Daigh appointed to National Academies soil science committee

January 14, 2025

Aaron Daigh
Aaron Lee M. Daigh
Lana Koepke Johnson | Agronomy and Horticulture

Aaron Lee M. Daigh, associate professor of Vadose Zone Science at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln, has been appointed to the National Academies' U.S. National Committee for Soil Sciences

The U.S. National Committee for Soil Sciences “represents the interests of the U.S. soil science community in the International Union of Soil Sciences and provides leadership in the advancement of soil science nationally and internationally. The committee advises The National Academies in all matters pertaining to the IUSS and supports U.S. participation in the international arena. To identify relevant issues for the committee to address, the USNC communicates with professional societies and organizations.” 

The IUSS is the global union of soil scientists that promotes all branches of soil science and its applications, engages scientists and stimulates scientific research.

Daigh’s appointment will be as an ex officio member and liaison in USNC/SS representing the Soil Science Society of America where he serves as the elected president. His three-year term began Jan. 1.

Daigh is an associate professor in the Departments of Agronomy and Horticulture and Biological Systems Engineering and a courtesy associate professor at the University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Public Health. A vadose zone hydrologist and soil physicist, Daigh directs research on vadose zone water quality and the fate and transport of nutrients and chemicals in agricultural landscapes overlying major aquifers. His research and classroom instruction have covered topics such as the transfer of energy and matter in soils and the vadose zone, sources of spatial and temporal variability, water management, contamination, terrestrial remediation-reclamation-restoration of severely degraded lands and agronomy.