Nebraska Innovation Campus Greenhouse tour of the LemnaTec 3D High Throughput Scanalyzer

Greenhouse Innovation Center

Monday, April 29, 2024

There will be two sections between 3:00 to 5:00 pm.

Vincent Stoerger, plant phenotyping facilities manager

Vincent Stoerger, Plant Phenotyping Facilities Manager

Vincent Stoerger is the Plant Phenotyping Facilities Manager at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. Vincent is responsible for operating and maintaining the LemnaTec plant phenotyping systems at the Innovation Campus greenhouse and the Beadle greenhouse. He has experience performing molecular and physiological experiments on several species of plants including arabidopsis, sugar beets, rice, soybeans and miscanthus. He has mechanical experience with hydroponic plant growth systems, automobile and motorcycle maintenance, machining and welding. Vincent grew up in a small farming community in central Illinois. He earned a Ph.D. in Botany specializing in Plant Molecular Biology at Colorado State University and has a Bachelor's of Science in Biology and a Bachelor's of Arts from Southeast Missouri State University.

Greenhouse Tour Description

The Innovation Campus Greenhouse houses two image-based plant phenotyping systems. The greenhouse scale system can accommodate 672 plants up to 2.5 meters and the lab scale system can accommodate 6, 18 pot trays of Arabidopsis or many microwell plates. The tour will include up close views of both systems along with a walk through of the soil preparation, pot filling and wet lab areas. The greenhouses are extra tall houses to accommodate the phenotyping conveyors and contain 6400 square feet of phenotyping greenhouses along with another 6400 square feet of traditional growth space. The greenhouses are controlled by Argus Environmental controls and modulate temperature, supplemental LED light and humidity. Our phenotyping systems have imaging chambers to facilitate very consistent images and utilize infrared, near infrared, florescent, hyperspectral and Visible cameras. Our soil mixing and pot filling areas are set up to help us customize media compositions and volumes to fit the specific research aims. We also have facilities at the greenhouse for ground truth measurements including a drying oven for soil moisture and dry biomass along with a Licor leaf area meter.

Nebraska Innovation Studio

Makerspace for Innovators, Artists and Entrepreneurs

Monday, April 29, 2024

There will be two sections between 3:00 to 5:00 pm.

Jerry Reif, Assistant Director

Jerry Reif, Assistant Director

Jerry joined Nebraska Innovation Studio as Shop Manager in 2016. He was promoted to assistant director in 2021. Previously he spent 15 years with Duncan Aviation as an Aircraft Interior and Avionics Specialist as well as an Engineering Crew Leader. He has served his community his entire career by volunteering with Junior Achievement where he mentored grade school and high school students about business and entrepreneurial principles and served as United Way Coordinator and committee member at both Duncan and TMCO. Jerry recently started his own company, JP Renovations, and is a carpenter and handyman.

Nebraska Innovation Studio Tour Description

Nebraska Innovation Studio (NIS) is a community-oriented maker space that serves as a hub for innovators, artists, and entrepreneurs. NIS is one of the nation's top maker spaces, a 16,000-square-foot facility with a full metal shop, wood shop, rapid prototyping room, art studio, ceramics and textiles equipment, and more. NIS is open to anyone, and membership is month-to-month.