Google Scholar Citations

Refereed Publications

  1. Roh, MS, SY Park, MJ Jeon, YH Joung, K Amundsen, G Burchi, A Porcelli. 2023. Genetic variations of Narcissus tazetta and selected Narcissus cultivars based on the sequence analysis of nrITS and trnL-IS-trnF regions. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution (accepted).
  2. Driskill M, K Pardee, KE Hummer, JD Zurn, K Amundsen, A Wiles, C Wiedow, J Patzak, J Henning, N Bassil. 2022. Two fingerprinting sets for Humulus lupulus based on KASP and microsatellite markers. PloS one 17 (4), e0257746
  3. Marshall, C, SE Warnke, K Amundsen. 2022. Simple sequence repeat marker development and diversity analysis in buffalograss. Crop Science. 00, 1-10. DOI:
  4. Amundsen K, SE Warnke, Bushman BS, MD Robbins, R Martin, K Harris-Shultz. 2021. Colonial bentgrass transcript expression differences compared to creeping bentgrass in response to water deficit stress. Crop Science DOI:
  5. Bushman BS, MD Robbins, SE Warnke, R Martin, K Harris-Shultz, K Amundsen. 2021. Gene expression differences for drought stress response in cool-season turfgrasses. Int. Turfgrass Soc. Research Journal DOI:
  6. Canella Vieira B, J Luck, K Amundsen, T Gaines, R Werle, G Kruger. 2020. Herbicide drift exposure leads to reduced herbicide sensitivity in Amaranthus spp. Scientific Reports 10:2146
  7. Koch KG, NA Palmer NA, T Donze-Reiner, ED Scully, J Seravalli, K Amundsen, P Twigg, J Louis, JD Bradshaw, T Heng-Moss, G Sarath. 2020. Aphid-responsive defense networks in hybrid switchgrass. Frontiers in Plant Science doi:10.3389/fpls.2020.01145
  8. Warnke S, CS Thamina, K Amundsen. 2020. Genetic variation of the epibiotic fungus Atkinsonella hypoxylon (Peck) Diehl., (Clavicipitaceae) infecting Danthonia spicata(L.) Beauv. Crop Science DOI:10.1002/csc2.20119
  9. Canella Vieira B, J Luck, K Amundsen, T Gaines, Todd; R Werle, G Kruger. 2019. Response of Amaranthus spp. following exposure to sublethal herbicide rates via spray particle drift. Plos One 14(7):e0220014.
  10. Park SY, MJ Jeon, SH Ma, E Wahlsteen, K Amundsen, JH Kim, JK Suh, JS Chang, YH Joung. 2019. Phylogeny and genetic variation in the genus Eranthis using nrITS and cpIS single nucleotide polymorphisms. Horticulture, Environment, and Biotechnology.
  11. Chahal P.S., S. Irmak, T. Gaines, K. Amundsen, M. Jugulam, P. Jha, I.S. Travlos, A.J. Jhala. 2018. Control of photosystem (PS) II- and 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase (HPPD)-inhibitor-resistant Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri S. Wats.) in conventional corn. Weed Technology DOI:10.1017/wet.2017.111
  12. Koch KG, T Donze-Reiner, LM Baird, J Louis, K Amundsen, G Sarath, JD Bradshaw. 2018. Evaluation of greenbug and yellow sugarcane aphid feeding behavior on resistant and susceptible switchgrass cultivars. BioEnergy Research. 11(2):480-490.
  13. Oliveira MC, Gaines TA, Patterson EP, Jhala AJ, Irmak S, Amundsen K, Knezevic SZ. 2018. Interspecific and intraspecific metabolism-based herbicide resistance transfer in dioecious weedy Amaranthus. Plant Journal 96(5):1051-1063. doi: 10.1111/tpj.14089
  14. Thammina, C.S., K. Amundsen, S.B. Bushman, M. Kramer, S.E. Warnke. 2018. Genetic Diversity of Danthonia spicata (L.) Beauv. Based on Genomic Simple Sequence Repeat Markers. Genetics Resources and Crop Evolution 65:1059. DOI: 10.1007/s10722-017-0596-z.
  15. Waters, B., K. Amundsen, G. Graef. 2018. Gene expression profiling of iron deficiency chlorosis sensitive and tolerant soybean indicates key roles for phenylpropanoids under alkalinity stress. Frontiers in Plant Science. 9:10. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2018.00010
