by Lana Koepke Johnson
Vipin Kumar, an agronomy and horticulture doctoral student specializing in weed science, earned first place in Overall Graduate Individual in the North Central Weed Science Society National Weed Contest on July 25 at ABG Ag Services in Sheridan, Indiana.
According to NCWSS, the North Central Collegiate Weed Science Contest provides a competitive educational experience for college students to apply and expand their weed science knowledge in a practical setting. The contest increases the visibility and importance of weed science for the ag industry and offers networking opportunities with university faculty, researchers, industry representatives and fellow students. More information on the contest can be found on the NCWSS website.
The contest includes four sections.
- Weed identification: Students must demonstrate their ability to identify weeds at all plant life stages and to use appropriate terminology.
- Herbicide symptom identification: Students must demonstrate their ability to identify herbicide site of action and active ingredient based on symptomology seen on treated plants and selectivity among different species.
- Written calibration for sprayer: Students must demonstrate their ability to do calculations that are related to herbicide application and related agronomic practices.
- Solving farmer problem: Students must demonstrate their ability to troubleshoot a plant production problem in a field – agronomic, horticulture or turf – or non-crop situation and recommend an effective solution to that problem.
Each section has a first-place award. An overall first-place award is given to an individual who has the highest score when scores from all four sections are combined.
Kumar’s research focuses on how to incorporate cover crops in Nebraska crop rotations for integrated management of herbicide-resistant weeds in corn and soybean. He is advised by Amit Jhala, agronomy and horticulture associate department head, professor and extension weed management specialist.
Kumar is from Hisar, Haryana, India, where he received a bachelor’s degree in agricultural sciences with a major in agronomy from CCS Haryana Agricultural University. He earned a master’s degree in life sciences with a major in weed science from Virginia Polytechnique Institute and State University.
When asked why he came to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, Kumar said it’s because Nebraska is a major agricultural state and the university's department is actively focused on advancing crop production and productivity. Because of this strong emphasis on agricultural research and improvement, Kumar felt that this department was the ideal place for him to pursue his doctoral degree.
For more information about Nebraska’s Weed Science Team see