Cover crops, typically planted during fallow periods between cash crop cycles, are a valuable conservation tool. Among other benefits, cover crops can increase soil organic matter and biological activity, suppress pests, and mitigate nitrogen leaching. Unfortunately, there are a number of barriers to limiting farmer adoption of cover crops, including the cost of seed and challenges of timely planting and successful cover crop establishment. To address these common barriers, we are conducting research to: 1) quantify the ecosystem services provided by individual cover crop species in monoculture and mixture relative to the cost of seed; and 2) develop new cover crop seed technologies and seeding strategies to reduce labor during peak seasons and improve cover crop establishment.
Funding sources: The Ceres Trust Organic Research Initiative
Collaborators: University of Illinois at Urbana – Champaign, USDA-ARS National Center for Agricultural Utilization Research (Peoria, IL), and Global Change and Photosynthesis Research Unit (Urbana, IL)
Figure: Cereal rye inter-seeded in corn.
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