  16. Amundsen, K.L., L. Li, R. Shearman, R. Gaussoin. 2017. Addressing misperceptions regarding buffalograss tolerance to sandy soils, traffic, and shade. International Turfgrass Research Journal 13:1-6 doi: 10.2134/itsrj2016.05.0347
  17. Amundsen, K., Sarath, G., Donze-Reiner, T., eds. 2017. Genomic approaches for improvement of understudied grasses. Lausanne: Frontiers Media. doi: 10.3389/978-2-88945-242-2.
  18. Donze-Reiner, T., Palmer, N.A., Scully, E.D., Prochaska, T.J., Koch, K.G., Heng-Moss, T, Bradshaw, J., Twigg, P., Amundsen, K., Sattler, S.E., Sarath, G. 2017. Transcriptional analysis of defense mechanisms in upland tetraploid switchgrass to greenbugs. BMC Plant Biology 17(1):46. doi: 10.1186/s12870-017-0998-2.
  19. Warnke S., C. Thammina, K. Amundsen, P. Miljanic, H. Hershman. 2017. High resolution melt analysis of simple sequence repeats for bentgrass species differentiation. Crop Science doi:10.2135/cropsci2016.10.0838.
  20. Amaradasa, B.S., and K. Amundsen. 2016. Characterization of defense-related genes of buffalograss challenged with the leaf spot pathogen Curvularia inaequalis. Frontiers in Plant Science DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2016.00715.
  21. Bushman, S., K. Amundsen, S. Warnke, J. Robins, P. Johnson. 2016. Transcriptome Profiling of Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) Accessions in Response to Salt Stress. BMC Genomics 17:48. DOI: 10.1186/s12864-016-2379-x (Bushman and Amundsen are co-first authors).
  22. Kreuser, K, G. Sarath, W. Kreuser, K. Amundsen. 2016. Potassium nitrate effect on buffalograss bur dormancy. HortScience 51(12):1566-72. doi: 10.21273/HORTSCI11126-16
  23. Li, L., M.D. Sousek, K.L. Amundsen, Z.J. Reicher. 2016. Cultivar, seeding rate, or date has little effect on establishment of dormant seeded buffalograss. HortScience 51(6):750-53.
  24. Li, L., M.D. Sousek, K.L. Amundsen, Z.J. Reicher. 2016. Seeding date and bur treatment affect establishment success of dormant-seeded buffalograss. Agronomy Journal 109:1-6. doi:10. 213 4/ag ronj2016 .03.016 4.
  25. Oliveira, M., A. Jhala, T. Gaines, S. Irmak, K. Amundsen, J. Scott, S. Knezevic. 2016. Confirmation and Control of HPPD-Inhibiting Herbicide-Resistant Waterhemp (Amaranthus tuberculatus) in Nebraska. Weed Technology 31:67-79. DOI:
  26. Amaradasa, B.S., D. Lakshman, K. Amundsen. 2015. AFLP fingerprinting for identification of infra-species groups of Rhizoctonia solani and Waitea circinata. J. Plant Pathol. Microb. 6(3):262. Doi: 10.4172/2157-7471.1000262.
  27. Ramm C., A. Wayadande, L. Baird, R. Nandakumar, N. Madayiputhiya, K. Amundsen, T. Donze, F. Baxendale, T. Heng-Moss. 2015. Morphology and Proteome Characterization of the Salivary Glands of the Western Chinch Bug, Blissus occiduus (Hemiptera: Blissidae). Journal of Economic Entomology doi: 10.1093/jee/tov149.
  28. Ramm, C., M. Wachholtz, K. Amundsen, T. Donze, T. Heng-Moss, P. Twigg, G. Sarath, and F. Baxendale. 2015. Transcriptional Profiling of Resistant and Susceptible Buffalograsses in Response to Blissus occiduus (Hemiptera: Blissidae) Feeding. Journal of Economic Entomology. doi: 10.1093/jee/tov067.
  29. Donze, T., B.S. Amaradasa, C. Caha, T. Heng-Moss, K. Amundsen. 2015. Molecular differentiation of gender in buffalograss. Crop Science 55(4): 1827-33 doi:10.2135/cropsci2014.07.0478.
  30. Amaradasa, B.S., K. Amundsen. 2014. First report of Curvularia inaequalis and Bipolaris spicifera causing leaf blight of buffalograss in Nebraska. Plant Disease 98(2):279.
  31. Honig, J.A., C. Kubik, M. Majewski, C. Poulsen, E. Weibel, K. Amundsen, S.E. Warnke, W.A. Meyer, S.A. Bonos. 2014. A PCR-based linkage map of Agrostis stolonifera and identification of QTL markers for dollar spot resistance. Mol. Gen. Genet. 34:185-203.
