Carlos Urrea
Professor Agronomy & Horticulture University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
4502 Ave I
Scottsbluff NE 69361-4939 - Phone
Area of Expertise: Plant Breeding and Genetics
Area of Focus: Dry Edible Bean Breeding Specialist
B.S. Agronomy, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 1984
M.S. Agronomy, University of Puerto Rico, 1996
Ph.D. in plant breeding and genetics, with a minor in statistics, North Dakota State University, 2000
Research & Extension Interests
Breeding of dry bean varieties to select plants that are resistant to rust, white mold, common bacteria blight, and root rots; that have desirable qualities related to water efficiency and minimum tillage systems; and that have a more upright architecture, allowing direct harvesting.
At North Dakota State University he worked as a graduate research fellowship in the six-row barley breeding project. While pursuing his master's degree at the University of Puerto Rico, he identified a marker that has been used extensively to introgress BGYMV resistance in dry and snap beans. He also worked on markers for tagging resistance to Macrophomina and common bacterial blight, and collaberated on a research project to develop an RAPD linkage map of disease resistance alleles and QTL in dry bean. Prior to that, as a research assistant in the breeding and genetics program at the International Center for Tropical Agriculture at Cali, Colombia, his work resulted in the release of six small and medium-seeded common dry bean cultivars possessing multiple-disease resistance in Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia and Mexico. He received a bachelor of science degree from Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Prior to joining the staff at the Panhandle Research and Extension Center in April 2005, Carlos spent nearly two years in Nepal, leading a project to develop high-quality varieties of maize that will grow on hillsides, to help alleviate malnutrition in that country. Prior to Nepal, he worked as a research associate scientist at the International Center for Maize and Wheat Improvement (CIMMYT) in Mexico, where he developed new subtropical varieties and hybrids of corn.
Released cultivars/Germplasm Since 2005
- Four multiple-stress tolerant black bean germplasm: TARS-MST1, TARS-MST2, TARS-MST3 and SB-DT1 (2010)
- Chickpea germplasm PHREC-Ca- Comp. #1 with enhanced resistance to Ascochyta blight (2010)
- Great northern cultivar -Coyne' with enhanced disease resistance to common bacterial blight and bean rust (2008)
- Common bacterial blight, rust and bean common mosaic virus resistant great northern bean germplasm ABC-Weihing (2008)
Extension Presentations
- Nebraska Dry Bean Growers Association Day in January (annually since 2006) at Mitchell Convention Center, Nebraska.
- Nebraska Dry Bean Growers Association Field Day in August (annually since 2005) at the PHREC-Scottsbluff and Mitchell, Nebraska.
- Presentations to the Reverse Trade Teams from Dominican Republic, Belgium, Cuba, France, Japan, and Mexico.
- Invited speaker to the State Dry Bean Producers field days in August (2009 & 2010) to discuss findings of dry bean research at Alliance and Bayard, Nebraska.
- Presentations to the bean growers involved in the -Mother & Baby' trials at Alliance, Bayard, Gering Valley, and Scotts Bluff, Nebraska (annually since 2006).
- Attend the Nebraska LEAD Tour and present the Nebraska Dry Bean Breeding Program (annually since 2006).
- Invited speaker at the University of Wyoming, Lingle to talk about the Nebraska Dry bean Breeding Program (2008)
- Presented research updates in field tours and poster presentations at the PREC Big Red Fair (annually 2005 through 2009) and Centennial Celebration (2010).
