The Undergraduate Catalog contains all the course requirements for each degree. Each degree requires 120 credits to graduate, which is equivalent to 15 credits per semester for eight semesters.
- Agronomy (AGRO)
- Plant and Landscape Systems (PLAS)
- Plant Biology (PBIO)
2024-25 4-year plans
- AGRO 4-year plan (PDF, Excel)
- PLAS, Horticulture 4-year plan (PDF, Excel)
- PLAS, Landscape Design and Management 4-year plan (PDF, Excel)
- PLAS, Turfgrass Science and Management 4-year plan (PDF, Excel)
- PBIO, Ecology and Management 4-year plan (PDF, Excel)
- PBIO, Biotechnology 4-year plan (PDF, Excel)
2024-25 Check-lists
- Agronomy check-list (PDF, Excel)
- PLAS, Horticulture option check-list (PDF, Excel)
- PLAS, Landscape Design and Management option check-list (PDF, Excel)
- PLAS, Turfgrass Science and Management check-list (PDF, Excel)
- PBIO, Ecology and Management
- PBIO, Biotechnology
Course Descriptions
To see a course description, use the search box on the UNL Undergraduate Catalog page ( Click on ‘Course’, then type in the course prefix and number (i.e. AGRO 100), and click ‘search’.
Semester and Time of Course Offering
Courses are typically offered during the same semester (spring, summer, or fall) each year. Rarely are changes made to the semester in which the course is offered. The day(s) and time of day when the course is taught is often the same from year to year. You can use this information to make sure you do not have any time conflicts with the courses you want to take by looking the previous and/or future days and times the courses are offered.
Students should meet with their academic advisor minimally each semester to discuss professional goals and classes for the upcoming semester. Contact Meghan Sindelar for the Agronomy major, Anne Streich for the Plant and Landscape Systems major, and Cheryl Dunn or Christian Elowsky for the Plant Biology major.
See the undergraduate catalog for course requirements in all the emphases and minors.
To answer your general advising, enrollment, and graduation questions please see the FAQ page.
Current Student FAQs
FAQs on general advising, enrollment and graduation questions.