Robert (Bob) C. Shearman
Emeritus Sunkist Fiesta Bowl Professor of Agronomy Agronomy and Horticulture University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
202 KEIM
Lincoln NE 68583-0724 - Phone
Area of Focus: Turfgrass Science and Agronomy
B. S., Farm Crops, Oregon State University, 1967
M. S., Crop Physiology, Michigan State University, 1971
Ph. D., Crop Physiology, Michigan State University, 1973
Research Interests
- Buffalograss Breeding, evaluation, and improvement
- Turfgrass species and cultivar evaluation
- Water conservation and reduced fertilizer and pesticide use
Extension Interests
- ITM systems for intensively used turfgrass sites
- Low input, sustainable turfgrass systems
- Species and cultivar recommendations for Nebraska
Major Project Activities
Developing an improved understanding of buffalograss breeding and genetics, and improving turfgrass performance and adaptation of buffalograss for use on home lawns, golf course fairways and roughs, roadsides, parks and institutional grounds.
Identifying ways to reduce fertilizer, pesticides, mowing and similar inputs, and conserving water in turfgrass systems, while maintaining turfgrass function ane quality. Determining the adaptation and performance of turfgrass species, cultivars and experimental lines for use in intensively managed and used sites.
- Budak, H., R.C. Shearman, Z. Kasap, I. Deweikat, U. Sezerman, and A. Mahmood. 2007. Molecular characterization of cDNA encoding resistance gene-like sequences in Buchloe dactyloides. Molecular Biotechnology 24:293-301.
- Gulsen, O., R.C. Shearman, T.M. Heng-Moss, N. Mutlu, D.J. Lee, and G. Sarath. 2007. Peroxidase gene polymorphism in buffalograss and other grasses. Crop Sci. 47:767-774.
- Shearman, R.C. 2006. Fifty years of splendor in the grass! Crop Sci. 46:2218-2229.
- Shearman, R.C., K.S. Erusha, and L.A. Wit. 2005. Irrigation and potassium effects on Poa pratensis L. fairway turf. International Turfgrass Soc. Res. J. 10:998-1004.
- Severmutlu, S., T.P. Riordan, and R.C. Shearman. 2005. Registration of Cody buffalograss. Crop Sci. 45:2122.
- Severmutlu, S., C. Rodgers, T.P. Riordan, and R.C. Shearman. 2005. Registration of Bowie buffalograss. Crop Sci. 45:2120.
- Gulsen, O. R. C. Shearman, K.P. Vogel, D. J. Lee, and T. Heng-Moss. 2005. Organelle DNA diversity among Buffalograsses from the great plains of North America determined by cpDNA and mtDNA RFLPs. Crop Sci. 45:186-192.
- Budak, H., R.C. Shearman, O. Gulsen, and I. Dweikat. Understanding ploidy and geographic origin of the Buchloe dactyloides genome using cytoplasmic and nuclear marker systems. Theor. Appl. Genet. 111:1545-1552.
- Severmutlu, S., R.C. Shearman, T.P. Riordan, R.E. Gaussoin, and L.E. Moser. 2005. Overseeding buffalograss turf with fine-leaved fescues. Crop Sci. 45:704-711.
- Gulsen, O., T. M. Heng-Moss, R.C. Shearman, P.S. Baenziger, D.J. Lee, F.P. Baxendale. 2004. Buffalograss germplasm resistance to Blissus occiduus. J. Econ. Entomology. 97:2101-2105.
- Budak, H., R.C. Shearman, and I. Dweikat. 2004. Cloning and characterization of resistance gene like sequences in warm season turfgrass species. Bioinformatics. CSREA Press. Las Vegas, NV. Pp. 225-230.
- Budak, H., R. C. Shearman, R.E. Gaussoin, I. Dweikat. 2004. Application of sequence-related amplified polymorphism markers for characterization of turfgrass species. HortScience. 39:955-958.
- Shearman, R.C., T.P. Riordan, and P.G. Johnson. 2004. Buffalograss. In Warm Season Grasses. (Ed.) Lowell Moser. Agronomy Monograph 45. American Society of Agronomy. Madison WI. Pp. 1003-1026.