Our Student Ambassadors, Cydnee Zach and Chase Lewandowski, are undergraduate students selected to promote the department to prospective students and guests.
Undergraduate Student Services
Student Ambassadors

Major: Horticulture
Why did you choose your major?
I chose Horticulture as my major because I was really interested in it and took a class that was offered at my school. The class really helped me figure out what I wanted to do for a major in college.
Why did you choose to attend Nebraska?
I chose to attend Nebraska because my mom had me tour to just see what UNL had to offer. On my tour, I found out how inclusive CASNR is. It also helps that UNL is close to home.
Why did you choose to be an ambassador?
I wanted to be an ambassador because I want to help incoming freshman understand what it's like to be a current freshman and what it will look like when they enter the department.
What's your advice for future Nebraska students?
My advice to future Nebraska students is to know that your grades aren't your worth, even when it feels like they are.
Research and Internships
I have just begun my college career. I am involved in the Horticulture club.

Majors: Agronomy and Microbiology
Why did you choose your major?
I chose to major in Agronomy because I grew up on a farm and always have been interested in plant production. I wish to utilize my major to help out on the farm at home as well as operate my own agronomy business.
I chose to major in microbiology because of its uniqueness within science. There is so much yet to be discovered in microbiology and I wish to contribute to what we currently understand about it. I wish to earn a doctorate in microbiology and to do research on soil microbes in the future. I feel doing research in microbiology will not only expand my knowledge within the subject, but also provide me with laboratory, job and educational skills that I can use in my own career.
Why did you choose to attend Nebraska?
I chose to attend UNL because I wanted to stay close to home. UNL provided me with a favorable financial plan that allows me to be present in classes, while also being able to return to home in case of emergency. I also know a lot of students here at the college that I’ve met through high school. It’s nice to see a familiar face when you’re walking to class. At UNL, I have plenty of opportunities to meet new people while also staying in touch with my friends and family.
Why did you choose to be an ambassador?
I chose to be an ambassador because I want to show students just how interesting and how essential agronomy and horticulture sciences are to farmers across the country. Many students going into college can be lost on what they want to do for a career. By being an ambassador, I can show students the vast opportunities waiting for them in agronomy and horticulture and show how they can contribute to such a vital industry.
What's your advice for future Nebraska students?
My advice to future UNL students is to embrace the change. I grew up in a town of 350 people and graduated with a class of six. When I first came to UNL, I was super overwhelmed by the amount of people, places to see and things to do, not to mention all the freshman troubles. For example, struggling with finding a printer for three days. It was difficult, but once I started to embrace the change and learned to appreciate what I was doing, it made the adjustment process much easier.
Research and Internships
I am currently participating in research as a lab assistant in the soil labs. I get to learn a lot about the physical properties of soil, sample processing, record keeping and so much more. Currently, I am helping Dr. Humberto Blanco with a biochar and cover crop experiment. I assist by recording data, processing samples, and storing and retrieving data. I enjoy my job a lot and highly recommend any student toward getting an on-campus job.
What activities are you involved in at UNL?
I am involved in many clubs at UNL. I am currently a member of the Agronomy Club, the Horticulture Club, and the Insect Science Club. I am also participating in the study abroad in Rwanda over winter break.
Student Ambassador Alumni

Major: Horticulture
Why did you choose your major?
I chose Horticulture as my major because of the time I spent helping my grandma landscape her yard, and also through competing in several horticulture-related FFA events. My grandma is very passionate about her flowers, and I spent many summers with her mulching and weeding when I had time, and still do when I’m home. Through FFA, I was able to discover that my passion could be a potential career path.
Why did you choose to attend Nebraska?
Attending the University is basically a rite of passage in my family. I’ve had lots of family members go to college here and it’s always felt like home for me, even coming to campus when I was young. I didn’t really look anywhere else because I knew I belonged here and I was going to attend an excellent school with an amazing agro/hort department.
Why did you choose to be an ambassador?
I chose to become an ambassador so I could give back to the department. My professors, peers, and the coursework has helped me refine my ambitions and set me on course to be successful in my future. I want to be able to tell future and current students my story and show they how they can succeed here.
What's your advice for future Nebraska students?
Make connections and stay involved! Go to conferences and extracurricular events in things like FFA, 4-H and other programs. People I met at those events years ago I see on campus every day. And that was how I met a lot of my good friends in college today. It’s a small world and those connections with your peers will help you long after you graduate.
Research and Internships
This past summer I interned here in the Agronomy department in Dr. Lindquist’s lab as a student worker. My team and I worked on a soybean study for a PhD student, where I assisted with weekly sampling, test plot management, and processing samples. Also through Dr. Lindquist’s lab I have been doing research to use in my honors thesis, where I am studying popcorn and its potential sensitivities to several different herbicides.

