Fire in the Urban Forest Project - Quiz Answers

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Which forest would resource professionals say is the healthier oak woodland?

ANSWER: B. Sparse Forest

Oak woodlands of Nebraska were historically open, sun-loving and fire-tolerant forests. Their open structure created ideal conditions for oak regeneration, allowing oak seedlings to thrive and grow.

The shady conditions of dense forests prevent oak seedlings from getting enough sun, making it difficult for them to develop. This means that as older oak trees die, new trees are unable to take their place. This results in the forest being slowly overrun by other shrub and tree species.

Learn more about healthy oak forests in the brochure linked below or return to the main page to learn more about fire in the urban forest.

B. Sparse Forest: Oak forest characterized by scattered trees and savanna undergrowth. The video was taken in Fontenelle Forest in Omaha, Nebraska.

Baby Oaks

Download Forest Health: What to look for in an oak forest (PDF file)

Which forest is managed with fire?

ANSWER: B. Sparse Forest

Oak forests thrive with fire. Oak trees have thick bark making them resistant to ground level fires. Similarly, unlike other hardwood species, oak seeds (acorns) germinate below the soil which protects them from surface fires. When fire burns through the understory of an oak forest, it removes other hardwood seedlings and shrubs that are less adapted to fire. This creates the open sparse forest conditions that allow baby oak seedlings to grow!

In fact, oak forests thrive so well with fire that they have evolved to promote surface fires. Oak litter (leaves that have fallen from the tree) are much more flammable than other hardwood litter!

Learn what happens when fire is removed from oak forest in the brochure linked below or return to the main page to learn more about fire in the urban forest.

B. Sparse Forest: Oak forest characterized by scattered trees and savanna undergrowth. The video was taken in Fontenelle Forest in Omaha, Nebraska.

Baby Oaks

Download What Happens Without Fire in the Forest? (PDF file)