Questions on plant nutrition and plant anatomy, or medicinal plants? Contact Ellen Paparozzi, Nebraska's professor of agronomy and horticulture.

Paparozzi's lab offers training to graduate students and upper division undergraduate students in research methods that involve the growing of horticultural and agronomic plants, and the execution of complex plant nutrition experiments.

overwintered strawberries

New for 2020

Year-round Strawberry Production – Nebraska Propagation Techniques

Alan Weiss, Papio Valley Nursery, and Nebraska's Ellen Paparozzi have started research aimed at year-round production of strawberries in Nebraska. The first step, started May 2020, is to work on plant propagation and production of dormant strawberry crowns for winter-growing. If successful, commercial growers will have locally sourced plants and dormant crowns for field or pot culture. Commercial growers will also be able to try new and different cultivars that have already been successfully grown in Nebraska.

More Information


Winter Production of Medicinal and Culinary Herbs

More Information

low tunnel

Low Tunnel and Greenhouse

Cold Frames, High Tunnels, Low Tunnels and Greenhouses: Choose a Growing Structure Best for You

UNL Extension Guide


Constructing a Block and Fence Growing Bench:

UNL Extension NebGuide

Instructional Graphics


The Capillary Mat Construction for High Tunnel or Greenhouse Benches video demonstrates how to install a capillary mat system by first laying black poly, then the white mat and drip tape followed by panda plastic (white/black) on the top.

Capillary Mat–Greenhouse Grower article

Constructing a Block and Fence Growing Bench: Professor Ellen Paparozzi talks about growing strawberries in the greenhouse during winter in this video.

Winter Growing of Strawberries

Stacy A. Adams, Ellen T. Paparozzi, Ryan Pekarek, David P. Lambe, George Meyer, M. Elizabeth Conley & Paul E. Read (2021) University Research on Winter Growing of Container-Grown Strawberries Translates to Grower’s Farm Trial, International Journal of Fruit Science, 21:1, 1104-1113, DOI: 10.1080/15538362.2021.1994510


CEA Grant 2013-2014

The Nebraska Strawberry Team continues research with a grant: "Winter Production of Nebraska Strawberries: An Idea Whose Time Has Come" This project was funded by a grant from the Walmart Foundation and administered by the University of Arkansas System Division Of Agriculture Center for Agricultural and Rural Sustainability.
Walmart Logo      UofArkansas logo

National Strawberry Sustainability InitiativeNSS Facebook
Walmart Foundation Walmart Facebook