Anne Streich

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Anne Streich

Professor of Practice

Area of Expertise: Turf and Landscape Systems

B.S. Horticulture, University of Nebraska - Lincoln, 1993

M.S. Horticulture, University of Nebraska - Lincoln, 1996

M.C.R.P. Community Planning, University of Nebraska - Lincoln, 2009

Area of Focus

Turfgrass Management, and Undergraduate Advising and Development


Google Scholar publication list
  • Streich, Anne. 2019. Recruitment strategies for increasing student enrollment in a turfgrass management program based on pre-college activities. NACTA Journal 63(2): 245-249.
  • Lee, Donald, David Holding, Anne Streich, and Brian Waters. 2018. 3rd Edition. Plant Science: The Biology of Plants Grown for a Purpose. Great River Technologies. eBook.
  • Streich, Anne M., Amy D. Timmerman, James A. Kalisch, Stephen M. Vantassel, Frederick P. Baxendale, and Scott E. Hygnstrom. Nebraska Extension. 2011. Landscape Diagnostic Guide for Problems Affecting Woody Ornamentals and Herbaceous Perennials. EC1260. 196 pages.
  • Streich, Anne M., Roch E. Gaussoin, Walter W. Stroup, and Robert C. Shearman. 2005. Survey of management and environmental conditions on golf ball roll distance. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal (10):446-454.
  • Streich, A.M., D.B. Marx, J.M. Stafford, S.N. Rodie, and K.W. Todd. 2003. Estimation of attendance at a large outdoor event. Journal of Extension. October 41(5).