Turfgrass Science and Management Option


Turfgrass Science and Management Option

Luqi Li

The Turfgrass Science and Management program at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln is the premier turfgrass academic program in Nebraska. It is a nationally recognized program with students highly sought after for internships and full-time positions. Our faculty are dedicated to helping students reach their professional goals.

Our students come from large and small high schools – in-state, out-of-state, and internationally, and have diverse professional goals. Common threads among our students are their passion for turf and working outside. Most mowed lawns or worked on a golf course or sports turf field while they were in high school.

Planning Your Degree

Creating an individual development plan is important to make sure you get all the courses, experiences and knowledge you want while in college. Some students complete extended internships (6-, 9-, or 12-month) and take an extra semester or two to graduate, while other students have a lot of dual credit from high school and graduate in 3 or 3.5 years. Each student has their own goals and timeline, and these may change as you progress in your academic program and discover new paths. Whenever your target graduation date is, make sure you work with your advisor to get the courses and experiences you want while hitting your target graduation date.

Planning Your Degree

turf seed


For 2022-23, each Turfgrass Science and Management student awarded a scholarship received an average amount of almost $1700. The Stock Seed Farms, Kenneth Miller Memorial, Nebraska Turfgrass Association, and Keith Weidler Memorial scholarships are awarded specifically to Turfgrass Science and Management students. In addition, Turfgrass Science and Management students are eligible for many other general Departmental scholarships. Students are encouraged to apply for other scholarships awarded by industry supporters, including the Golf Course Superintendents Association and the Sport Field Managers Association.



Our alumni are directors of agronomy, superintendents, and assistant superintendents on golf courses; head and assistant turfgrass managers on sport turf facilities; business owners; lawncare operators; seed and sod professionals; sales professionals; park and public works directors; and professors. Our graduates earn competitive salaries doing what they love!

adam portenier

Experiential Learning Opportunities

turf internship

Turf Internships

Students are required to complete two internships as part of their graduation requirements. They are encouraged to complete one of those two internships at a location outside of Nebraska to experience different grasses, growing conditions, management practices, and to increase their professional network.

Students have interned in 33 states, Washington DC, Ireland, and England.


Turf Club

This is a professional club for Turfgrass Science and Management students, but any UNL student who is interested in turfgrass science and management may join. The club regularly connects current students with alumni and industry professionals through education and social events.

The Turf Club's purpose is:

  • to serve as an official organization for students interested in turfgrass management, and to provide them with information about career directions and the credentials needed to become a part of the turfgrass industry.
  • to promote and advance the profession and enrich the quality of turf and our environment.
  • to provide an avenue for an exchange of information and ideas between students and professionals in the turfgrass industry.

Follow Us on Twitter @UNLTurfClub
Contact Adviser Anne Streich for information at 402-472-1640.

Turf team 2023
Turf Team

Turf Competition Team

Each year a group of students participates in the GCSAA Conference and Tradeshow and the Collegiate Turf Bowl. Teams (60+) come from all over the United States and Canada to participate. Recent finishes for Nebraska teams have included 4th, 8th, and 19th.

The Sports Field Management Association Conference and Exhibition is another conference and competition that students have participated in.

Turf Research Experiences

Our turf faculty are activity engaged in research to improve turfgrass systems through best management practices and breeding and genetic improvements. We hire undergraduate students to help with these research projects during the summer and academic year. You can even earn internship credit with these experiences.

turf research in greenhouse
Football Stadium

Domestic Study Tour

Over fall break students from the Turfgrass Science and Management and PGA Golf Management programs take a study tour to Kansas City to learn about the importance of communication and professional relationships. The tour includes visits to golf courses and professional sports fields, including Kansas City Country Club, Shoal Creek Golf Course, Wolf Creek Club, Kauffman Stadium (Royals), Arrowhead Stadium (Chiefs), and Children’s Mercy Park (Sporting KC). The study tour also includes time to golf and visit local KC museums, and businesses.

Meet Our Student Ambassadors

Undergraduate Student Services

  1. Avatar for Anne Streich
    Professor of Practice, PLAS Undergraduate Adviser Agronomy & Horticulture University of Nebraska-Lincoln
    PLSH 362D
    Lincoln NE 68583-0915
    Work 402-472-1640 On-campus 2-1640
  2. Avatar for Meghan Sindelar
    Associate Professor of Practice, Agronomy Undergraduate Adviser Agronomy & Horticulture University of Nebraska-Lincoln
    PLSH 377N
    unl NE 68583-0915
    Work 402-472-1740 On-campus 2-1740