Professional Society Affiliations
- American Society of Agronomy (ASA, since 1999)
- Crop Science Society of Agronomy (CSSA, since 1999)
- Bean Improvement Cooperative (BIC, since 2005)
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Since 2010
- Schmutz, J., P. McClean, S. Mamidi, A. Wu, S. Cannon, J. Grimwood, J. Jenkins, S. Shu, Q. Song, C. Chavarro, V. Geffroy, S.M. Moghaddam, D. Gao, B. Abernathy, K. Barry, M. Blair, M.A. Brick, M. Chovatia, P. Gepts , D.M. Goodstein, M. Gonzales, U. Hellsten, D.L. Hyten, G. Jia, J. Kelly, D. Kudrna, R. Lee, R.M.S. Manon, P.N. Miklas , J.M. Osorno, J. Rodrigues, V. Thareau, C.A. Urrea, M. Wang, Y. Yu, M. Zhang, R.A. Wing, P.B. Cregan, D.S. Rokhsar, and S.A. Jackson. 2014. A reference genome and domestication of common bean. Nature Genetics 46(7): 707-713.
- Urrea, C.A., and R.M. Harveson. 2014. Identification of sources of bacterial wilt in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Plant Disease 98(7): 973-976.
- Urrea, C.A., M.W. Blair, J.P. Venegas, J.R. Steadman, and M.A. Pastor-Corrales. 2014. A unique rust resistance gene discovered in tepary bean (Phaseolus acutifolius var. acutifolius) from a tertiary gene pool of the common bean (P. vulgaris L.). Euphytica (Accepted).
- Vandemark, G.J., M.A. Brick, J.M. Osorno, J.D. Kelly, and C.A. Urrea. 2014. Edible grain legumes. p. 87-123. In J. Specht, B. Diers, B. Carver, and S. Smith (eds.) Genetic gains in major U.S. field crops. CSSA Special Publication 33, Madison, WI.
- Aldawsari, M., R. Zbasnik, C. Urrea, V. Schlegel. 2014. Optimization of aqueous organic solvent extractions of anitoxidative phenols from pinto beans using surface response methods. Food Chem. (Submitted).
- Cø¢mara C.R.S., C.A. Urrea, and V. Schlegel. 2013. Pinto beans as a functional food: implications on human health. Agriculture 3, 90-111; doi:10.3390/agriculture300090.
- Peña, P.A., J.R. Steadman, K.M. Eskridge, and C.A. Urrea. 2013. Identification of sources of resistance to damping-off and early root/hypocotyl damage from Rhizoctonia solani in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). J. Crop Protection. doi:10.1016/j.cropro.2013.04.014
- Delgado, J.A., R.S. Goswami, R.M. Harveson, C.A. Urrea, D. Beran, and S.G. Markell. 2012. First report of Ascochyta blight caused by Qoi-resistant isolates of Ascochyta rabiei in chickpea fields of Nebraska and South Dakota. Plant Disease 96:1073.
- Porch, T.G., C.A. Urrea, J.S. Beaver, S. Valentin, P.A. Peña and R. Smith. 2011. Registration of TARS-MST1 and SB-DT1 multiple-stress tolerant black bean germplasm. J. of Plant Reg. doi: 10/3198/jpr2010.08.0501crg.
- Urrea, C.A., D. D. Baltensperger, R.M. Harveson, G.E. Frickel, and A.E.Koehler. 2011. Registration of the chickpea germplasm PHREC-Ca- Comp. #1 with enhanced resistance to Ascochyta blight. J. of Plant Reg. 5:103-108.
- Harveson, R.M., S.G. Markell, R. Goswami, C.A. Urrea, M.E. Burrows, F. Dugan, W. Chen, and L.G. Skoglund. 2010. Ascochyta blight of chickpeas. Plant Health Progress. doi: 10.1094/PHP-2011-10103-01-DG.
- Urrea, C.A, R.M. Harveson, A.E. Koehler, P. Burgener, and D.D. Baltensperger. 2010. Evaluating the agronomic potential of chickpea germplasm for western Nebraska. Agronomy J. 102(4):1179-1185.
- Harveson, R.M., J.R. Steadman, and C.A. Urrea. 2010. Integrating planting dates and fungicide applications for managing white mold of dry beans in western Nebraska. Plant Health Progress. doi:10.1094/PHP-2010-0701-02-RS.
