Martha Mamo
Department Head, John E. Weaver Professor of Agronomy and Horticulture, Robert B. Daugherty Global Water for Food Fellow. African Scientific Institute Fellow Agronomy & Horticulture University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
Lincoln NE 68583-0915 - Phone
- Website
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Area of Expertise: Soil and Water Sciences
Area of Focus
- Soil Chemistry/Biochemistry
- Mob Grazing Research
- International agriculture
B.S., Chemistry, Alabama A&M University, Huntsville
M.S., Soil Science, Alabama A&M University, Huntsville
Ph.D., Soil Science, University of Minnesota, St. Paul
International Agriculture
Water for Food Global Institute Faculty Fellows work with Ethiopians to address water insecurity and improve livelihoods. Youtube Video
University of Nebraska–Lincoln CASNR Education Abroad, Ethiopia 2015. Youtube Video
University of Nebraska–Lincoln Professor Martha Mamo. Youtube Video
University of Nebraska–Lincoln Professor Martha Mamo. Youtube Video
Teaching and Research Framework
Mamo’s teaching focuses on students as individuals in a student-centered environment that fosters respect for teaching, learning, and mentoring. Her teaching is evidence-based; her courses are designed following the Backward Design approach to align student experiences with learning outcomes. Metacognition to enhance student thinking has been an explicit aspect of her teaching.
Mamo has been providing leadership in two high enrollment soil science courses − Soil Resources 153 and Soil Nutrient Relationships 366, and, in the past 18 years, her courses have generated over 12,000 student credit hours. Mamo incorporates authentic activities, teaching approaches and assessment tools including field and laboratory exercises; data generation and interpretations; project-based learning; e-lessons; and metacognitive activities. Mamo is passionate about building professional capacity in students and has mentored-advised more than 40 undergraduate students. Mamo’s teaching scholarship portfolio has generated more than 20 publications and learning objects and over $700, 000 in funding. She currently leads a USDA-REEU Fellows program, designed to augment student knowledge and skills needed for the agriculture and natural resources workforce.
Mamo’s research efforts integrate soil processes, water conservation, and food security. Mamo is part of an interdisciplinary research team evaluating grazing management strategies on nutrient cycling in low input semi-arid grassland. She has been an active research and education collaborator to address soil and water management of resource-poor, small-scale farmers in East Africa.
Professional Memberships
- Certified Professional Soil Scientist (ARCPACS)
- Member, National Association of College Teachers in Agriculture (NACTA)
- Member, American Society of Agronomy
- Member, Soil Science Society of America
- Member, Gamma Sigma Delta
Courses Taught
- Soil Resources, taught since 2000, PLAS/SOIL 153
- Soil Nutrient Relationships, taught since 2001, PLAS/SOIL 366
Selected Publications 2003-2018
- Wortman, S. and M. Mamo. 2018. Developing a holistic framework for learning outcomes assessment: A case study in Plant Propagation. NACTA Journal. In press
- Sindelar, M., M. Mamo, A. Wingeyer. 2018. Student developed knowledge portfolios from a soil fertility course J. Nat. Resour. Educ.
- Sandall, L., M. Mamo, C. Speth, D. Lee, and T. Kettler. 2014. Student Perception of Metacognitive Activities in Entry Level Science Courses. J. Nat. Resour. Educ. 43: 25-32.
- Mamo, M., D. Namuth-Covert, A. Guru, G. Nugent, L. Phillips, L. Sandall, T. Kettler, and D. McCallister. 2011. Avatars Go to Class: A Virtual Environment Soil Science Activity. J Nat Res. Ed. 40: 114-121.
- Beyene, S., T. Regassa, B. Legesse, M. Mamo, M. Willis, T. Tsegaye, Y. Wolde-Hawariat. Rural livelihoods in drought prone areas of East Hararghe and South Wollo, Ethiopia: Surviving or thriving – in review S. Journal of Clinical Nutrition
- Beyene, S., T. Regassa, B. Legesse, M. Mamo, T. Tsegaye. Empowerment and technology adoption: Introducing treadle pump triggers farmers’s innovation in Eastern Ethiopia. –J. Sustainability. 10.20944/preprints201805.0108.v1.
- Snell, L.K., Guretzky, J.A., Jin, V.L., Drijber, R.A., Mamo, M. 2017. Ruminant urine increases uptake but decreases relative recovery of nitrogen by smooth brome grass. Crop, Forage & Turfgrass Management. 3. doi:10.2134/cftm2016.03.0022
- Wingeyer, A., Mamo, M., McCallister, D., Schacht, W., Sutton., P. 2018. Vegetation and soil responses to concrete grinding residue (CGR) application on highway roadsides of eastern Nebraska. 47: 554-561
- Thompson, L., R. Ferguson, N. Kitchen, D. Frazen, M. Mamo, H. Yang, J. Schepers. 2015. Model and sensor-based recommendation approaches for in-season nitrogen management in corn. Agronomy J. 107: 2020-2030.
