Kim Todd
Professor, Extension Horticulture Specialist, Licensed Landscape Architect
Area of Expertise: Horticulture, Turf and Landscape Systems
B.S. landscape architecture from Iowa State University
M.A. adult and continuing education with emphasis on community and human resources from UNL
Area of Focus
Landscape Design
Research Interests
- Landscape design and management landscape architecture and plant materials
- Consumer preference studies on ornamental grasses in the field and in containers
- Applied field studies on landscape plants, including shrub roses and herbaceous landscape plants
- Rural entrepreneurship and the development of niche markets for landscape materials
Extension Area of Emphasis
- Landscape design and management for sustainable landscapes
- Basic design, applied to home or commercial settings
- Specific situations and solutions
- Management of landscapes and individual species
- Landscape plants
- Identification; design use; cultural requirements; combinations; and management of woody and herbaceous landscape plants including perennials and ornamental in managed and naturalized landscapes
- Selection and management of plant materials for use in sustainable landscapes
Major Project Activities
- Undergraduate and distance education
- Part of a team developing a statewide horticulture curriculum for extension
- Part of a team completing an extension circular entitled "Perennial Landscape Plants for the Northern Great Plains-Selection and Management"
- Horticulture Foundations publication series
- Two-day workshop on herbaceous landscape plants for credit and non-credit
- Working with a multi-disciplinary team to develop a plant database as part of the Library of Croptechnology
- Helping coordinate state-based master gardener training; supervising several specific master gardener volunteer efforts, including management of plants in containers in downtown Lincoln and evaluation of roses and grasses
- Supervision of a UCARE student working on a consumer preference study of ornamental grasses in containers
- Developing a basic horticulture course in 'Backyard Plant Science' to be team-taught
- Working with a small group of faculty members to develop a viable project with Nebraska Department of Roads
- Developing a communications committee structure and plan of action for Nebraska Nursery and Landscape Association
- Co-authoring several NebGuides in a horticulture series
- Developing the plans for the successful "Backyard Farmer Backyard Makeover" contestant and design suggestions for the weekly runners-up
Courses Taught
- Cultivars and Varieties of Woody Plants for Landscapes, PLAS/NRES 213
- Herbaceous Landscape Plants, PLAS/NRES 214
- Independent Study and Career Experience, PLAS 395, 396, 398
- Planting Design, PLAS/ARCH 467
- Ecological Landscape Design, PLAS/ARCH 469
- Critical Thinking in Landscape Management, PLAS 470
- Independent Study: Herbaceous Landscape Plants, PLAS 896 (DISTANCE)
- Workshops: Herbaceous Landscape Plants, Perennials and Ornamental Grasses, Landscape Management, Landscape Design, Landscape Solutions, Choosing and Using Trees and Shrubs
- Lindgren, Dale T. and Kim Todd. 2004. Wildflowers for the Home Landscape: Perennials for Sunny Sites. University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension Publication G92-1074
- Todd, Kim and Dale Lindgren. 2003. Perennials in Water-Wise Landscapes. University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension Publication G94-1214-A
- Lindgren, Dale, K. Todd and L. Giesler. 2003. Geraniums (Pelargonium). University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension Publication G74-190-A.