Daren Redfearn
Professor, Forage & Crop Residue Specialist; Hub Leader, Water and Integrated Cropping Systems; Center for Grassland Studies Faculty Affiliate; Robert B. Daugherty Institute Global Water for Food Faculty Fellow Agronomy & Horticulture University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
KEIM 136
Lincoln NE 68583-0915 - Phone
Area of Expertise: Range and Forage Sciences
Area of Focus: Integrated Forage, Crop, and Beef Systems
B.S., Animal Science, Texas Tech University, 1985
M.S., Agronomy, University of Nebraska, 1991
Ph.D., Agronomy (Range and Forage Specialization), University of Nebraska, 1995
Research Interests
- Develop management, production, and utilization strategies for annual forages used as cover crops
- Evaluate the influence of crop residue management systems on cover crop establishment
- Create unique crop residue management systems that facilitate use of cover crops
Extension Interests
- Enhance the use of crop residues and cover crops into existing beef production systems
- Implement economical crop residue harvest and grazing methods
Journal Articles
- Drewnoski, M., J. Parsons, H. Blanco, D. Redfearn, K. Hales, J. MacDonald. 2018. Can cover crops pull double duty: Conservation and profitable forage production in the Midwestern US? Journal of Animal Science. doi:10.1093/jas/sky026/4904372
- Schmer, M., R. Brown, V. Jin, R. Mitchell, and D. Redfearn. 2017. Corn residue utilization by livestock in the USA. Agriculture and Environmental Letters.
- Redfearn, D., J. Parsons, and M. Drewnoski. 2016. Multidisciplinary research and extension team development and evolution: Processes, outcomes, and strategies. Agriculture and Environmental Letters.
- Scasta, J. D., D.M. Engle, S.D. Fuhlendorf, D.D. Redfearn, and T.G. Bidwell. 2015. Meta-analysis of exotic forages as invasive plants in complex multi-functioning landscapes. Invasive Plant Science and Management 8:292-306.
- Bidwell, T., D. Redfearn, and B. Reavis. 2013. Native hay meadow management. Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service, Oklahoma State University Extension Facts, NREM-2891.
- Redfearn, D. and J. Edwards. 2013. Spring-planted oat for grazing or hay production. Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service, Oklahoma State University Extension Facts, PSS-2160.
- Wyatt, W.E., B.C. Venuto, J.M. Gillespie, D.C. Blouin, and D.D. Redfearn. 2012. Effects of year-round stocking rates and stocking methods on performance of cow-calf pairs grazing dallisgrass-common bermudagrass pastures overseeded with annual ryegrass. Professional Animal Scientist 28:417-432.
- Nelson, C.J., D.D. Redfearn, and J. H. Cherney. 2012. Forage harvest management. Chapter 4. In C.J. Nelson (ed.) Conservation Outcomes from Pastureland and Hayland Practices: Assessment, Recommendations, and Knowledge Gaps. Allen Press, Lawrence, KS.
- Redfearn, D.D. 2012. Assessing drought damage in perennial grass pastures. Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service, Oklahoma State University Extension Facts, PSS-2593.
- Redfearn, D.D. 2012. Pasture recovery following drought. Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service, Oklahoma State University Extension Facts, PSS-2592.
- Wyatt, W.E., B.C. Venuto, J.M. Gillespie, D.C. Blouin, and D.D. Redfearn. 2012. Effects of year-round stocking rates and stocking methods on performance of cow-calf pairs grazing dallisgrass-common bermudagrass pastures overseeded with annual ryegrass. Professional Animal Scientist 28:417-432.
- Redfearn, D., and C. Rice. 2011. Bermudagrass pasture management. Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service, Oklahoma State University Extension Facts, PSS-2591.
- Redfearn, D. 2010. Fertilizing cool-season grasses. In B. Arnall and D. Redfearn (ed.) Oklahoma Forage and Pasture Fertility Handbook. Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service (E-1021).
- Redfearn, D. 2010. Fertilizing warm-season-season grasses. In B. Arnall and D. Redfearn (ed.) Oklahoma Forage and Pasture Fertility Handbook. Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service (E-1021).
- Redfearn, D. 2010. Hay production and grazing. In B. Arnall and D. Redfearn (ed.) Oklahoma Forage and Pasture Fertility Handbook. Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service (E-1021).
- Redfearn, D. 2010. Legume fertility. In B. Arnall and D. Redfearn (ed.) Oklahoma Forage and Pasture Fertility Handbook. Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service (E-1021).
- Redfearn, D., B. Arnall, H. Zhang, and C. Rice. 2010. Fertilizing bermudagrass hay and pasture. Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service, Oklahoma State University Extension Facts, PSS-2263.
- Edwards, J., J. Warren, and D. Redfearn. 2009. Sod-seeding small grains into bermudagrass pasture. Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service, Oklahoma State University Extension Facts, PSS-3035.
- Redfearn, D. 2009. Realistic expectations for switchgrass in Oklahoma. p. 6-7. In D. Redfearn and J.L. Caddel (ed.) Switchgrass Production Guide for Oklahoma. Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service (E-1012).
- Redfearn, D. 2009. Stand establishment. p. 8-15. In D. Redfearn and J.L. Caddel (ed.) Switchgrass Production Guide for Oklahoma. Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service (E-1012).
- Santillano-Cazares, J., A.A. Hopkins, C.L. Goad, D.D. Redfearn, and J.L. Caddel. 2008. Winter grazing can be beneficial to tall fescue seed production in Oklahoma. Online. Forage and Grazinglands doi:10.1094/FG-2008-1007-01-RS.
- Philipp, D., K.J. Moore, J.F. Pedersen, R.J. Grant, D.D. Redfearn, and R.B. Mitchell. 2007. Ensilage performance of sorghum hybrids varying in extractable sugars. Biomass and Bioenergy 31 (7):492-496.
Book Chapters
- Redfearn, D.D., and C.J. Nelson. 2018. Grasses for Southern Areas. pp. 103-115. In: M. Collins et al., editors, Forages: An introduction to grassland agriculture. Volume I, 7th edition, Wiley/Blackwell Publishing.
- Nelson, C.J., D.D. Redfearn, and J. H. Cherney. 2012. Forage harvest management. Chapter 4. In C.J. Nelson (ed.) Conservation Outcomes from Pastureland and Hayland Practices: Assessment, Recommendations, and Knowledge Gaps. Allen Press, Lawrence, KS.
- Berdahl, J.D., and D.D. Redfearn. 2007. Grasses for arid and semi-arid areas. p. 221-244. In R.F Barnes, C.J. Nelson, M. Collins, and K.J. Moore (ed.) Forages: The Science of Grassland Agriculture, 6th edition, Volume II, Iowa State University Press, Ames, IA.