The mission of the Department of Agronomy and Horticulture Safety Committee is to promote a healthy and safe environment for all employees and visitors to our facilities through the involvement of all individuals with regards to education, communication and safe work practices.

Mike Livingston

Safety Committee Chair

Mike Livingston is the Safety Committee Chair for the Department of Agronomy and Horticulture.

Have an idea or suggestion? Let him know.

Connect with Mike via email or phone at 402-472-5190.

Or send anonymous comments, via the suggestion box web form.

Safety Suggestion Box

In Case of an Emergency

In case of an emergency follow the UNL Police Building Emergency Action Plan for the Department of Agronomy and Horticulture Keim/Plant Science Hall, Stewart Seed Lab and Kiesselbach Crops Research Lab Emergency Action Plan.

Emergency Action Plan

Safety Information

Department of Agronomy and Horticulture Safety Information 

Building Floor Plan with Relative Safety Information

Plant Sciences & Keim Hall Maps

Core safety Training

EHS core safety training website

Accident/Incident Reporting


Student Injury /Illness Reporting Form

Near Miss/Close Call Incident Reporting Form

Reporting an Employee Injury
Questions? Contact Svetlana Chistopolskaya at

If you have any questions regarding the process of filing a workers compensation claim, please contact the campus Worker's Comp Administrator at 402-472-8414 or

Safety Committee

Committee members shall be appointed by the Department Head and constitute a diverse group of employees from faculty, field, lab and administrative staff. Members shall serve a staggered three-year term effective July 1.

Safety Committee Charter

Safety Committee Minutes - 2018 to present 

  1. Avatar for Mike Livingston
  2. Avatar for Aldi Airori
    Research Technologist I
  3. Avatar for Elizabeth Bardot
    Research Technologist I
  4. Avatar for Kyle Broderick
    Assoc Exten Educator
  5. Avatar for Svetlana Chistopolskaya
    HAPPI HR/Payroll Coordinator Lead
  6. Avatar for Cheryl Dunn
    Lecturer, Herbarium Curator, Plant Biology Undergraduate Advisor
  7. Avatar for T. J. McAndrew
  8. Avatar for Kay McClure
  9. Avatar for Nathan Palmer
  10. Avatar for Christian Stephenson
    Assistant Professor of Practice
  11. Avatar for Ezekial Villamil
    Graduate Research Asst