Refereed Papers Published in Conferences/Symposia Proceedings and Book Chapters Since 2010
- Urrea, C.A., and R.M. Harveson. 2013. Identifying sources of bacterial brown spot in common beans. The Bean Improv. Coop. 56: 53-54.
- Grusak, M.A., P.E. McClean, M.A. Brick, J.D. Kelly, J.M. Osorno, T.G. Porch, and C.A. Urrea. 2013. Seed mineral concentrations in diverse BeanCAP bean lines. Biennial Meeting of the Bean Improvement Cooperative. Portland, OR, October 27-30, 2013. Poster 3.4
- Linares, A.M., C.A. Urrea, T.G. Porch, S. Mamidi, P.E. McClean, and J.M. Osorno. 2013. Drought tolerance QTL identified in the Buster x SER 22 RIL population. Biennial Meeting of the Bean Improvement Cooperative. Portland, OR, October 27-30, 2013.
- Trapp, J., P. Miklas, C. Urrea, and P. Creagan. 2013. Identification of QTL for drought tolerance and characterization of extreme phenotypes in the Buster x Roza mapping population. Biennial Meeting of the Bean Improvement Cooperative. Portland, OR, October 27-30, 2013. Poster 05.
- Urrea, C.A. 2013. Evaluation of the Andean BeanCAP lines to terminal drought in western Nebraska. Biennial Meeting of the Bean Improvement Cooperative. Portland, OR, October 27-30, 2013.
- Linares, A.M., C.A. Urrea, T.G. Porch, and J.M. Osorno. 2012. A mapping population for the evaluation of drought tolerance in dry bean. Annu. Rept. Bean Improv. Coop. 55: 107-108.
- Osorno, J.M., M.R. Miles, J. Weyers, J. Prendergast, J.D. Kelly, G. Varner, M. Siddiq, C.A. Urrea, K. Cichy, and A.M. Linares. 2012. Genetic and environmental effects of canning quality of pinto and navy bean cultivars commonly grown in the central U.S. bean improve. Annu. Rept. Bean Improv. Coop. 55: 77-78.
- Trapp, J., P. Miklas, C. Urrea, T. Peters, and P. Nakawuka. 2012. Screening Buster/Roza RILs for drought stress resistance. Annu. Rept. Bean Improv. Coop. 55: 179-180.
- Urrea, C.A., V. Schlegel, C.D. Yonts, and J. Smith. 2012. Effect of soil compaction and irrigation management on antioxidants in dry bean production. 2012. Annu. Rept. Bean Improv. Coop. 55: 133-134.
- Peña, P.A., C.A. Urrea, and J.R. Steadman. 2011. Identification of sources of rhizoctonia root rot resistance in drought tolerant beans. Annu. Rept. Bean Improv. Coop. 54:154-155.
- Pastor-Corrales, M.A., J.R. Steadman, C.A. Urrea, M.W. Blair, and J.P. Venegas. 2011. The domesticated tepary bean accession G40022 has broader resistance to the highly variable bean Annu. Rept. Bean Improv. Coop. 54: 154-155.
- Urrea, C.A., C.D. Yonts, and J. Smith. 2011. Improving dry bean production systems under limited irrigation by integrating variety drought tolerance, soil water based irrigation scheduling, and alleviation of soil compaction. 2011. Annu. Rept. Bean Improv. Coop. 54: 156-157.
- Urrea, C.A., C.D. Yonts, and J. Smith. 2010. Effect of soil compaction and irrigation management in dry bean production. Annu. Rept. Bean Improv. Coop. 53:14-15.
- Thomas, J.A., C.A. Urrea, R.M. Harveson, and K. Nielsen. 2010. Identification of sources of bacterial wilt resistance in dry beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Annu. Rept. Bean Improv. Coop. 53:130-131.
