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- C17. Coolong, T. (2015a). Slicing Cucumber Variety Evaluation: Fall 2014 (No. 115; 2014/2015 University of Georgia Vegetable Crops Research Report, p. 108). University of Georgia.
- C18. Coolong, T. (2015b). Slicing Cucumber Variety Evaluation: Spring 2014 (No. 115; 2014/2015 University of Georgia Vegetable Crops Research Report, p. 108). University of Georgia.
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- C48. Johnson, G., & Ernest, E. (2010). Small Plot Pickling Cucumber Variety Trial and Pickling Cucumber Evaluations for Traits Affecting Mechanical Harvest University of Delaware—2010. University of Delaware Research and Education Center.
- C49. Kaaan, F., & Anais, G. (1980). A Comparative Trial of Cucumber Varieties and Hybrids in Guadeloupe. Caribbean Food Corps Society Annual Meeting, Georgetown, Guyana.
- C50. Kean, D., Myers, J., & Stang, J. (2004). Vegetable Variety Trials 2003 (EM 8777). Oregon State University Extension.
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