- Schmid, C.A., R.E. Gaussoin, R.C. Shearman, M. Mamo and C.S. Wortmann. 2015. Cultivation Effects on Organic Matter Concentration and Infiltration Rates of Two Creeping Bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera L.) Putting Greens. Applied Turfgrass Science doi:10.2134/ATS-2014-0032-
- Cafer, A., M. Willis, S. Beyene, M. Mamo. 2015. Growing Healthy Families: Household Production, Food Security, and Well-being in South Wollo, Ethiopia. American Anthropological Association Culture, Agriculture, Food and Environment. 37(2).
- Snell, L. K., J. Guretzky, V. Jin, R. Drijber, M. Mamo. 2014. Nitrous oxide emissions and herbage accumulation in smooth bromegrass pastures with nitrogen fertilizer and ruminant urine application. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 98, 223-234.
- Parlak, A., M. Parlak, H. Blanco, W. Schacht, J. Guretzky, M. Mamo. 2014. Patch-burn grazing: implications on water erosion and soil properties. Journal of Environmental Quality. 44, 903-909.
- Blanco-Canqui, H., C.A. Shapiro, C.S. Wortmann, R.A. Drijber, M. Mamo, T.M. Shaver, and R.B. Ferguson. 2013. Soil organic carbon: The value to soil properties. J. Soil Water Conserv. 68:129A-134A.
- Lewis, J.D., R.E. Gaussoin, R.C. Shearman, M. Mamo, and C.S. Wortmann. 2010. Soil Physical Properties of Aging Golf Course Putting Greens. Crop Sci. 50: 2084–2091.
- McClellan, T., R.E. Gaussoin, R.C. Shearman, C.S. Wortmann, M. Mamo, and G. L. Horst. 2009. Nutrient and chemical properties of aging golf course putting greens as impacted by soil depth and mat development. HortScience 44: 452–458.
- Mamo. M., and C.S. Wortmann. 2009. Phosphorus sorption as affected by soil properties and termite activity in eastern and southern Africa. Soil Sci. Am. J. 73: 2170–2176.
- Mesfin, T., G.B. Tesfahunegn, C.S. Wortmann, O. Nikus, and M. Mamo. 2009. Tie-ridging and fertilizer use for sorghum production in semi-arid Ethiopia. Nutr. Cycl. Agroecosys. 85: 87–94.
- Mesfin, T., G.B. Tesfahunegn, C.S. Wortmann, O. Nikus, and M. Mamo. 2009. Skip-row planting and tie-ridging for sorghum production in semi-arid areas of Ethiopia. Agron. J.
- Wortmann, C.S., J.A. Quincke, R.A. Drijber, M. Mamo, T. Franti. 2008. Soil microbial change and recovery after one-time tillage of continuous no-till. Agron. J. 100: 1681-1686.
- Miller, G., M. Mamo, R.A. Drijber, C.S. Wortmann, and R. Renken. 2008. Sorghum growth, root responses, and soil solution aluminum and manganese in pH stratified sandy soil. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science. 172: 108-117.
- Garcia, J.P., C.S. Wortmann, M. Mamo, R. A. Drijber, J.A. Quincke, and D. Tarkalson. 2007. One-time tillage of no-till: effects on nutrients, mycorrhizae, and phosphorus uptake. Agron. J. 99: 1093-1103.
- Kaizzi, C.K., J. Byalebeka, C.S. Wortmann, and M. Mamo. 2007. Low input approaches for soil fertility management in semi-arid eastern Uganda. Agron. J. 99:847-853.
- Quincke, J.A., C.S. Wortmann, M. Mamo, T.G. Franti, R.A. Drijber, and J.P. Garcia. 2007. One-time tillage of no-till systems: soil physical properties, phosphorus runoff, and crop yield. Agron. J. 99: 1104-1110.
- Quincke, J.A., C.S. Wortmann, M. Mamo, T. Franti, and R.A. Drijber. 2007. Occasional tillage of no-till systems: CO2 flux and changes in total and labile soil organic carbon. Agron. J. 99: 1158-1168.
- McClellan, T.A., R.C. Shearman, R.E. Gaussoin, M. Mamo, C.S. Wortmann, G.L. Horst, and D.B. Marx. 2007. Nutrient and Chemical Characterization of Aging Golf Course Putting Greens: Establishment and Rootzone Mixture Treatment Effects. Crop Sci. 2007 47: 193-199.
- Wortmann, C.S., M. Mamo, and A. Dobermann. 2007. Nitrogen response of grain sorghum in rotation with soybean. Agron. J. 99: 808-813.
- Wortmann, C.S. and M. Mamo. 2007. Starter fertilizer and row cleaning did not affect yield of early planted, no-till grain sorghum. Crop Management J. 15071.
- Mamo, M., C. Wortmann, and S. Brubaker. 2007. Manure P Fractions: Analytical methods and the effect of manure types. Comm. Soil and Plant Anal. 38:935-947.
- Kaye, N., S.C. Mason, T.D. Galusha and M. Mamo. 2007. Nodulating and non-nodulating soybean rotation influence on soil NO3-N and water, and sorghum grain yield. Agronomy Journal 99: 599-606.