- Urrea, C.A., and T. Porch. 2010. Phenotypic evaluation of a subset of the Phaseolus vulgaris core collections, the P. acutifolius germplasm collection, and cultivars for drought tolerance in Nebraska and Puerto Rico. Annu. Rept. Bean Improv. Coop. 53:164-165.
- Peña, P.A., J.R. Steadman, and C.A. Urrea. 2010. Rhizoctonia root rot protocol for dry bean. In Bean root rot evaluation protocols.http://www.css.msu.edu/bic/PDF/Bean_Root_Rots.pdf
Research and Extension in Industry Magazines/Newspapers Since 2010
- Harveson, R.M. and C.A. Urrea, 2013. Continuing on bacterial diseases of dry beans in Nebraska. The BeaBag. 31(4): 4.
- Urrea, C.A., and R.M. Harveson. 2013. Selection for and improving chickpea disease resistance and adaptation to western Nebraska. The BeanBag. 30(5): 5 & 17.
- Urrea, C.A., and R.M. Harveson. 2013. Chickpea studies involving Ascochyta blight continue at the PREC in 2013. The StarHerald. May26, 2013. p. 3.
- Harveson, R.M., C. Urrea, and S. Markell. 2013. Development of fungicide resistance in Ascochyta raibei, the causal agent of Ascochyta of chickpeas- a problem for potential Nebraska chickpea growers. The BeanBag. 30(5): 4 & 16.
- Urrea, C.A., and R.M. Harveson.2013. Identifying sources for bacterial wilt resistance in dry beans. The StarHerald. May v26, 2013. p. 1& 2.
- Urrea, C.A., and R.M. Harveson. 2013. Identifying sources of bacterial brown spot in common beans. The BeanBag. 31(1): 2 & 11.
- Urrea, C.A. 2013. Breeding dry beans for multiple disease resistance with high performance. The StarHerald. May 26, 2013. p. 4.
- Urrea, C.A. 2013. 2012 University of Nebraska dry bean breeding program activities in western Nebraska. The BeanBag. 31(3): 9, 10, 12, and 17.
- Urrea, C.A., and R.M. Harveson. 2013. Identifying sources of bacterial brown spot in common beans. The BeanBag. 31(1): 2 & 11.
- Harveson, R.M. and C.A. Urrea. 2012. Continuing studies on bacterial wilt in dry beans. The Bean Bag. 29(5): 9-10.
- Urrea, C.A., V. Schlegel, C.D. Yonts, and J. Smith. 2012. Effect of soil compaction and irrigation management on yield and antioxidants in dry beans. 2012. The Bean Bag. 29(5): 6 and 11.
- Urrea, C.A., J. Thomas, D. Dietrich, and K. Park. 2012. Performance of pinto variety trials grown at two Nebraska locations in 2011. The Bean Bag. 29(5):7-8.
- Urrea, C.A., and J. Thomas. 2012. Breeding dry beans for multiple disease resistance with high performance in western Nebraska. The Bean Bag. 30(2):9-13.
- Urrea, C.A., and J. Thomas. 2012. 2011 Mother and baby trial results. The Bean Bag. 30(2):16-18.
- Urrea, C.A., and R.M. Harveson. 2012. Identifying sources and mapping genes for bacterial brown spot in dry browns. The Bean Bag. 30(2): 6-7.
- Urrea, C.A., and J. Thomas. 2012. Breeding dry beans for multiple disease resistance with high performance in western Nebraska. The StarHerald. April 15, 2012.
- Urrea, C.A., and J. Thomas. 2012. 2011 Mother and baby trial results. The StarHerald. April 8, 2012.
- Urrea, C.A., and R.M. Harveson. 2012. Identifying sources and mapping genes for bacterial brown spot in dry beans. Bean Bag, Summer Issue, 2012.
- Urrea, C. A., Harveson, R. M., and Thomas, J. 2012. Producing new chickpea varieties with resistance to Ascochyta blight. Bean Bag, Bean Day Issue, 2012.
