entrepreneurship, PLAS/ABUS/ENTR/EAEP 388
- Business Management for Agricultural Enterprises, PLAS/ABUS/ENTR/EAEP 488 and AGRO 888
Publication Record (2014-2019)
- Paprozzi ET., B. Hitt, and D. Lambe. (2019). The Readiness Report: How confident are your graduating seniors? NACTA Journal, Vol 63.
- Wortman SE, Forcella F, Lambe D, Clay SA, Humburg D (2018). Profitability of abrasive weeding in organic grain and vegetable crops. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 1–6. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1742170518000479
Peer-Reviewed Nebguides
- Lambe, D., S.A. Adams. 2016. Estimated Costs of Producing Hops in Nebraska. UNL Extension Publication EC3010. 7pp.
- Lambe, D., S. A. Adams and E. T. Paparozzi. 2012. Estimating construction costs for a low-cost Quonset-style Greenhouse. UNL Extension Publication EC 104. 8 pp.
- NIFA - Fostering the next generation of agricultural and natural resources professionals through experiential learning in research, education, and extension. Martha Mamo, Don Lee, Leah Sandall, Gina Matkin, Walt Schacht, Dave Lambe, Jenny Keshwani 2017-2020 - $261,000. https://www.unl.edu/summerprogram/plantsci
- Nebraska Department of Agriculture –Hops Cultivar and Production Evaluation. Stacy Adams, Kim Todd, Kevin Korus, Dave Lambe. $78,000 Awarded October 20th 2015, start: December 10, 2015, end: December 14, 2016)
- "Walmart Strawberry Project", Univ of Arkansas, Universities, Research. Paparozzi, E. T. (Principal Investigator), Meyer, G. E. (Investigator), Adams, S. (Investigator), Lambe, D. P. (Investigator), Read, P. (Investigator), Blankenship, E. (Investigator), 66145, $110,160.00, Awarded. (sub: April 12, 2013, start: July 1, 2013, end: June 30, 2014).
- Nebraska Department of Agriculture/USDA –Greenhouse Strawberry Production in Nebraska–- E. Paparozzi, G. Meyer, S. Adams, P. Read, D. Lambe 2012-2013 -$12,650
- Nebraska Department of Agriculture/USDA –Farmer’s Alternate Crop- Winter Production of Greenhouse Strawberries –- E. Paparozzi, V. Schlegel, G. Meyer, S. Adams, P. Read, D. Lambe – 2011-2012 - $38,456
- Nebraska Department of Agriculture/USDA –Farmer’s Alternative - Winter Strawberry Production in Nebraska –- E. Paparozzi, V. Schlegel, G. Meyer, S. Adams, P. Read, D. Lambe – 2010-2011 - $17,875
- Nebraska Department of Agriculture/USDA –Winter Strawberry Production in Nebraska - E. Paparozzi, V. Schlegel, G. Meyer, S. Adams, P. Read, D. Lambe – 2009-2011 $35,530