Anthony Amori and Osler Ortez, University of Nebraska–Lincoln doctoral students, were selected by the Department of Agronomy and Horticulture for awards.
Amori, specializing in soil and water science, received the M. Rosalind Morris Fellowship. This fellowship recognizes academic excellence and research potential in the agronomic sciences.
Amori’s research focuses on the optimization of irrigation scheduling tools with the goal of achieving high yield and profit for irrigated crops while saving water and energy, and improving the environmental quality. The primary objective of his research is to use real-time information derived from remote sensing and weather forecasts as inputs to crop modeling to guide crop irrigation. He is advised by Haishun Yang, associate professor of agronomy and horticulture.
Rosalind Morris, University of Nebraska professor of plant cytogenetics until 1990, is internationally recognized for her pioneering work in wheat cytogenetics and the effects of irradiation on corn. She is the first woman to be named a fellow of the American Society of Agronomy in 1979 and was one of eight female scientists featured in the summer 2008 issue of Agronomy Journal. Morris' research has led to the development of new wheat varieties.
Ortez, specializing in crop production, was selected for the Gerald O. Mott Meritorious Graduate Student Award in Crop Science.
This award is offered by the Crop Science Society of America and recognizes meritorious graduate students pursuing advanced degrees in crop science disciplines. Ortez was selected based on his academic achievements, research and teaching contributions, leadership accomplishments, service activities and personal qualifications.
Ortez’s research focuses on studying and isolating factors responsible for ear formation issues and its subsequent losses in corn. In recent years, corn ear malformation issues have affected crops in Nebraska and other areas in the U.S. Such malformations can result from unknown genetic, environmental and management conditions.
Ortez is advised by Roger Elmore, professor of agronomy and horticulture, and Justin McMechan, assistant professor of entomology.
The Gerald O. Mott award honors the first CSSA President Gerald O. Mott, who trained 75 graduate students during his 45-year career at Purdue University and the University of Florida. Many of Mott’s students have become eminent forage scientists.