AGRO AGRI ENTO HORT 828 – Scientific Illustration

scientific illustration collage

Instructor(s): Lana Johnson

Number of Credit Hours: 3

Description: This course provides an introduction to scientific illustration and will hone your skills in both art and observation. Students will explore the history of scientific illustration, copyright, typography, resolution and scanning principles, and the drafting, copyright, publication, and presentation of scientific artwork. Students completing this course will have the knowledge and skills of drawing techniques in order to prepare scientifically accurate, high quality illustrations and graphics using a variety of traditional techniques for teaching, presentation and publication of scientific information.

Prerequisites: Admission to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Successful completion of 12 hours of agricultural and/or biological sciences courses or permission from instructor; drawing background optional.

Course Requirements & Materials:

  • Technical Requirements: Access to high-speed Internet and email with up-to-date browsers and the ability to view videos (recommended browsers are Firefox, Chrome, and Safari); must also have access to a scanner with appropriate scanning software to scan homework assignments at a high resolution for grading; a list of software and art supplies will be provided upon course registration
  • Textbooks: No textbooks required. All course materials are online in Canvas.

This Course is Ideal For…

  • Graduate students
  • All scientists or artists with a desire to learn the process of creating drawings to enhance communication of their research and to improve their observational skills

Questions About This Course or How to Register? Contact Lisa Hilfiker at or (402) 472-8393.