Amit J. Jhala
Associate Department Head, Professor, Extension Weed Management Specialist
Research focus: Weed Management
Email: amit.jhala@unl.edu
Hometown: Panjab, India
- Ph.D. Student, Agronomy and Horticulture (Weed Science), University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
- M.S., Agronomy, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, India, 2019
- B.S., (Hons.) Agriculture, Minor, Agronomy, Soil Science and Agroforestry, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, India, 2017
Research focus:
- Pollen-mediated gene flow from Enlist corn to non-GMO white corn.
- Evaluating antagonistic effect of tank-mixing 2,4-D choline with quizalofop-p-ethyl for control of glyphosate/glufosinate-resistant volunteer corn control in corn resistant to aryloxyphenoxypropionates.
- Evaluating antagonistic effect of tank-mixing 2,4-D choline with clethodim or sethoxydim for control of glyphosate/glufosinate/aryloxyphenoxypropionates-resistant corn volunteers in Enlist E3 Soybean.
- Post-emergence control of glyphosate/glufosinate/dicamba-resistant soybean volunteers in Enlist E3 Corn.
Office: 371 Keim Hall, East Campus
Email: msingh9@huskers.unl.edu
Hometown: Haryana, India
- Ph.D., Agronomy and Horticulture (Weed Science), University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA, (expected graduation date: May 2026)
- M.S., Life Sciences (Weed Science), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, USA, 2022
- B.S., (Hons.) Agriculture, Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, Haryana, India, 2019
Research focus:
- Evaluating critical time for cereal rye termination under soybean planting green conditions for weed suppression
- Evaluating performance of inter-seeding small grains (barley, oat, wheat) in soybean for management of herbicide-resistant weeds
- Effect of tillage and residual herbicides on emergence of velvetleaf and common lambsquarters
- Integrated weed management in vegetable crop
Office: 176 Keim Hall, East Campus
Email: vkumar4@huskers.unl.edu
Hometown: Hyderabad, Telangana, India
- Ph.D. Student, Agronomy and Horticulture (Weed Science), University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
- M.S., Plant Science (Hemp agronomy), Tennessee State University, Nashville, TN, USA, 2023
- B.S., (Hons.) Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences Raichur, Karnataka, India, 2019
Research focus:
- Management of herbicide-resistant Palmer amaranth in sorghum.
- Comparison of root architecture of Palmer amaranth, waterhemp, and common lambsquarters.
- Meta analysis
Office: 176 Keim Hall, East Campus
Email: smaddela2@huskers.unl.edu
Hometown: Lincoln, Nebraska
- B.S., Mechanized Systems Management, College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2019
Research Technologist:
- Perform field activities such as tillage, planting, spraying, and harvesting
- Maintain equipment and ensure necessary supplies are available
- Work with graduate students to perform research and accomplish tasks
Office: 384 Plant Science Hall, East Campus
Email: achmielewski2@unl.edu

Hometown: Warner, New Hampshire
- M.A., English (Creative Writing–Fiction), University of Nebraska–Lincoln, USA 2015
- B.A., Writing & Literature, Bennington College, Bennington VT, USA 2007
Copyediting weed science articles for publication
Email: irogers2@unl.edu
- Ramandeep Kaur – Ph.D. ( to 2023)
- William Neels – M.S. ( to 2022)
- Trey Stephens – M.S. ( to 2023)
- Jasmine Mausbach – M.S. (2019 to 2021); Current Position: Research Technologist, Weed Science Program, University of Illinois
- Adam Striegel – M.S. (2018 to 2020); Current Position: Crop Protection TDR (Western Iowa), Bayer Crop Science
- Clint Beiermann – Ph.D. Student (2016 to 2020); Current Position: Assistant Professor, Montana State University
- Ethann Barnes – M.S. (2016 to 2018); Ph.D. (2017 to 2019); Current Position: Data Management Scientist, Greenlight Biosciences, NC
- Jose De Sanctis – M.S. (2018 to 2020); Current Position: Ph.D. Student, North Carolina State University
- Adam Leise – Undergraduate Student (2017 to 2020); Volunteer at FOCUS Program, ND
- Murtaza Nalwala – Undergraduate Student (2017 to 2019); Current Position: MS Student & Project Manager/Civil Engineer, UNL
- Jared Stander – Undergraduate Student (2018); Current Position: Undergraduate Student, UNL
- Amy Hauver – Graduate Intern: 2017 to 2018
- Parminder Singh Chahal – MS Student (2013 to 2014); Ph.D. Student (2014 to 2017); Postdoctoral Fellow (2017 to 2018); Current Position: Field Development Representative, FMC, NE
- Zahoor Ganie – Ph.D. (2013 to 2016); Postdoctoral Fellow (2016 to 2018); Current Position: Global R & D Scientist, Herbicide Discovery Biology, FMC, DE
- Debalin Sarangi – Ph.D. Student (2013 to 2017); Postdoctoral Fellow (2017 to 2018); Current Position: Assistant Professor & Extension Weed Scientist, University of Minnesota, St Paul, MN
- Jatinder Aulakh – Postdoctoral Research Fellow: March 2014 to July 2015; Current Position: Weed Scientist, Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, CT.
- Simranpreet Kaur – M.S. Student: Jan 2013 to Aug. 2015; Current Position: Technical Services Specialist, Synagro, CA.
- Mason Adams – Undergraduate Student: 2013 to 2015
- Bradley Meusch – Undergraduate Student: 2014 to 2016
- Jacob Nikodym – Undergraduate Student: 2015 to 2017