Charles S. Wortmann

Charles S. Wortmann


·Atlas of Sorghum Production in Eastern & Southern Africa

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Charles S. Wortmann

Emeritus Professor

Area of Expertise: Soil and Water Sciences

B.S. in Agronomy, University of Nebraska, 1972

M.S. in Soil Science, University of Nebraska, 1978

Ph.D. in Crop Science, University of Nebraska, 1987

Area of Focus

Soil Science


Sustainable Land Resource Management

High Yield Soybean Production

Nitrogen Loss Assessment Tool (N-LAT)

Land Application of Novozyme Spent Biomass

Research Interests

Improved nitrogen and phosphorus management for improved nutrient use efficiency, water quality protection, and reduced nitrous oxide emissions in Nebraska's agriculture; and improving soil and water management for crop production in sub-Saharan Africa.

Major Project Activities

Research and extension for more profitable and environmentally safe nutrient management in Nebraska, and support to soil fertility management research and extension in sub-Saharan Africa.

Extension Interests

Soil fertility management, nutrient management planning, manure use, water quality protection, climate change issues, and optimizing fertilizer use in Africa.

Other Experience

Twenty years of agricultural research and extension experience in Africa; fluent in Swahili.


  • Garcia-Montealegre, J.P., C. Wortmann, J. Schepers, R. Little. 2019. Applied organic nitrogen: pre-plant and in-season estimation of corn nitrogen uptake. Field Crops Res. 241:
  • Liben, F.M., C. Wortmann, H. Yang, J. Lindquist, T. Tadesse, and D. Wegary. 2018. Crop model and weather data generation evaluation for conservation agriculture in Ethiopia. Field Crops Res. 228:122-134.
  • Wortmann, C.S., C. Shapiro, T. Shaver, and M. Mainz. 2018. High soil test phosphorus effect on corn yield. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. J. doi:10.2136/sssaj2018.02.0068
  • Wortmann, C., C. Sengoro, A.R. Cyamweshi, C. Kibunja, D. Nkonde, M. Munthali, P. Nalivata, L.N. Nabahungu, K. Kaizzi. 2018. Maize-nutrient response functions for Eastern and Southern Africa. Agron. J. 110:2070-2079. doi:10.2134/agronj2018.04.0268
  • Garba, M., I. Serme, and C.S. Wortmann. 2018. Crop yield response to fertilizer relative to soil properties in Sub-Saharan Africa. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. J. 82:862-870. doi:10.2136/sssaj2018.02.0066
  • Wortmann, C.S., M. Milner and G.B. Tesfahunegn. 2017. Spatial Analysis for Optimization of Fertilizer Use. Fertilizer Use Optimization in sub-Saharan Africa. Charles S. Wortmann and Keith Sones (ed). Published by CABI, UK.