Resilient Cropping Systems Lab – Opportunities

Resilient Cropping Systems Lab – Opportunities

Opportunities to join or collaborate with the lab

In the Fall of 2023, we are recruiting 2-3 research interns for 2024, beginning ideally in April. You can find more about the positions and information about how to apply in 2024 Research Intern Recruitment.

In addition to the above intern positions, we are often looking for collaborators, new students and staff, due to the nature of grant-funded research and evolving opportunities.

However, before contacting me about potential opportunities, I kindly ask that you do the following:

  1. Read the “expectations” document in its entirety. I prepared this document to help current and prospective members of our research group understand expectations, and it has been reviewed by our departmental HR professionals. Please also read the following helpful resource about “if graduate school is right for me” at Is Graduate School right for me?
  2. Reflect on your career goals and if graduate school is the right opportunity for you at this time.
  3. Prepare an email with the subject line “Interest in opportunities with the Resilient Cropping Systems group” 
  4. Include in the email the following:
    1. A resume/CV
    2. An indication that you have read the document in #1 and note why you feel you are prepared to enter a graduate research program at this time
    3. Your “specific” interests in our work and projects. Please be as specific as possible about what projects you are interested in and why
    4. Description of related experiences that demonstrate your curiosity for related research, ability to work independently, what characteristics you are seeking in a mentor, and how you approach resolving professional conflicts
    5. When you are looking to start in a program or position (this is very important for me to know in aligning prospective individuals with current or planned opportunities)

Andrea Basche
Associate Professor

Basche Lab Group Photo