- Harveson, R.M., H.F. Schwartz, and C.A. Urrea. 2011. Bacterial wilt of dry beans in western Nebraska. NebGuide G1562, University of Nebraska, Lincoln. 4 p.
- Harveson, R.M., C.A. Urrea, and H.F. Schwartz, 2011. Abiotic diseases of dry beans. NebGuide EC1866, University of Nebraska, Lincoln. 12 p.
- Franzen-Castle, L., and C.A. Urrea. 2011. Dry beans: not musical, not a fruit, but nearly a magic fruit. The StarHerald, Scottsbluff, NE. Page 1. January 12, 2011.
- Harveson, R.M., C.A. Urrea, and C.D. Yonts. 2011. Summarizing eight years of bacterial wilt research in Nebraska. The StarHerald, Scottsbluff, NE. Page 1. June 5, 2011.
- Harveson, R.M., C.D. Yonts, and C.A. Urrea. 2011. Evaluating cooper applications for managing bacterial wilt infections in dry beans. The Bean Bag. 29(2):9 & 20.
- Harveson, R.M., C.A. Urrea, and C.D. Yonts. 2011. Reflection on bacterial wilt and a summary of studies conducted in Nebraska. The Bean Bag 29(1): 4 & 7.
- Harveson, R.M., and C.A. Urrea. 2011. A two-year survey to determine the prevalence and distribution of bacterial diseases in Nebraska dry bean production fields. The StarHerald, Scottsbluff, NE. Pages 1 & 2. January 16, 2011.
- Harveson, R.M., and C.A. Urrea 2011. Conducting a field survey for determining the prevalence and distribution of bacterial diseases in Nebraska dry bean production fields. The Bean Bag. 29(2): 5-6.
- Harveson, R.M., and C.A Urrea. 2011. Developing dry bean cultivars with resistance to bacterial brown spot. The BeanBag. 28(5): 10.
- Schlegel, V., C. Urrea, S. German, and R. Zbasnik. 2011. Cooking and storage effects on the antioxidant components in whole and split great northern beans. The Bean Bag. 29(3): 16.
- Urrea, C.A. 2011. UNL dry bean breeding program. The Bean Bag. 29(4): 2.
- Urrea, C.A., and J. Thomas. 2011. 2010 mother and baby trial results. The StarHerald, Scottsbluff, NE. Page 2. January 9, 2011.
- Urrea, C.A., and J. Thomas. 2011. Breeding great northern, pinto, and light red kidney beans for multiple disease resistance with high performance in western Nebraska. The StarHerald, Scottsbluff, NE. Page 1 & 2. May 29, 2011.
- Urrea, C.A, and J. Thomas. 2010. 2010 mother and baby trial results. The Bean Bag. 28(5): 8 & 11.
- Urrea, C.A., R.M. Harveson, and J. Thomas. 2011. Selecting for and improving chickpea adaptation to western Nebraska. The Bean Bag. 28(5): 3.
- Urrea, C.A., and R.M. Harveson. 2011. Producing new chickpea varieties with resistance to Ascochyta blight. The Starherald, Scottsbluff, NE.
- Urrea, C.A., R.M. Harveson, and J. Thomas. 2011. Selecting for and improving chickpea adaptation to western Nebraska. StarHerald, Scottsbluff, NE. January 2011.
- Harveson, R.M., and C.A. Urrea. 2010. Evaluating copper sprays for managing bacterial wilt in dry beans. The Bean Bag 28(2): 9 & 12.
- Harveson, R.M., and C.A. Urrea. 2010. Developing new varieties with resistance to bacterial brown spot for Nebraska dry bean production. The Bean Bag 28(2): 15.
- Urrea, C.A. 2010. Dry bean breeding program. p.32-33. In D. Ostdiek, B. Harveson, D. Yonts, B. Wilson, and T. Holman (eds.) A century of change and progress in service to western Nebraska. University of Nebraska Lincoln, Panhandle Research and Extension Center 1910-2010.
