2024 Plant Science Symposium Workshops

From “Research Mode” to “Writing Mode” – Switching Gears To Help Others Understand Your Work

Science Communication Hub

Monday, April 29, 2024

There will be two sections between 3:00 to 5:00 pm.

Dr. Christine Booth, Lecturer and Coordinator of the IANR Science Communication Hub

Dr. Christine Booth, Lecturer and Coordinator of the IANR Science Communication Hub

DR. CHRISTINE BOOTH is a lecturer in the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. She is currently the coordinator of the IANR Science Communication Hub where she is focused mainly on graduate student communication development. She teaches sophomore, senior, and graduate courses in scientific writing and communication, technical writing, and professional development. She also hosts science communication workshops and works directly with graduate students to complete their manuscripts. She has published peer-reviewed research spanning the domains of chemical engineering, biochemistry, and STEM education.

Workshop Description

It is common to encounter mental barriers when switching from actively doing research to writing about your research. In this 30-minute workshop, participants will explore a few common scenarios experienced during the research-to-writing transition. Participants will also be provided with practical approaches to overcoming these challenges by being introduced to a few best practices for writing a research article. The focus of this session will be the Introduction and Materials and Methods sections of the article. Finally, participants will have the opportunity to practice the principles covered in the workshop using peer-reviewed published literature. This workshop is suitable for novice and experienced writers from all STEM disciplines and backgrounds.

Introduction to Entrepreneurship Workshop by NUtech Ventures

NUtech Ventures

Monday, April 29, 2024

There will be two sections between 3:00 to 5:00 pm.

Joy Eakin, NUtech Ventures Entrepreneurship Program Manager

Joy Eakin, NUtech Ventures Entrepreneurship Program Manager

JOY EAKIN is the entrepreneurship program manager at NUtech Ventures, the technology transfer office for the University of Nebraska–Lincoln and the University of Nebraska Kearney.

As the program manager for the Nebraska I-Corps program, she serves as the key liaison with the Great Lakes I-Corps Hub, of which UNL is a member. In this capacity, Eakin recruits participants for customer discovery programs offered locally, regionally and nationally. She also serves as the lead instructor for the local program, Nebraska I-Corps: Introduction to Customer Discovery.

In addition to leading these efforts, she is working to expand the current entrepreneurship training that NUtech offers to campus researchers, such as workshops, social events, and sharing resources with aspiring entrepreneurs.

Eakin is especially enthusiastic about helping graduate students enhance their professional development, self-confidence and sense of belonging through NUtech’s entrepreneurship training and connections with the broader startup community.

Workshop Description

Are you a graduate student interested in applying your research outside of academia?

Are you open to exploring alternative career opportunities?

Are you interested in learning how to think in more innovative ways?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you might consider being an entrepreneur!

Join this workshop led by NUtech Ventures to learn about entrepreneurship and more!

By attending this workshop, you’ll gain the following:

  • An understanding of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial thinking
  • Information about inventing, intellectual property, technology/innovation licensing, and other topics related to research commercialization
  • Opportunities to get involved in future workshops and training programs that expand more on these topics
  • An introduction to NUtech Ventures and how our organization can support you as a graduate student, including opportunities for internships/employment

Join this workshop if you’re looking for an opportunity to grow and challenge your thinking in new ways!