  32. Amaradasa, B., H. Madrid, J.Z. Groenewald, P.W. Crous, K. Amundsen. 2014. Porocercospora seminalis gen. et comb. nov., the causal organism of buffalograss false smut. Mycologia 106(1):77-85.
  33. Amaradasa, B., D. Lakshman, B. Horvath, K. Amundsen. 2014. Development of SCAR markers and UP-PCR cross-hybridization method for specific detection of four major subgroups of Rhizoctonia from infected turfgrasses. Mycologia 106(1):163-172.
  34. Waters, B.M., S.A. McInturf, K. Amundsen. 2014. Transcriptomic and physiological characterization of the fefe mutant of melon (Cucumis melo) reveals new aspects of iron-copper crosstalk. New Phytologist DOI: 10.1111/nph.12911.
  35. Bushman, B.S., S.E. Warnke, K.L. Amundsen, K.M. Combs, P. Johnson. 2013. Molecular markers highlight variation within and among Kentucky bluegrass varieties and accessions. Crop Science. 53(5):2245-2254.
  36. Wachholtz, M., T. Heng-Moss, P. Twigg, L. Baird, G. Lu, K. Amundsen. 2013. Transcriptome analysis of two buffalograss cultivars. BMC Genomics 14:613.
  37. Ramm, C., A. Saathoff, T. Donze, T. Heng-Moss, F. Baxendale, P. Twigg, L. Baird, K. Amundsen. 2013. Expression Profiling of Four Defense-Related Buffalograss Transcripts in Response to Chinch Bug (Hemiptera: Blissidae) Feeding. J. Economic Entomology 106(6):2267-2576.
  38. Amundsen, K., and S. Warnke. 2012. Agrostis species relationships based on trnL-trnF and atpI-atpH intergenic spacer regions. Hort Science 47(1):18-24.
  39. Serba, D.D., O. Gulsen, B.G. Abeyo, K.L. Amundsen, D.J. Lee, P.S. Baenziger, T.M. Heng-Moss, K.M. Eskridge, and R.C. Shearman. 2012. Turfgrass performance of diploid buffalograss (Buchloë dactyloides (Nutt.) Engelm.) half-sib populations. Hort Science 47(2):189-197.
  40. Amundsen, K., R. Brown, G. Jung, and S. Warnke. 2012. Evaluation of population structure within diploid Agrostis germplasm based on miniature inverted-repeat transposable elements. Crop Science 52:1902-1909.
  41. Peterson, K.W., C.J. Wegner, K.L. Amundsen, R.E. Gaussoin, W.H. Schacht, G.L. Horst, R.C. Shearman. 2012. Mowing Height and Genotype Influence on Carbohydrate Content of Buffalograss. Crop Science 53(3):1153-1160.
  42. Amundsen, K., D. Rotter, M. L. Huaijun, J. Messing, G. Jung, F. Belanger, and S. Warnke. 2011. Miniature inverted-repeat transposable element identification and genetic marker development in Agrostis. Crop Science 51:854-861.
  43. Amundsen, K. and S. Warnke. 2011. Species relationships in the genus Agrostis based on flow cytometry and MITE-display molecular markers. Crop Science 51:1224-1231.
  44. Dhar, A.K., D.K. Lakshman, K. Amundsen, R. Robles-Sikisaka, K.N. Kaizer, S. Roy, K.W. Hasson, and F.C.T. Allnutt. 2010. Characterization of a taura syndrome virus isolate originating from the 2004 Texas epizootic in cultured shrimp. Archives Virology 155:315-27.
  45. Rotter, D, K. Amundsen, S. Bonos, W. Meyer, S. Warnke, and F. Belanger. 2009. Molecular genetic linkage map for allotetraploid colonial bentgrass. Crop Science 49:1609-1619.
  46. Skinner, J.S., J. von Zitzewitz, P. Szıcs, L. Marquez-Cedillo, T. Filichkin, K. Amundsen, E.J. Stockinger, M.F. Thomashow, T.H.H. Chen, P.M. Hayes. Structural, functional, and phylogenetic characterization of a large cbf gene family in barley. Plant Mol. Bio. 2005 Nov;59(4):533-551.
  47. Jaglo, K.R., S. Kleff, K. Amundsen, X. Zhang, V. Haake, J.Z. Zhang, T. Deits, M.F. Thomashow. 2001. Components of the Arabidopsis C-repeat/dehydration-responsive element binding factor cold-response pathway are conserved in Brassica napus and other plant species. Plant Physiol. Nov;127(3):910-7.