- Urrea, C.A. 2010. Dry bean breeding research thrives in Panhandle. StarHerald. May 30, page 2-3.
- Schild, J.. B. Hawley, and C. Urrea. 2010. 2009 dry edible bean variety trials, Scottsbluff and Mitchell Ag Labs. The Bean Bag 27(3):13, 15, 16, & 20.
- Peña, P.A., C.A. Urrea, and J.R. Steadman. 2010. Root rot caused by Rhizoctonia solani in dry beans. StarHerald. May 30, page 2.
- Harveson, R.M., and C.A. Urrea 2010. Developing dry bean resistance to bacterial brown spot. StarHerald. May 30, page 4.
- Urrea, C.A., J. Thomas, J.R. Steadman, R.M. Harveson, and K. Nielsen. 2010. Breeding great northern, pinto, and light red kidney beans for multiple disease resistance with high performance in western Nebraska. StarHerald. May 30, page 4-5.
- Urrea, C.A., and J. Thomas. 2010. 2009 mother and baby trial results. StarHerald. April 11, page 2.
- Harveson, R.M., and C.A. Urrea. 2010. Evaluating germplasm and breeding disease resistance for chickpeas and dry beans in western Nebraska. StarHerald. April 4, page 2.
- Urrea, C.A., Harveson, R.M., and J. Thomas. 2010. Selecting and improving chickpea adaptation to western Nebraska. StarHerald. April 4, page 3.
Abstracts of Oral Presentations and Poster Papers Since 2010
- Osorno, J.M., M.R. Miles, J. Weyers, J. Prendergast, J.D. Kelly, G. Varner, M. Siddiq, C.A. Urrea, K. Cichy, and A.M. Linares. 2011. Genetic and environmental effects of canning quality of pinto and navy bean cultivars commonly grown in the Central U.S. BIC meeting, San Juan, PR. Poster 11.
- Osorno, J.M., J.D. Kelly, M. Brick, C.A. Urrea, J. Garden-Robinson, and P. mcClean. 2011. Strategies and challenges finding the next generation of plant breeders: The BeanCAP effort. Abstr. ASA-CSSA-SSA. Ann. Meet. October 31st to Nov 4th. Long Beach, CA.
- Urrea, C.A, V. Schlegel, C. D. Yonts, and J. Smith. 2011. Effect of soil compaction and irrigation management on antioxidants in dry bean production. BIC meeting, San Juan, PR. Poster 42.
- Linares, A.M., C.A. Urrea, T.G. Porch, and J.M. Osorno. 2011. A mapping population for the evaluation of severe drought tolerance in dry bean. BIC meeting, San Juan PR. Poster 27.
- Urrea, C.A. 2010. Nebraska Dry Bean Breeding Program. Workshop on -Improving tolerance of common bean to abiotic stresses'. CIAT, Palmira, Colombia. November 2-4, 2010.
- Linares-Ramirez,A., J.M. Osorno, T.Porch, and C. Urrea. 2010. Screening of common bean germplasm and cultivars for moderate and terminal drought tolerance in North Dakota and Nebraska. Abstr. ASA-CSSA-SSA Ann. Meet. Oct. 31st to Nov. 4th Long Beach, CA
- Osorno, J.M., J.D. Kelly, M. Brick, C.A. Urrea, J. Garden-Robinson, and P. McClean. 2010. Early recruitment of the next generation of plant breeders: The BeanCAP effort. Abstr. 1st Annu. Meet. of the Nat. Assoc. of Plant Breeders. Aug. 15-17, Johnston, IA.
- Osorno, J.M., J.D. Kelly, M. Brick, C.A. Urrea, J. Garden-Robinson, and P. McClean. 2010. Strategies and challenges finding the next generation of plant breeders: The BeanCAP effort. Abstr. ASA-CSSA-SSA Ann. Meet. Oct. 31st to Nov. 4th. Long Beach, CA.