Faculty Advisory Committee

Department of Agronomy and Horticulture Faculty Advisory Committee (FAC) Structure

The FAC will consist of 15 members, 10 elected from the faculty, the Teaching Coordinator, Extension Coordinator, Graduate Committee Chair, Head and Associate Head. The Head and Associate Heads will be ex-officio. For the initial restructured FAC, current incoming-chair FAC members (six in total) will remain for one or two years. Four members will be elected by nomination and ballot from remaining faculty. On their first meeting, elected members will choose a method to appoint existing members to one and two-year terms, in order to offset membership of the FAC such that there is not complete turnover of the committee every two years. In subsequent years, nominations from the faculty at large will be taken to elect five members for two-year terms.

Adjunct or Courtesy Appointment Nomination Form

Next FAC Meeting


  1. Avatar for Martha Mamo
    Department Head, John E. Weaver Professor of Agronomy and Horticulture, Robert B. Daugherty Global Water for Food Fellow. African Scientific Institute Fellow
  2. Avatar for David Holding
    Associate Department Head, Professor, Plant Biology Director
  3. Avatar for Donald J. Lee
  4. Avatar for Amit J. Jhala
    Associate Department Head, Professor, Extension Weed Management Specialist
  5. Avatar for David L. Hyten
    Haskins Professor in Plant Genetics and Associate Professor, Soybean Genetics/Genomics, Center for Plant Science Innovation, Nebraska Food for Health Center
  6. Avatar for Andrea Basche
    Associate Professor
  7. Avatar for S. Carolina Córdova
    Assistant Professor, Statewide Soil Health Specialist
  8. Avatar for Amanda Easterly
    Research Associate Professor
  9. Avatar for Luqi Li
  10. Avatar for Bijesh Maharjan
    Associate Professor
  11. Avatar for Stacy Adams
    Professor of Practice
  12. Avatar for Nicolas Cafaro La Menza
    Assistant Professor
  13. Avatar for Jeff Mower
  14. Avatar for Chris Proctor
    Associate Extension Educator
  15. Avatar for Mitchell B. Stephenson
    Associate Professor, Associate Director of the Panhandle Research, Extension and Education Center