Invited Review Articles

  1. Amaradasa, B., T. Donze, G. Sarath, T. Heng-Moss, and K. Amundsen. 2014. Characterizing differential gene expression in polyploid grasses lacking a reference transcriptome. OA Biotechnology 3(1):1.

Books and chapters

  1. Amundsen, K., Sarath, G., Donze-Reiner, T., eds. 2017. Genomic Approaches for Improvement of Understudied Grasses. Lausanne: Frontiers Media. doi: 10.3389/978-2-88945-242-2
  2. Amundsen, K., S. Warnke. 2013. Bentgrasses and poa. In H. Cai, & T. Yamada (Eds.), Genetics, genomics and breeding of forage crops (pp. 130-143) CRC Press.
  3. Skinner, J.S., J. von Zitzewitz, L. Marquez-Cedillo, T. Filichkin, P. Szıcs, K. Amundsen, E.J. Stockinger, M.F. Thomashow, T.H.H. Chen, and P.M. Hayes. 2005. Barley contains a large cbf gene family associated with quantitative cold tolerance traits. In: T.H.H. Chen, M. Uemura, and S. Fujikawa, (eds.), Cold Hardiness in Plants: Molecular Genetics, Cell Biology and Physiology. CAB International, Oxon, UK, pp. 30-52.

Peer-reviewed extension publications

  1. Reicher, Z., K. Amundsen, A. Streich, F. Baxendale, L. Giesler. 2012. Tall fescue management calendar. NebGuide G558.
  2. Reicher, Z., K. Amundsen, A. Streich, F. Baxendale, L. Giesler. 2012. Kentucky bluegrass management calendar. NebGuide G517.
  3. Reicher, Z., K. Amundsen, A. Streich, F. Baxendale, L. Giesler. 2012. Buffalograss management calendar. NebGuide G2178.