- Ginting, D. and M. Mamo. 2006. Measurements of runoff suspended solids using improved turbidometer method. Journal of Environ. Qual 35: 815-823.
- Brhane, G., C. Wortmann, M. Mamo, H. Gebrekidan, and A.Belay. 2006. Micro-basin tillage for grain sorghum production in semi-arid areas of northern Ethiopia. Agronomy J. 98: 124-128.
- Wortmann, C, S. Xerinda, M. Mamo, and C. Shapiro. 2006. No-till row crop response to starter fertilizer in eastern nebraska: I. Irrigated and rainfed corn. Agronomy J. 98: 156-162.
- Wortmann, C, S. Xerinda, and M. Mamo. 2006. No-till row crop response to starter fertilizer in eastern Nebraska: II. rainfed sorghum. Agronomy J. 98: 187-193.
- Mamo, M., S.C. Gupta, C.J. Rosen, U.B. Singh. 2005. Phosphorus leaching at cold temperatures as affected by wastewater application and soil phosphorus levels. J. Environ. Qual. 34: 1243-1250.
- Mamo, M., T.A. Kettler, and D. Husmann. 2005. Learning style responses to an on-line soil erosion lesson. J. Nat. Resour. Life Sci. Educ. 34: 44-48.
- Mamo, M., D. Ginting, W. Zanner, D. McCallister, R. Renken, C. Shapiro, and B. Eghball. 2005. Stratification of soil phosphorus and increased potential for runoff loss after long-term manure application. J. Soil and Water Conservation. 60: 243-250.
- Mamo, M., T.A. Kettler, D. Husmann, and D. McCallister. 2004. Assessment of interactive computer modules and student learning in introductory soil science. NACTA J. 48: 47-52
- Mamo, M., D. Ginting, R. Renken, B. Egbhall. 2004. Stability of Ion Exchange Resin Under Freeze-Thaw or Dry-Wet Environment. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. 68: 677-681.
- Mamo, M., G.L. Malzer, D.J. Mulla, D.J. Huggins, and J. Strock. 2003. Spatial and temporal variation in economically optimum N rate for corn. Agronomy J. 95: 958-964.
Course Manuals
- Kettler, T., M. Mamo, D. McCallister. Version 2018. Soil Resources 153 Course Manual. UNL
- Mamo, M., S. Teten, M. Sindelar. Soil Nutrient Relationships Course Manual. 2018. 1st edition. UNL
Educational Materials
- Geiss, C., M. Mamo, T. Kettler, J. Ippolito, R. Reuter, D. McCallister, W. Zanner, P. Hain, and J. Soester. 2007. Online Soil Science Lessons: Soil Genesis and Development. Principles Lesson 1: Rocks and Minerals.
- Mamo, M., T. Kettler, J. Ippolito, R. Reuter, D. McCallister, W. Zanner, C. Geiss, P. Hain, and J. Soester. 2007. Online Soil Science Lessons: Soil Genesis and Development. Principles Lesson 2: Processes of Weathering.
- Ippolito, J., M. Mamo, T. Kettler, R. Reuter, D. McCallister, W. Zanner, C. Geiss, P. Hain, and J. Soester. 2007. Online Soil Science Lessons: Soil Genesis and Development. Principles Lesson 3: Soil Forming Factors.
- Reuter, R., M. Mamo, T. Kettler, J. Ippolito, D. McCallister, W. Zanner, C. Geiss, P. Hain, and J. Soester. 2007. Online Soil Science Lessons: Soil Genesis and Development. Principles Lesson 4: Soil Profile Development.
- Zanner, W., T. Kettler, M. Mamo, J. Ippolito, R. Reuter, D. McCallister, C. Geiss, P. Hain, and J. Soester. 2007. Online Soil Science Lessons: Soil Genesis and Development. Principles Lesson 5: Soil Geography and Classification.
- Kettler, T., M. Mamo, J. Ippolito, R. Reuter, D. McCallister, W. Zanner, C. Geiss, P. Hain, and J. Soester. 2007. Online Soil Science Lessons: Soil Genesis and Development. Principles Lesson 6: Soil Global Soil Resources and Distribution.
- Mamo, M., T. Kettler, J. Ippolito, D. McCallister, P. Hain, and J. Soester. 2007. Online Soil Science Lessons: Soil Genesis and Development. Application Scenario Lesson 1: Agroecosystem Soil, Food and Fiber.
- Ippolito, M. Mamo, T. Kettler, D. McCallister, P. Hain, and J. Soester. 2007. Online Soil Science Lessons: Soil Genesis and Development. Application Scenario Lesson 5: Biosolid Additions and Soil Formation.
- McCallister, D., M. Mamo, T. Kettler, J. Ippolito, P. Hain, and J. Soester. 2007. Online Soil Science Lessons: Soil Genesis and Development. Application Scenario Lesson 7: Soils and Salts.
- Mamo, M., and P. Hain. 2005. Erosion. J. Nat. Resour. Life Sci. Educ.
- Mamo, M., and P. Hain. 2005. Erosion Control Measures. J. Nat. Resour. Life Sci. Educ.