Major: Agronomy
Why you chose your major
I chose to major in Agronomy after competing in several plant-focused events in FFA. While doing those I found I enjoyed working with plants and learning about them. I knew I needed to major in something I could make an enjoyable career out of and I thought Agronomy was beneficial to my future career plans and would make my college learning experience enjoyable.
Why you chose to attend Nebraska
I chose to attend Nebraska because they are one of the premier Agricultural schools in the nation and they have an excellent Agronomy and Horticulture Department. With the University having such a great offering of superior academics while also remaining affordable, attending Nebraska was an easy choice for me.
Why you chose to be an ambassador
I became an ambassador because the Agronomy and Horticulture department has given so much to me, and I wanted to help other students get the same experience and satisfaction that I have with the department. I also viewed this opportunity as a chance to better myself by growing my leadership, communication, and time management skills.
What's your advice for future Nebraska students?
My advice to future Nebraska students is to be as outgoing as you can and get involved. Do your best to meet people and make connections that you will keep for the rest of your life. As much as college is about learning material that will prepare you for your future career, it is also a time to better yourself and build your network.
Research and Internships
This past summer I interned at Farmers Cooperative as an Agronomy Intern. I was at the Filley Agronomy location where I scouted fields, tissue sampled, and helped with day to day operations. During that experience, I learned a lot and also used a lot of the information and skills obtained in college to perform the tasks given to me. It was a great experience and provided insight and knowledge for my career plans.

Major: Agronomy
Minor: Agricultural Economics
Why you chose your major
I chose to major in agronomy because growing up on a family farm provided me with an extensive background in agriculture. With this farming background, I felt I would be able to excel in Nebraska’s program as well as the agriculture industry in Nebraska. I also enjoy being outdoors and working with farmers. A career in agronomy will provide me with opportunities to pursue activities that I enjoy doing.
Why you chose to attend Nebraska
I chose to attend Nebraska because the number of agriculturally involved students and people within the university is awesome and the agronomy program offers me many opportunities.
Why you chose to be an ambassador
I decided to be an ambassador because I wanted to not only learn more about our department but also share it with others.
What's your advice for future Nebraska students?
Get involved! One of the greatest benefits that Nebraska has to offer is connections. You’re going to go to school with hundreds of kids who are eventually going to be in the workforce with you. Make your connections now so they will benefit you later.Effort is important. You’re not always going to be the smartest, but your teachers are going to notice your work ethic and it’ll take you farther than you think.
Research and Internships
My first internship was as a crop scout intern with an independent crop consultant with H&H Consulting in Juanita, Nebraska. My biggest takeaway from this internship was the basic agronomic knowledge provided to me. Whether it was weeds, soils, moisture, diseases or insects, I had the opportunity to put my book knowledge to work and see it in the real world outdoor environment.
My second internship was as a sales representative intern with FMC Corporation, a company that focuses on chemical agricultural solutions. The courses I have taken at Nebraska in agronomy and agricultural economics provided me with the knowledge to work in the agricultural sales industry.
I plan on interning with Corteva working with Pioneer Seed next summer 2020.
I am involved with the Nebraska Corn and Soybean Boards, Commodity Marketing Club and the Agronomy Club.

Major: Horticulture – specializing in landscape design.
Minor: Engler entrepreneurship and agribusiness
Why you chose your major
I chose horticulture as my major because it is what I enjoy the most.
Why you chose to attend Nebraska
I chose Nebraska because it offers some of the best programs in the nation in any of the agricultural fields.
Why you chose to be an ambassador
I wanted to be an ambassador because I really enjoy sharing and talking with high school-aged students who have similar passions as I do.
What's your advice for future Nebraska students?
My advice for high school juniors and seniors would be to take advantage of all the opportunities and experiences available to you..
Research and Internships
I have interned with Nebraska 4-H and the Box Butte County Extension Office.
I am an Officer in the FFA Alumni Club and a member of the Hort Club. I also serve on the Chancellor's Environment, Sustainability, and Resilience Commission.