Avatar for Devin Rose

Devin Rose

Associate Professor Food Science & Technology University of Nebraska-Lincoln


FIC 1901 N 21st St Rm 268
Lincoln NE 68588-6205
402-472-2802 On-campus 2-2802

Area of Expertise: Plant Breeding and Genetics


B.S. Food Science, Brigham Young University
M.S. Food Science, Brigham Young University
Ph.D., Food Science, Purdue University


Teaching and/or Extension Activities

  • Food Carbohydrates
  • Food Chemistry
  • Food Product Development
  • Sensory Evaluation

Research Areas

Research in my lab is aimed at improving the quality and health-promoting properties of cereal grains and their products, with particular emphasis on whole grains and dietary fibers. Our approaches are to:

  • Develop methodologies for evaluation of end-use quality and chemical composition of whole grains
  • Determine how differences in chemical and physical properties of whole grains influence end-use quality
  • Identify grain components with potentially health-promoting properties using in vitro approaches
  • Determine the impact of whole grain- and dietary fiber-containing foods on diet-related disease prevention in human and animal trials


Google Scholar publication list