The Department of Agronomy and Horticulture Promotion and Tenure Committee conducts annual evaluations of pre-tenured and/or faculty that are not fully promoted. The purpose of this evaluation is to assess whether the candidates meet the high standards of faculty performance in all aspects of their position. In this way, a faculty body of the highest quality and distinction will be maintained.
The P and T Committee also reviews faculty dossier to make its recommendation on promotion and/or tenure to the Department Agronomy and Horticulture Head.
The P and T committee is comprised of seven fully promoted tenured faculty, four tenured faculty at the Associate Professor level, and one Professor of Practice at the Associate or Full level in the Department of Agronomy and Horticulture representing the Research and Extension Centers (at least two members), the Beadle Center (at least one member), and all the diverse programs within the department. The term of service is three years. The P and T Committee members are elected by all faculty within the department. The chair of the P&T Committee serves a two-year term and is elected by the committee.

IANR/UNL Guidelines
- IANR Faculty Resources
- Performance Reviews
- 2023-2024 IANR Documentation Request for P and T
- IANR Criteria for Appointment and Promotion in Rank
- IANR Guidelines for the Evaluation of Faculty: Annual Evaluation, Promotions, Tenure and Reappointment
- IANR Faculty Expectations for Non-tenure Track Appointments
- IANR Guidelines for Research Professors
Department Policies
- 2025 Timeline for P and T Process
- Faculty Mentoring Guidelines
- P and T Committee Structure and Mentoring
- Guidelines for the Preparation of P and T Documents
- Guidelines for the Preparation of Promotion Documents for Professors of Practice
- Guidelines for External Letters
- Reimbursement to Center Faculty Policy